Class Description
Detailed hydro unit - Pelton model. This model can be used to represent the dynamic related to water tunnel and surge chamber. The DetailedHydroModelHydraulicSystem diagram, located under the GovHydroFrancis class, provides a schematic of the hydraulic system of detailed hydro unit models, such as Francis and Pelton.
Name | Type | Description |
av0 | Area | Area of the surge tank (<i>A</i><i><sub>V0</sub></i>). Unit = m<sup>2</sup>. Typical value = 30. |
av1 | Area | Area of the compensation tank (<i>A</i><i><sub>V1</sub></i>). Unit = m<sup>2</sup>. Typical value = 700. |
bp | PU | Droop (<i>bp</i>). Typical value = 0,05. |
db1 | Frequency | Intentional dead-band width (<i>DB1</i>). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0. |
db2 | Frequency | Intentional dead-band width of valve opening error (<i>DB2</i>). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0,01. |
h1 | Length | Head of compensation chamber water level with respect to the level of penstock (<i>H</i><i><sub>1</sub></i>). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,004. |
h2 | Length | Head of surge tank water level with respect to the level of penstock (<i>H</i><i><sub>2</sub></i>). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,040. |
hn | Length | Rated hydraulic head (<i>H</i><i><sub>n</sub></i>). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,250. |
kc | PU | Penstock loss coefficient (due to friction) (<i>Kc</i>). Typical value = 0,025. |
kg | PU | Water tunnel and surge chamber loss coefficient (due to friction) (<i>Kg</i>). Typical value = 0,025. |
qc0 | PU | No-load turbine flow at nominal head (<i>Qc0</i>). Typical value = 0,05. |
qn | VolumeFlowRate | Rated flow (<i>Q</i><i><sub>n</sub></i>). Unit = m<sup>3</sup>/s. Typical value = 250. |
simplifiedPelton | Boolean | Simplified Pelton model simulation (<i>Sflag</i>). true = enable of simplified Pelton model simulation false = enable of complete Pelton model simulation (non-linear gain). Typical value = true. |
staticCompensating | Boolean | Static compensating characteristic (<i>Cflag</i>). It should be true if simplifiedPelton = false. true = enable of static compensating characteristic false = inhibit of static compensating characteristic. Typical value = false. |
ta | Seconds | Derivative gain (accelerometer time constant) (<i>Ta</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 3. |
ts | Seconds | Gate servo time constant (<i>Ts</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,15. |
tv | Seconds | Servomotor integrator time constant (<i>Tv</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,3. |
twnc | Seconds | Water inertia time constant (<i>Twnc</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 1. |
twng | Seconds | Water tunnel and surge chamber inertia time constant (<i>Twng</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 3. |
tx | Seconds | Electronic integrator time constant (<i>Tx</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5. |
va | Float | Maximum gate opening velocity (<i>Va</i>). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,06. |
valvmax | PU | Maximum gate opening (<i>ValvMax</i>) (> GovHydroPelton.valvmin). Typical value = 1,1. |
valvmin | PU | Minimum gate opening (<i>ValvMin</i>) (< GovHydroPelton.valvmax). Typical value = 0. |
vav | PU | Maximum servomotor valve opening velocity (<i>Vav</i>). Typical value = 0,1. |
vc | Float | Maximum gate closing velocity (<i>Vc</i>). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,06. |
vcv | PU | Maximum servomotor valve closing velocity (<i>Vcv</i>). Typical value = -0,1. |
waterTunnelSurgeChamberSimulation | Boolean | Water tunnel and surge chamber simulation (<i>Tflag</i>). true = enable of water tunnel and surge chamber simulation false = inhibit of water tunnel and surge chamber simulation. Typical value = false. |
zsfc | Length | Head of upper water level with respect to the level of penstock (<i>Zsfc</i>). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,025. |
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