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Class Description

Pass Through Bill is used for: 1)Two sided charge transactions with or without ISO involvement 2) Specific direct charges or payments that are calculated outside or provided directly to settlements 3) Specific charge bill determinants that are externally supplied and used in charge calculations


amountMoneyThe charge amount of the product/service.
billEndDateTimeBill period end date
billRunTypeStringThe settlement run type, for example: prelim, final, and rerun.
billStartDateTimeBill period start date
billedToStringThe company to which the PTB transaction is billed.
effectiveDateDateTimeThe effective date of the transaction
isDisputedBooleanDisputed transaction indicator
isProfiledBooleanA flag indicating whether there is a profile data associated with the PTB.
paidToStringThe company to which the PTB transaction is paid.
previousEndDateTimeThe previous bill period end date
previousStartDateTimeThe previous bill period start date
priceMoneyThe price of product/service.
productCodeStringThe product identifier for determining the charge type of the transaction.
providedByStringThe company by which the PTB transaction service is provided.
quantityFloatQuantityThe product quantity.
serviceEndDateTimeThe end date of service provided, if periodic.
serviceStartDateTimeThe start date of service provided, if periodic.
soldToStringThe company to which the PTB transaction is sold.
taxAmountMoneyThe tax on services taken.
timeZoneStringThe time zone code
tradeDateDateTimeThe trade date
transactionDateDateTimeThe date the transaction occurs.
transactionTypeStringThe type of transaction. For example, charge customer, bill customer, matching AR/AP, or bill determinant




No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description