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Class Description

Detail for a single price command/action.


alternateCostDeliveredFloatAlternative measure of the cost of the energy consumed. An example might be the emissions of CO2 for each kWh of electricity consumed providing a measure of the environmental cost.
alternateCostUnitStringCost unit for the alternate cost delivered field. One example is kg of CO2 per unit of measure.
currentTimeDateDateTimeCurrent time as determined by a PAN device.
generationPriceMoneyPrice of the commodity measured in base unit of currency per 'unitOfMeasure'.
generationPriceRatioFloatRatio of 'generationPrice' to the "normal" price chosen by the commodity provider.
priceMoneyPrice of the commodity measured in base unit of currency per 'unitOfMeasure'.
priceRatioFloatRatio of 'price' to the "normal" price chosen by the commodity provider.
priceTierIntegerPricing tier as chosen by the commodity provider.
priceTierCountIntegerMaximum number of price tiers available.
priceTierLabelStringLabel for price tier.
rateLabelStringLabel of the current billing rate specified by commodity provider.
registerTierStringRegister tier accumulating usage information.
unitOfMeasureStringDefines commodity as well as its base unit of measure.



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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
PanPricingDetail0..*PanPricing0..1PanPricingDetailsAll pricing details issued by this PAN pricing command/action.PanPricingPAN pricing command/action issuing this price detail.