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Class Description

Demand response program.


typeStringType of demand response program; examples are CPP (critical-peak pricing), RTP (real-time pricing), DLC (direct load control), DBP (demand bidding program), BIP (base interruptible program). Note that possible types change a lot and it would be impossible to enumerate them all.
validityIntervalDateTimeIntervalInterval within which the program is valid.




No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
DemandResponseProgram0..*UsagePointGroup0..*DemandResponseProgramsAll demand response programs this usage point group is enrolled in.UsagePointGroupsAll usage point groups enrolled in this demand response program.
DemandResponseProgram0..*EndDeviceGroup0..*DemandResponseProgramsAll demand response programs this group of end devices is enrolled in.EndDeviceGroupsAll groups of end devices enrolled in this demand response program.
DemandResponseProgram0..*CustomerAgreement0..*DemandResponseProgramsAll demand response programs the customer is enrolled in through this customer agreement.CustomerAgreementsAll customer agreements through which the customer is enrolled in this demand response program.