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Class Description

Modified IEEE AC1A alternator-supplied rectifier excitation system with different rate feedback source.


hvlvgatesBooleanIndicates if both HV gate and LV gate are active (<i>HVLVgates</i>).
true = gates are used
false = gates are not used.
Typical value = true.
kaPUVoltage regulator gain (<i>Ka</i>) (> 0). Typical value = 400.
kcPURectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (<i>Kc</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,2.
kdPUDemagnetizing factor, a function of exciter alternator reactances (<i>Kd</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,38.
kePUExciter constant related to self-excited field (<i>Ke</i>). Typical value = 1.
kfPUExcitation control system stabilizer gains (<i>Kf</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.
kf1PUCoefficient to allow different usage of the model (<i>Kf1</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
kf2PUCoefficient to allow different usage of the model (<i>Kf2</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.
ksPUCoefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (<i>Ks</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
seve1FloatExciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, <i>Ve</i><i><sub>1</sub></i>, back of commutating reactance (<i>Se[Ve</i><i><sub>1</sub></i><i>]</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,1.
seve2FloatExciter saturation function value at the corresponding exciter voltage, <i>Ve</i><i><sub>2</sub></i>, back of commutating reactance (<i>Se[Ve</i><i><sub>2</sub></i><i>]</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,03.
taSecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>Ta</i>) (> 0). Typical value = 0,02.
tbSecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>Tb</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tcSecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>c</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
teSecondsExciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (<i>Te</i>) (> 0). Typical value = 0,8.
tfSecondsExcitation control system stabilizer time constant (<i>Tf</i>) (> 0). Typical value = 1.
vamaxPUMaximum voltage regulator output (<i>V</i><i><sub>amax</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 14,5.
vaminPUMinimum voltage regulator output (<i>V</i><i><sub>amin</sub></i>) (< 0). Typical value = -14,5.
ve1PUExciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (<i>Ve1</i>) (> 0). Typical value = 4,18.
ve2PUExciter alternator output voltages back of commutating reactance at which saturation is defined (<i>Ve2</i>) (> 0). Typical value = 3,14.
vrmaxPUMaximum voltage regulator outputs (<i>Vrmax</i>) (> 0). Typical value = 6,03.
vrminPUMinimum voltage regulator outputs (<i>Vrmin</i>) (< 0). Typical value = -5,43.




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