Class Description
Demand response program.
Name | Type | Description |
type | String | Type of demand response program; examples are CPP (critical-peak pricing), RTP (real-time pricing), DLC (direct load control), DBP (demand bidding program), BIP (base interruptible program). Note that possible types change a lot and it would be impossible to enumerate them all. |
validityInterval | DateTimeInterval | Interval within which the program is valid. |
No descendent classes
Source Class | Source Cardinality | Target | Target Cardinality | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
DemandResponseProgram | 0..* | UsagePointGroup | 0..* | DemandResponsePrograms | All demand response programs this usage point group is enrolled in. | UsagePointGroups | All usage point groups enrolled in this demand response program. |
DemandResponseProgram | 0..* | EndDeviceGroup | 0..* | DemandResponsePrograms | All demand response programs this group of end devices is enrolled in. | EndDeviceGroups | All groups of end devices enrolled in this demand response program. |
DemandResponseProgram | 0..* | CustomerAgreement | 0..* | DemandResponsePrograms | All demand response programs the customer is enrolled in through this customer agreement. | CustomerAgreements | All customer agreements through which the customer is enrolled in this demand response program. |