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Class Description

Agreement between the customer and the service supplier to pay for service at a specific service location. It records certain billing information about the type of service provided at the service location and is used during charge creation to determine the type of service.


isPrePayBooleanIf true, the customer is a pre-pay customer for the specified service.
loadMgmtStringLoad management code.
shutOffDateTimeDateTimeFinal date and time the service will be billed to the previous customer.




No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
CustomerAgreement0..*ServiceLocation0..*CustomerAgreementsAll customer agreements regulating this service location.ServiceLocationsAll service locations regulated by this customer agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..1AuxiliaryAgreement0..*CustomerAgreementCustomer agreement this (non-service related) auxiliary agreement refers to.AuxiliaryAgreementsAll (non-service related) auxiliary agreements that refer to this customer agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..*PricingStructure0..*CustomerAgreementsAll customer agreements with this pricing structure.PricingStructuresAll pricing structures applicable to this customer agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..*ServiceCategory0..1CustomerAgreementsAll customer agreements with this service category.ServiceCategoryService category for this agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..1UsagePoint0..*CustomerAgreementCustomer agreement regulating this service delivery point.UsagePointsAll service delivery points regulated by this customer agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..*DemandResponseProgram0..*CustomerAgreementsAll customer agreements through which the customer is enrolled in this demand response program.DemandResponseProgramsAll demand response programs the customer is enrolled in through this customer agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..1MeterReading0..*CustomerAgreement(could be deprecated in the future) Customer agreement for this meter reading.MeterReadings(could be deprecated in the future) All meter readings for this customer agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..*ServiceSupplier1CustomerAgreementsAll customer agreements of this service supplier.ServiceSupplierService supplier for this customer agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..*CustomerAccount1CustomerAgreementsAll agreements for this customer account.CustomerAccountCustomer account owning this agreement.
CustomerAgreement0..*Customer1CustomerAgreementsAll agreements of this customer.CustomerCustomer for this agreement.