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Class Description

A real estate location, commonly referred to as premises.


accessMethodStringMethod for the service person to access this service location. For example, a description of where to obtain a key if the facility is unmanned and secured.
needsInspectionBooleanTrue if inspection is needed of facilities at this service location. This could be requested by a customer, due to suspected tampering, environmental concerns (e.g., a fire in the vicinity), or to correct incompatible data.
siteAccessProblemStringProblems previously encountered when visiting or performing work on this location. Examples include: bad dog, violent customer, verbally abusive occupant, obstructions, safety hazards, etc.




No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
ServiceLocation0..1EndDevice0..*ServiceLocationService location whose service delivery is measured by this end device.EndDevicesAll end devices that measure the service delivered to this service location.
ServiceLocation0..1UsagePoint0..*ServiceLocationService location where the service delivered by this usage point is consumed.UsagePointsAll usage points delivering service (of the same type) to this service location.
ServiceLocation0..*CustomerAgreement0..*ServiceLocationsAll service locations regulated by this customer agreement.CustomerAgreementsAll customer agreements regulating this service location.