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Class Description

Resistive and reactive components of compensation for generator associated with IEEE type 2 voltage compensator for current flow out of another generator in the interconnection.


rcijPU<font color="#0f0f0f">Resistive component of compensation of generator associated with this IEEE type 2 voltage compensator for current flow out of another generator (<i>Rcij</i>).</font>
xcijPU<font color="#0f0f0f">Reactive component of compensation of generator associated with this IEEE type 2 voltage compensator for current flow out of another generator (<i>Xcij</i>).</font>




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
GenICompensationForGenJ2..*VCompIEEEType21GenICompensationForGenJCompensation of this voltage compensator's generator for current flow out of another generator.VcompIEEEType2The standard IEEE type 2 voltage compensator of this compensation.
GenICompensationForGenJ0..*SynchronousMachineDynamics1GenICompensationForGenJCompensation of voltage compensator's generator for current flow out of this generator.SynchronousMachineDynamicsStandard synchronous machine out of which current flow is being compensated for.