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Class Description

Steam turbine.


crossoverTCSecondsCrossover time constant.
reheater1TCSecondsFirst reheater time constant.
reheater2TCSecondsSecond reheater time constant.
shaft1PowerHPFloatFraction of power from shaft 1 high pressure turbine output.
shaft1PowerIPFloatFraction of power from shaft 1 intermediate pressure turbine output.
shaft1PowerLP1FloatFraction of power from shaft 1 first low pressure turbine output.
shaft1PowerLP2FloatFraction of power from shaft 1 second low pressure turbine output.
shaft2PowerHPFloatFraction of power from shaft 2 high pressure turbine output.
shaft2PowerIPFloatFraction of power from shaft 2 intermediate pressure turbine output.
shaft2PowerLP1FloatFraction of power from shaft 2 first low pressure turbine output.
shaft2PowerLP2FloatFraction of power from shaft 2 second low pressure turbine output.
steamChestTCSecondsSteam chest time constant.




No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
SteamTurbine0..*SteamSupply0..*SteamTurbinesSteam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply.SteamSupplysSteam turbines may have steam supplied by a steam supply.