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Class Description

IEEE 421.5-2005 type ST2A model. Some static systems use both current and voltage sources (generator terminal quantities) to comprise the power source. The regulator controls the exciter output through controlled saturation of the power transformer components. These compound-source rectifier excitation systems are designated type ST2A and are represented by ExcIEEEST2A. Reference: IEEE 421.5-2005, 7.2.


efdmaxPUMaximum field voltage (<i>E</i><i><sub>FDMax</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 99.
kaPUVoltage regulator gain (<i>K</i><i><sub>A</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 120.
kcPURectifier loading factor proportional to commutating reactance (<i>K</i><i><sub>C</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 1,82.
kePUExciter constant related to self-excited field (<i>K</i><i><sub>E</sub></i>). Typical value = 1.
kfPUExcitation control system stabilizer gains (<i>K</i><i><sub>F</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.
kiPUPotential circuit gain coefficient (<i>K</i><i><sub>I</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 8.
kpPUPotential circuit gain coefficient (<i>K</i><i><sub>P</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 4,88.
taSecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>A</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 0,15.
teSecondsExciter time constant, integration rate associated with exciter control (<i>T</i><i><sub>E</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 0,5.
tfSecondsExcitation control system stabilizer time constant (<i>T</i><i><sub>F</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.
uelinBooleanUEL input (<i>UELin</i>).
true = HV gate
false = add to error signal.
Typical value = true.
vrmaxPUMaximum voltage regulator outputs (<i>V</i><i><sub>RMAX</sub></i>) (> 0). Typical value = 1.
vrminPUMinimum voltage regulator outputs (<i>V</i><i><sub>RMIN</sub></i>) (<= 0). Typical value = 0.




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