Class Description
A power system resource (PSR) can be an item of equipment such as a switch, an equipment container containing many individual items of equipment such as a substation, or an organisational entity such as sub-control area. Power system resources can have measurements associated.
- ACLineSegmentPhase
- AirCompressor
- CAESPlant
- CogenerationPlant
- CombinedCyclePlant
- CommunicationLink
- ConnectivityNodeContainer
- ControlArea
- EnergyConsumerPhase
- EnergyGroup
- EnergySourcePhase
- Equipment
- Flowgate
- HostControlArea
- HydroPowerPlant
- PowerCutZone
- PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase
- PrimeMover
- RegisteredResource
- RegulatingControl
- RemedialActionScheme
- RemoteUnit
- Reservoir
- ShuntCompensatorPhase
- SteamSupply
- SubControlArea
- SwitchPhase
- TapChanger
- TransmissionCorridor
- TransmissionRightOfWay
- VoltageControlZone
- WeatherStation
- WireSegmentPhase
Source Class | Source Cardinality | Target | Target Cardinality | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
PowerSystemResource | 0..1 | Control | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | Regulating device governed by this control output. | Controls | The controller outputs used to actually govern a regulating device, e.g. the magnetization of a synchronous machine or capacitor bank breaker actuator. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..1 | Measurement | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | The power system resource that contains the measurement. | Measurements | The measurements associated with this power system resource. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..* | PSRType | 0..1 | PowerSystemResources | Power system resources classified with this power system resource type. | PSRType | Custom classification for this power system resource. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..1 | ConfigurationEvent | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | ConfigurationEvent | ||
PowerSystemResource | 0..* | ReportingGroup | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | Power system resources which belong to this reporting group. | ReportingGroup | Reporting groups to which this power system resource belongs. |
PowerSystemResource | 1 | OperatingShare | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | The power system resource to which the share applies. | OperatingShare | The operating shares of this power system resource. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..* | AssetInfo | 0..1 | PowerSystemResources | All power system resources with this datasheet information. | AssetDatasheet | Datasheet information for this power system resource. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..* | Asset | 0..* | PowerSystemResources | All power system resources used to electrically model this asset. For example, transformer asset is electrically modelled with a transformer and its windings and tap changer. | Assets | All assets represented by this power system resource. For example, multiple conductor assets are electrically modelled as a single AC line segment. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..1 | PSREvent | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | Power system resource that generated this event. | PSREvents | All events associated with this power system resource. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..1 | OperationalTag | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | Power system resource on which this tag has been placed. | OperationalTags | All operational tags placed on this power system resource. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..1 | GenericAction | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | GenericAction | ||
PowerSystemResource | 0..* | ClearanceDocument | 0..* | TaggedPSRs | All power system resources tagged through this clearance. | Clearances | All clearances applicable to this power system resource. |
PowerSystemResource | 0..1 | VerificationAction | 0..* | PowerSystemResource | VerificationAction | ||
PowerSystemResource | 0..* | Location | 0..1 | PowerSystemResources | All power system resources at this location. | Location | Location of this power system resource. |