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Class Description

Parent class for different groupings of information collected and managed as a part of a business process. It will frequently contain references to other objects, such as assets, people and power system resources.


authorNameStringName of the author of this document.
commentStringFree text comment.
createdDateTimeDateTimeDate and time that this document was created.
docStatusStatusStatus of this document. For status of subject matter this document represents (e.g., Agreement, Work), use 'status' attribute.
Example values for 'docStatus.status' are draft, approved, cancelled, etc.
electronicAddressElectronicAddressElectronic address.
lastModifiedDateTimeDateTimeDate and time this document was last modified. Documents may potentially be modified many times during their lifetime.
revisionNumberStringRevision number for this document.
statusStatusStatus of subject matter (e.g., Agreement, Work) this document represents. For status of the document itself, use 'docStatus' attribute.
subjectStringDocument subject.
titleStringDocument title.
typeStringUtility-specific classification of this document, according to its corporate standards, practices, and existing IT systems (e.g., for management of assets, maintenance, work, outage, customers, etc.).





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
Document0..1ConfigurationEvent0..*ChangedDocumentDocument whose change resulted in this configuration event.ConfigurationEventsAll configuration events created for this document.
Document0..*Author0..1DocumentsAll documents of this this author.AuthorAuthor of this document.
Document0..*Approver0..1DocumentsAll documents for this approver.ApproverApprover of this document.
Document0..*Issuer0..1DocumentsAll documents for this issuer.IssuerIssuer of this document.
Document0..*Editor0..1DocumentsAll documents for this editor.EditorEditor of this document.