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Class Description

Detailed hydro unit - Francis model. This model can be used to represent three types of governors. A schematic of the hydraulic system of detailed hydro unit models, such as Francis and Pelton, is provided in the DetailedHydroModelHydraulicSystem diagram.


amPUOpening section <i>S</i><i><sub>EFF</sub></i> at the maximum efficiency (<i>Am</i>). Typical value = 0,7.
av0AreaArea of the surge tank (<i>A</i><i><sub>V0</sub></i>). Unit = m<sup>2</sup>. Typical value = 30.
av1AreaArea of the compensation tank (<i>A</i><i><sub>V1</sub></i>). Unit = m<sup>2</sup>. Typical value = 700.
bpPUDroop (<i>Bp</i>). Typical value = 0,05.
db1FrequencyIntentional dead-band width (<i>DB1</i>). Unit = Hz. Typical value = 0.
etamaxPUMaximum efficiency (<i>EtaMax</i>). Typical value = 1,05.
governorControlFrancisGovernorControlKindGovernor control flag (<i>Cflag</i>). Typical value = mechanicHydrolicTachoAccelerator.
h1LengthHead of compensation chamber water level with respect to the level of penstock (<i>H</i><i><sub>1</sub></i>). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,004.
h2LengthHead of surge tank water level with respect to the level of penstock (<i>H</i><i><sub>2</sub></i>). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,040.
hnLengthRated hydraulic head (<i>H</i><i><sub>n</sub></i>). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,250.
kcPUPenstock loss coefficient (due to friction) (<i>Kc</i>). Typical value = 0,025.
kgPUWater tunnel and surge chamber loss coefficient (due to friction) (<i>Kg</i>). Typical value = 0,025.
ktPUWashout gain (<i>Kt</i>). Typical value = 0,25.
qc0PUNo-load turbine flow at nominal head (<i>Qc0</i>). Typical value = 0,1.
qnVolumeFlowRateRated flow (<i>Q</i><i><sub>n</sub></i>). Unit = m<sup>3</sup>/s. Typical value = 250.
taSecondsDerivative gain (<i>Ta</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.
tdSecondsWashout time constant (<i>Td</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 6.
tsSecondsGate servo time constant (<i>Ts</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 0,5.
twncSecondsWater inertia time constant (<i>Twnc</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.
twngSecondsWater tunnel and surge chamber inertia time constant (<i>Twng</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 3.
txSecondsDerivative feedback gain (<i>Tx</i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 1.
vaFloatMaximum gate opening velocity (<i>Va</i>). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = 0,06.
valvmaxPUMaximum gate opening (<i>ValvMax</i>) (> GovHydroFrancis.valvmin). Typical value = 1,1.
valvminPUMinimum gate opening (<i>ValvMin</i>) (< GovHydroFrancis.valvmax). Typical value = 0.
vcFloatMaximum gate closing velocity (<i>Vc</i>). Unit = PU / s. Typical value = -0,06.
waterTunnelSurgeChamberSimulationBooleanWater tunnel and surge chamber simulation (<i>Tflag</i>).
true = enable of water tunnel and surge chamber simulation
false = inhibit of water tunnel and surge chamber simulation.
Typical value = false.
zsfcLengthHead of upper water level with respect to the level of penstock (<i>Zsfc</i>). Unit = km. Typical value = 0,025.




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