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Class Description

Detailed electro-hydraulic governor for steam unit.


cpsmnPUMinimum value of pressure regulator output (<i>Cpsmn</i>). Typical value = -1.
cpsmxPUMaximum value of pressure regulator output (<i>Cpsmx</i>). Typical value = 1.
crmnPUMinimum value of regulator set-point (<i>Crmn</i>). Typical value = 0.
crmxPUMaximum value of regulator set-point (<i>Crmx</i>). Typical value = 1,2.
kdcPUDerivative gain of pressure regulator (<i>Kdc</i>). Typical value = 1.
kf1PUFrequency bias (reciprocal of droop) (<i>Kf1</i>). Typical value = 20.
kf3PUFrequency control (reciprocal of droop) (<i>Kf3</i>). Typical value = 20.
khpPUFraction of total turbine output generated by HP part (<i>Khp</i>). Typical value = 0,35.
kicPUIntegral gain of pressure regulator (<i>Kic</i>). Typical value = 0,0033.
kipPUIntegral gain of pressure feedback regulator (<i>Kip</i>). Typical value = 0,5.
kitPUIntegral gain of electro-hydraulic regulator (<i>Kit</i>). Typical value = 0,04.
kmp1PUFirst gain coefficient of intercept valves characteristic (<i>Kmp1</i>). Typical value = 0,5.
kmp2PUSecond gain coefficient of intercept valves characteristic (<i>Kmp2</i>). Typical value = 3,5.
kpcPUProportional gain of pressure regulator (<i>Kpc</i>). Typical value = 0,5.
kppPUProportional gain of pressure feedback regulator (<i>Kpp</i>). Typical value = 1.
kptPUProportional gain of electro-hydraulic regulator (<i>Kpt</i>). Typical value = 0,3.
krcPUMaximum variation of fuel flow (<i>Krc</i>). Typical value = 0,05.
kshPUPressure loss due to flow friction in the boiler tubes (<i>Ksh</i>). Typical value = 0,08.
lpiPUMaximum negative power error (<i>Lpi</i>). Typical value = -0,15.
lpsPUMaximum positive power error (<i>Lps</i>). Typical value = 0,03.
mnefPULower limit for frequency correction (<i>MN</i><i><sub>EF</sub></i>). Typical value = -0,05.
mxefPUUpper limit for frequency correction (<i>MX</i><i><sub>EF</sub></i>). Typical value = 0,05.
pr1PUFirst value of pressure set point static characteristic (<i>Pr1</i>). Typical value = 0,2.
pr2PUSecond value of pressure set point static characteristic, corresponding to <i>Ps0</i> = 1,0 PU (<i>Pr2</i>). Typical value = 0,75.
psmnPUMinimum value of pressure set point static characteristic (<i>Psmn</i>). Typical value = 1.
rsmimnPUMinimum value of integral regulator (<i>Rsmimn</i>). Typical value = 0.
rsmimxPUMaximum value of integral regulator (<i>Rsmimx</i>). Typical value = 1,1.
rvgmnPUMinimum value of integral regulator (<i>Rvgmn</i>). Typical value = 0.
rvgmxPUMaximum value of integral regulator (<i>Rvgmx</i>). Typical value = 1,2.
srmnPUMinimum valve opening (<i>Srmn</i>). Typical value = 0.
srmxPUMaximum valve opening (<i>Srmx</i>). Typical value = 1,1.
srsmpPUIntercept valves characteristic discontinuity point (<i>Srsmp</i>). Typical value = 0,43.
svmnFloatMaximum regulator gate closing velocity (<i>Svmn</i>). Typical value = -0,0333.
svmxFloatMaximum regulator gate opening velocity (<i>Svmx</i>). Typical value = 0,0333.
taSecondsControl valves rate opening time (<i>Ta</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,8.
tamSecondsIntercept valves rate opening time (<i>Tam</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,8.
tcSecondsControl valves rate closing time (<i>Tc</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.
tcmSecondsIntercept valves rate closing time (<i>Tcm</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.
tdcSecondsDerivative time constant of pressure regulator (<i>Tdc</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 90.
tf1SecondsTime constant of fuel regulation (<i>Tf1</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.
tf2SecondsTime constant of steam chest (<i>Tf2</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.
thpSecondsHigh pressure (HP) time constant of the turbine (<i>Thp</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,15.
tmpSecondsLow pressure (LP) time constant of the turbine (<i>Tmp</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,4.
trhSecondsReheater time constant of the turbine (<i>Trh</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.
tvSecondsBoiler time constant (<i>Tv</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 60.
tySecondsControl valves servo time constant (<i>Ty</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.
yPUCoefficient of linearized equations of turbine (Stodola formulation) (<i>Y</i>). Typical value = 0,13.
yhpmnPUMinimum control valve position (<i>Yhpmn</i>). Typical value = 0.
yhpmxPUMaximum control valve position (<i>Yhpmx</i>). Typical value = 1,1.
ympmnPUMinimum intercept valve position (<i>Ympmn</i>). Typical value = 0.
ympmxPUMaximum intercept valve position (<i>Ympmx</i>). Typical value = 1,1.




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