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Class Description

Describes each tap step in the tabular curve.


bPerCentThe magnetizing branch susceptance deviation as a percentage of nominal value. The actual susceptance is calculated as follows:
calculated magnetizing susceptance = b(nominal) * (1 + b(from this class)/100). The b(nominal) is defined as the static magnetizing susceptance on the associated power transformer end or ends. This model assumes the star impedance (pi model) form.
gPerCentThe magnetizing branch conductance deviation as a percentage of nominal value. The actual conductance is calculated as follows:
calculated magnetizing conductance = g(nominal) * (1 + g(from this class)/100). The g(nominal) is defined as the static magnetizing conductance on the associated power transformer end or ends. This model assumes the star impedance (pi model) form.
rPerCentThe resistance deviation as a percentage of nominal value. The actual reactance is calculated as follows:
calculated resistance = r(nominal) * (1 + r(from this class)/100). The r(nominal) is defined as the static resistance on the associated power transformer end or ends. This model assumes the star impedance (pi model) form.
ratioFloatThe voltage at the tap step divided by rated voltage of the transformer end having the tap changer. Hence this is a value close to one.
For example, if the ratio at step 1 is 1.01, and the rated voltage of the transformer end is 110kV, then the voltage obtained by setting the tap changer to step 1 to is 111.1kV.
stepIntegerThe tap step.
xPerCentThe series reactance deviation as a percentage of nominal value. The actual reactance is calculated as follows:
calculated reactance = x(nominal) * (1 + x(from this class)/100). The x(nominal) is defined as the static series reactance on the associated power transformer end or ends. This model assumes the star impedance (pi model) form.



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