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Class Description

Document describing details of an active or planned outage in a part of the electrical network. A non-planned outage may be created upon:

  • a breaker trip,
  • a fault indicator status change,
  • a meter event indicating customer outage,
  • a reception of one or more customer trouble calls, or
  • an operator command, reflecting information obtained from the field crew. Outage restoration may be performed using a switching plan which complements the outage information with detailed switching activities, including the relationship to the crew and work. A planned outage may be created upon:
  • a request for service, maintenance or construction work in the field, or
  • an operator-defined outage for what-if/contingency network analysis.


actualPeriodDateTimeIntervalActual outage period; end of the period corresponds to the actual restoration time.
communityDescriptorStringa name to denote the community - this could be a name or a code of some kind.
customersRestoredIntegernumber of customers that have been restored in the area.
estimatedPeriodDateTimeIntervalEstimated outage period for a planned outage. The start of the period is the start of the planned outage and the end of the period corresponds to the end of the planned outage.
metersAffectedIntegerThe updated number of meters affected by the outage as reported by the OMS within the utility. It is assumed this number will be updated repeatedly until the full outage is resolved.
originalCustomersServedIntegerthe total number of customers that are served in the area (both outaged and not outaged).
originalMetersAffectedIntegerThe original number of meters that were affected as reported by the OMS within the utility. That is, this is the total number of meters that were out at the beginning of the outage.
outageKindOutageStatusKindDefines if the outage has been verified or is only estimated
statusKindCrewStatusKinddefines the status of the crew as in dispatched or arrived, etc.
summaryServicePointOutageSummarySummary counts of service points (customers) affected by this outage.
utilityDisclaimerStringThis contains an disclaimers the utility would like to place on the data provided to any stakeholder. This may be different for different stakeholders. This should possibly be an attribute under the Organization class but it is placed here for now.





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
Outage0..1Fault0..*OutageOutage associated with this fault.FaultsAll faults involved in this outage.
Outage0..*UsagePoint0..*OutageDeEnergizedUsagePointall deenergized useage points associated with the outage.
Outage0..1SwitchAction0..*PlannedOutagePlanned outage for whose scope this switch action applies.PlannedSwitchActionsAll switch actions to apply within the scope of this planned outage. Each such action groups switches to which the action is to apply in order to produce the desired network state considered as outage.
Outage0..*Equipment0..*OutagesAll outages in which this equipment is involved.EquipmentsAll equipments associated with this outage.
Outage0..*UsagePoint0..*OutageAll outages at this usage point.EnergizedUsagePointAll energized usage points associated with this outage.
Outage0..1SwitchingPlan0..*OutageOutage that will be activated or eliminated when this switching plan gets executed.SwitchingPlansAll switching plans that lead to supply restoration due to this outage. Only one will be retained for execution.
Outage0..1Incident0..*OutageOutage for this incident.IncidentIncident reported in trouble call that results in this outage.