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Class Description

Logical or physical point in the network to which readings or events may be attributed. Used at the place where a physical or virtual meter may be located; however, it is not required that a meter be present.


amiBillingReadyAmiBillingReadyKindTracks the lifecycle of the metering installation at a usage point with respect to readiness for billing via advanced metering infrastructure reads.
checkBillingBooleanTrue if as a result of an inspection or otherwise, there is a reason to suspect that a previous billing may have been performed with erroneous data. Value should be reset once this potential discrepancy has been resolved.
connectionCategoryStringA code used to specify the connection category, e.g., low voltage or low pressure, where the usage point is defined.
connectionStateUsagePointConnectedKindState of the usage point with respect to connection to the network.
disconnectionMethodStringIs an indication of how the usage point is physically connected or disconnected.
estimatedLoadCurrentFlowEstimated load.
groundedBooleanTrue if grounded.
isSdpBooleanIf true, this usage point is a service delivery point, i.e., a usage point where the ownership of the service changes hands.
isVirtualBooleanIf true, this usage point is virtual, i.e., no physical location exists in the network where a meter could be located to collect the meter readings. For example, one may define a virtual usage point to serve as an aggregation of usage for all of a company's premises distributed widely across the distribution territory. Otherwise, the usage point is physical, i.e., there is a logical point in the network where a meter could be located to collect meter readings.
minimalUsageExpectedBooleanIf true, minimal or zero usage is expected at this usage point for situations such as premises vacancy, logical or physical disconnect. It is used for readings validation and estimation.
nominalServiceVoltageVoltageNominal service voltage.
outageRegionStringOutage region in which this usage point is located.
phaseCodePhaseCodePhase code. Number of wires and specific nominal phases can be deduced from enumeration literal values. For example, ABCN is three-phase, four-wire, s12n (splitSecondary12N) is single-phase, three-wire, and s1n and s2n are single-phase, two-wire.
phaseCountIntegerNumber of potential phases the Usage Point supports, typically 0, 1 or 3.
physicalConnectionCapacityDecimalQuantityQuantitative information about the maximum physical capacity of the connection for the usage point.
ratedCurrentCurrentFlowCurrent flow that this usage point is configured to deliver.
ratedPowerActivePowerActive power that this usage point is configured to deliver.
readCycleStringCycle day on which the meter for this usage point will normally be read. Usually correlated with the billing cycle.
readRouteStringIdentifier of the route to which this usage point is assigned for purposes of meter reading. Typically used to configure hand held meter reading systems prior to collection of reads.
serviceDeliveryRemarkStringRemarks about this usage point, for example the reason for it being rated with a non-nominal priority.
servicePriorityStringPriority of service for this usage point. Note that usage points at the same service location can have different priorities.





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
UsagePoint0..*Equipment0..*UsagePointsAll usage points connected to the electrical grid through this equipment.EquipmentsAll equipment connecting this usage point to the electrical grid.
UsagePoint0..1ServiceMultiplier0..*UsagePointUsage point applying this multiplier.ServiceMultipliersAll multipliers applied at this usage point.
UsagePoint0..1Register0..*Usage PointRegister
UsagePoint0..1EndDevice0..*UsagePointUsage point to which this end device belongs.EndDevicesAll end devices at this usage point.
UsagePoint0..*ServiceCategory0..1UsagePointsAll usage points that deliver this category of service.ServiceCategoryService category delivered by this usage point.
UsagePoint0..1ConfigurationEvent0..*ChangedUsagePointUsage point whose change resulted in this configuration event.ConfigurationEventsAll configuration events created for this usage point.
UsagePoint0..*UsagePointLocation0..1UsagePointsAll usage points at this location.UsagePointLocationLocation of this usage point.
UsagePoint0..*ServiceSupplier0..1UsagePointsAll usage points this service supplier utilises to deliver a service.ServiceSupplierServiceSupplier (utility) utilising this usage point to deliver a service.
UsagePoint0..*UsagePointGroup0..*UsagePointsAll usage points in this group.UsagePointGroupsAll groups to which this usage point belongs.
UsagePoint0..*MetrologyRequirement0..*UsagePointsAll usage points having this metrology requirement.MetrologyRequirementsAll metrology requirements for this usage point.
UsagePoint0..1MeterWorkTask0..*UsagePointUsage point to which this meter service work task applies.MeterServiceWorkTasksAll meter service work tasks at this usage point.
UsagePoint0..1MeterReading0..*UsagePointUsage point from which this meter reading (set of values) has been obtained.MeterReadingsAll meter readings obtained from this usage point.
UsagePoint0..1EndDeviceEvent0..*UsagePointUsage point for which this end device event is reported.EndDeviceEventsAll end device events reported for this usage point.
UsagePoint0..*EndDeviceControl0..*UsagePointsAll usage points receiving commands from this end device control.EndDeviceControlsAll end device controls sending commands to this usage point.
UsagePoint0..*ServiceLocation0..1UsagePointsAll usage points delivering service (of the same type) to this service location.ServiceLocationService location where the service delivered by this usage point is consumed.
UsagePoint0..*PricingStructure0..*UsagePointsAll service delivery points (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer) to which this pricing structure applies.PricingStructuresAll pricing structures applicable to this service delivery point (with prepayment meter running as a stand-alone device, with no CustomerAgreement or Customer).
UsagePoint0..*CustomerAgreement0..1UsagePointsAll service delivery points regulated by this customer agreement.CustomerAgreementCustomer agreement regulating this service delivery point.
UsagePoint0..*Outage0..*DeEnergizedUsagePointall deenergized useage points associated with the outage.Outage
UsagePoint0..*Outage0..*EnergizedUsagePointAll energized usage points associated with this outage.OutageAll outages at this usage point.