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Class Description

Boiling water reactor used as a steam supply to a steam turbine.


highPowerLimitPUHigh power limit.
inCoreThermalTCSecondsIn-core thermal time constant.
integralGainFloatIntegral gain.
lowPowerLimitPULow power limit.
lowerLimitPUInitial lower limit.
pressureLimitPUPressure limit.
pressureSetpointGAFloatPressure setpoint gain adjuster.
pressureSetpointTC1SecondsPressure setpoint time constant.
pressureSetpointTC2SecondsPressure setpoint time constant.
proportionalGainFloatProportional gain.
rfAux1PUCoefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.
rfAux2PUCoefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.
rfAux3PUCoefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.
rfAux4PUCoefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.
rfAux5PUCoefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.
rfAux6PUCoefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.
rfAux7PUCoefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.
rfAux8PUCoefficient for modelling the effect of off-nominal frequency and voltage on recirculation and core flow, which affects the BWR power output.
rodPatternPURod pattern.
rodPatternConstantFloatConstant associated with rod pattern.
upperLimitPUInitial upper limit.




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