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Class Description

Woodward™ gas turbine governor. [Footnote: Woodward gas turbines are an example of suitable products available commercially. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of these products.]


aFloatValve positioner (<i>A</i>).
af1PUExhaust temperature parameter (<i>Af1</i>).
af2PUCoefficient equal to 0,5(1-speed) (<i>Af2</i>).
bFloatValve positioner (<i>B</i>).
bf1PU(<i>Bf1</i>). <i>Bf1</i> = <i>E</i>(1-<i>w</i>) where <i>E</i> (speed sensitivity coefficient) is 0,55 to 0,65 x <i>Tr</i>.
bf2PUTurbine torque coefficient K<sub>hhv</sub> (depends on heating value of fuel stream in combustion chamber) (<i>Bf2</i>).
cFloatValve positioner (<i>C</i>).
cf2PUCoefficient defining fuel flow where power output is 0 % (<i>Cf2</i>). Synchronous but no output. Typically 0,23 x K<sub>hhv </sub>(23 % fuel flow).
ecrSecondsCombustion reaction time delay (<i>Ecr</i>) (>= 0).
etdSecondsTurbine and exhaust delay (<i>Etd</i>) (>= 0).
k3PURatio of fuel adjustment (<i>K3</i>).
k4PUGain of radiation shield (<i>K4</i>).
k5PUGain of radiation shield (<i>K5</i>).
k6PUMinimum fuel flow (<i>K6</i>).
kdPUDrop governor gain (<i>Kd</i>).
kdroopPU(<i>Kdroop</i>) (>= 0).
kfPUFuel system feedback (<i>Kf</i>).
kiPUIsochronous Governor Gain (<i>Ki</i>).
kpPUPID proportional gain (<i>Kp</i>).
mwbaseActivePowerBase for power values (<i>MWbase</i>) (> 0). Unit = MW.
tSecondsFuel control time constant (<i>T</i>) (>= 0).
t3SecondsRadiation shield time constant (<i>T3</i>) (>= 0).
t4SecondsThermocouple time constant (<i>T4</i>) (>= 0).
t5SecondsTemperature control time constant (<i>T5</i>) (>= 0).
tcTemperatureTemperature control (<i>Tc</i>).
tcdSecondsCompressor discharge time constant (<i>Tcd</i>) (>= 0).
tdSecondsPower transducer time constant (<i>Td</i>) (>= 0).
tfSecondsFuel system time constant (<i>Tf</i>) (>= 0).
tmaxPUMaximum Turbine limit (<i>Tmax</i>) (> GovGASTWD.tmin).
tminPUMinimum turbine limit (<i>Tmin</i>) (< GovGASTWD.tmax).
trTemperatureRated temperature (<i>Tr</i>).
trateActivePowerTurbine rating (<i>Trate</i>). Unit = MW.
ttSecondsTemperature controller integration rate (<i>Tt</i>) (>= 0).




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