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Class Description

The place, scene, or point of something where someone or something has been, is, and/or will be at a given moment in time. It can be defined with one or more position points (coordinates) in a given coordinate system.


directionString(if applicable) Direction that allows field crews to quickly find a given asset. For a given location, such as a street address, this is the relative direction in which to find the asset. For example, a streetlight may be located at the 'NW' (northwest) corner of the customer's site, or a usage point may be located on the second floor of an apartment building.
electronicAddressElectronicAddressElectronic address.
geoInfoReferenceString(if applicable) Reference to geographical information source, often external to the utility.
mainAddressStreetAddressMain address of the location.
phone1TelephoneNumberPhone number.
phone2TelephoneNumberAdditional phone number.
secondaryAddressStreetAddressSecondary address of the location. For example, PO Box address may have different ZIP code than that in the 'mainAddress'.
statusStatusStatus of this location.
typeStringClassification by utility's corporate standards and practices, relative to the location itself (e.g., geographical, functional accounting, etc., not a given property that happens to exist at that location).





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
Location0..1ConfigurationEvent0..*ChangedLocationLocation whose change resulted in this configuration event.ConfigurationEventsAll configuration events created for this location.
Location1PositionPoint0..*LocationLocation described by this position point.PositionPointsSequence of position points describing this location, expressed in coordinate system 'Location.CoordinateSystem'.
Location0..1PowerSystemResource0..*LocationLocation of this power system resource.PowerSystemResourcesAll power system resources at this location.
Location0..*CoordinateSystem0..1LocationsAll locations described with position points in this coordinate system.CoordinateSystemCoordinate system used to describe position points of this location.
Location0..*LandProperty0..*LocationsThe spatail description of a piece of property.LandProperties
Location0..*AssetLocationHazard0..*LocationsThe location of this hazard.HazardsAll asset hazards at this location.
Location0..1Incident0..1LocationLocation of this incident.IncidentIncident at this location.
Location0..1Asset0..*LocationLocation of this asset.AssetsAll assets at this location.
Location0..1EnvironmentalLocationType0..*LocationLocation of this instance of ths kind of environmental location.EnvironmentalLocationKindKind of environmental location which this location is.
Location0..1EnvironmentalMonitoringStation0..*LocationLocation of this monitoring station.EnvironmentalMonitoringStationMonitoring station located at this location.