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Class Description

Time sequence of readings of the same reading type. Contained interval readings may need conversion through the application of an offset and a scalar defined in associated pending. Table 548 shows all association ends of IntervalBlock with other classes. Table 548 – Association ends of Metering::IntervalBlock with other classes Associations name mult to type description

0..* PendingCalculation 0..1 PendingCalculation Pending calculation to apply to interval reading values contained by this block (after which the resulting reading type is different than the original because it reflects the conversion result).

0.. IntervalReadings 0.. IntervalReading Interval reading contained in this block.

0..* ReadingType 0..1 ReadingType Type information for interval reading values contained in this block.

0..* MeterReading 0..1 MeterReading Meter reading containing this interval block.

IntervalReading Data captured at regular intervals of time. Interval data could be captured as incremental data, absolute data, or relative data. The source for the data is usually a tariff quantity or an engineering quantity. Data is typically captured in time-tagged, uniform, fixed-length intervals of 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, or 60 min. Note: Interval Data is sometimes also called "Interval Data Readings" (IDR).





No ancestor classes


No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
IntervalBlock0..*PendingCalculation0..1IntervalBlocksAll blocks of interval reading values to which this pending conversion applies.PendingCalculationPending calculation to apply to interval reading values contained by this block (after which the resulting reading type is different than the original because it reflects the conversion result).
IntervalBlock0..*ReadingType0..1IntervalBlocksAll blocks containing interval reading values with this type information.ReadingTypeType information for interval reading values contained in this block.
IntervalBlock0..*MeterReading0..1IntervalBlocksAll interval blocks contained in this meter reading.MeterReadingMeter reading containing this interval block.
IntervalBlock0..*IntervalReading0..*IntervalBlocksAll blocks containing this interval reading.IntervalReadingsInterval reading contained in this block.