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Class Description

IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST1A model. This model represents systems in which excitation power is supplied through a transformer from the generator terminals (or the unit’s auxiliary bus) and is regulated by a controlled rectifier. The maximum exciter voltage available from such systems is directly related to the generator terminal voltage. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.1.


ilrPUExciter output current limit reference (<i>I</i><i><sub>LR</sub></i><i>)</i>. Typical value = 0.
kaPUVoltage regulator gain (<i>K</i><i><sub>A</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 190.
kcPURectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (<i>K</i><i><sub>C</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,08.
kfPUExcitation control system stabilizer gains (<i>K</i><i><sub>F</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
klrPUExciter output current limiter gain (<i>K</i><i><sub>LR</sub></i>). Typical value = 0.
pssinBooleanSelector of the Power System Stabilizer (PSS) input (<i>PSSin</i>).
true = PSS input (<i>Vs</i>) added to error signal
false = PSS input (<i>Vs</i>) added to voltage regulator output.
Typical value = true.
taSecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>A</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tbSecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>B</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 10.
tb1SecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>B1</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tcSecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>C</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.
tc1SecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>C1</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tfSecondsExcitation control system stabilizer time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>F</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.
uelinExcIEEEST1AUELselectorKindSelector of the connection of the UEL input (<i>UELin</i>). Typical value = ignoreUELsignal.
vamaxPUMaximum voltage regulator output (<i>V</i><i><sub>AMAX</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 14,5.
vaminPUMinimum voltage regulator output (<i>V</i><i><sub>AMIN</sub></i>) (< 0). Typical value = -14,5.
vimaxPUMaximum voltage regulator input limit (<i>V</i><i><sub>IMAX</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 999.
viminPUMinimum voltage regulator input limit (<i>V</i><i><sub>IMIN</sub></i>) (< 0). Typical value = -999.
vrmaxPUMaximum voltage regulator outputs (<i>V</i><i><sub>RMAX</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 7,8.
vrminPUMinimum voltage regulator outputs (<i>V</i><i><sub>RMIN</sub></i>) (< 0). Typical value = -6,7.




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