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Class Description

A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, building a single electrical system, used to carry alternating current between points in the power system. For symmetrical, transposed three phase lines, it is sufficient to use attributes of the line segment, which describe impedances and admittances for the entire length of the segment. Additionally impedances can be computed by using length and associated per length impedances. The BaseVoltage at the two ends of ACLineSegments in a Line shall have the same BaseVoltage.nominalVoltage. However, boundary lines may have slightly different BaseVoltage.nominalVoltages and variation is allowed. Larger voltage difference in general requires use of an equivalent branch.


b0chSusceptanceZero sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.
bchSusceptancePositive sequence shunt (charging) susceptance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section. This value represents the full charging over the full length of the line.
g0chConductanceZero sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.
gchConductancePositive sequence shunt (charging) conductance, uniformly distributed, of the entire line section.
rResistancePositive sequence series resistance of the entire line section.
r0ResistanceZero sequence series resistance of the entire line section.
shortCircuitEndTemperatureTemperatureMaximum permitted temperature at the end of SC for the calculation of minimum short-circuit currents. Used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
xReactancePositive sequence series reactance of the entire line section.
x0ReactanceZero sequence series reactance of the entire line section.





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
ACLineSegment1Clamp0..*ACLineSegmentThe line segment to which the clamp is connected.ClampThe clamps connected to the line segment.
ACLineSegment0..*PerLengthImpedance0..1ACLineSegmentsAll line segments described by this per-length impedance.PerLengthImpedancePer-length impedance of this line segment.
ACLineSegment1Cut0..*ACLineSegmentThe line segment to which the cut is applied.CutCuts applied to the line segment.
ACLineSegment0..1LineFault0..*ACLineSegmentThe line segment of this line fault.LineFaultsThe line faults of the line segment.
ACLineSegment1ACLineSegmentPhase0..*ACLineSegmentThe line segment to which the phase belongs.ACLineSegmentPhasesThe line segment phases which belong to the line segment.
ACLineSegment0..*JumperAction0..1ACLineSegmentsThe line segment that this jumper action will affect. This is the only way to access relationship to clamp in case the jumper needs to connect along the line segment.LineJumpingActionJumper action involving clamp usage (for the case when the jumper is applied along the line segment instead of at its terminals).
ACLineSegment0..1GroundAction0..1AlongACLineSegmentThe line segment that this ground action will affect. This is the only way to access relationship to clamp in case the ground needs to be placed along the line segment.LineGroundingActionGround action involving clamp usage (for the case when the ground is applied along the line segment instead of at its terminals).