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Class Description

General purpose rotating excitation system. This model can be used to represent a wide range of excitation systems whose DC power source is an AC or DC generator. It encompasses IEEE type AC1, AC2, DC1, and DC2 excitation system models.


e1PUField voltage value 1 (<i>E</i><i><sub>1</sub></i>). Typical value = 3.
e2PUField voltage value 2 (<i>E</i><i><sub>2</sub></i>). Typical value = 4.
fbfExcREXSFeedbackSignalKindRate feedback signal flag (<i>fbf</i>). Typical value = fieldCurrent.
flimfPULimit type flag (<i>Flimf</i>). Typical value = 0.
kcPURectifier regulation factor (<i>Kc</i>). Typical value = 0,05.
kdPUExciter regulation factor (<i>Kd</i>). Typical value = 2.
kePUExciter field proportional constant (<i>Ke</i>). Typical value = 1.
kefdPUField voltage feedback gain (<i>Kefd</i>). Typical value = 0.
kfSecondsRate feedback gain (<i>Kf</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,05.
khPUField voltage controller feedback gain (<i>Kh</i>). Typical value = 0.
kiiPUField current regulator integral gain (<i>Kii</i>). Typical value = 0.
kipPUField current regulator proportional gain (<i>Kip</i>). Typical value = 1.
ksPUCoefficient to allow different usage of the model-speed coefficient (<i>Ks</i>). Typical value = 0.
kviPUVoltage regulator integral gain (<i>Kvi</i>). Typical value = 0.
kvpPUVoltage regulator proportional gain (<i>Kvp</i>). Typical value = 2800.
kvphzPUV/Hz limiter gain (<i>Kvphz</i>). Typical value = 0.
nvphzPUPickup speed of V/Hz limiter (<i>Nvphz</i>). Typical value = 0.
se1PUSaturation factor at <i>E</i><i><sub>1</sub></i><i> </i>(<i>Se</i><i><sub>1</sub></i>). Typical value = 0,0001.
se2PUSaturation factor at <i>E</i><i><sub>2</sub></i> (<i>Se</i><i><sub>2</sub></i>). Typical value = 0,001.
taSecondsVoltage regulator time constant (<i>Ta</i>) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0,01.
tb1SecondsLag time constant (<i>Tb1</i>) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.
tb2SecondsLag time constant (<i>Tb2</i>) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.
tc1SecondsLead time constant (<i>Tc1</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tc2SecondsLead time constant (<i>Tc2</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
teSecondsExciter field time constant (<i>Te</i>) (> 0). Typical value = 1,2.
tfSecondsRate feedback time constant (<i>Tf</i>) (>= 0). If = 0, the feedback path is not used. Typical value = 1.
tf1SecondsFeedback lead time constant (<i>Tf1</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
tf2SecondsFeedback lag time constant (<i>Tf2</i>) (>= 0). If = 0, block is bypassed. Typical value = 0.
tpSecondsField current bridge time constant (<i>Tp</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0.
vcmaxPUMaximum compounding voltage (<i>Vcmax</i>). Typical value = 0.
vfmaxPUMaximum exciter field current (<i>Vfmax</i>) (> ExcREXS.vfmin). Typical value = 47.
vfminPUMinimum exciter field current (<i>Vfmin</i>) (< ExcREXS.vfmax). Typical value = -20.
vimaxPUVoltage regulator input limit (<i>Vimax</i>). Typical value = 0,1.
vrmaxPUMaximum controller output (V<i>rmax</i>) (> ExcREXS.vrmin). Typical value = 47.
vrminPUMinimum controller output (<i>Vrmin</i>) (< ExcREXS.vrmax). Typical value = -20.
xcPUExciter compounding reactance (<i>Xc</i>). Typical value = 0.




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