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Class Description

Transformer mesh impedance (Delta-model) between transformer ends. The typical case is that this class describes the impedance between two transformer ends pair-wise, i.e. the cardinalities at both transformer end associations are 1. However, in cases where two or more transformer ends are modelled the cardinalities are larger than 1.


rResistanceResistance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end.
r0ResistanceZero-sequence resistance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end.
xReactanceReactance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end.
x0ReactanceZero-sequence reactance between the 'from' and the 'to' end, seen from the 'from' end.




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
TransformerMeshImpedance0..*TransformerEnd1..*ToMeshImpedanceAll mesh impedances between this 'from' and other 'to' transformer ends.ToTransformerEndAll transformer ends this mesh impedance is connected to.
TransformerMeshImpedance0..*TransformerEnd1FromMeshImpedanceAll mesh impedances between this 'to' and other 'from' transformer ends.FromTransformerEndFrom end this mesh impedance is connected to. It determines the voltage reference.
TransformerMeshImpedance0..*TransformerEndInfo0..1FromMeshImpedancesAll mesh impedances between this 'to' and other 'from' transformer ends.FromTransformerEndInfo'from' transformer end datasheet this mesh impedance is calculated from. It determines the voltage reference.
TransformerMeshImpedance0..*TransformerEndInfo0..*ToMeshImpedancesAll mesh impedances between this 'from' and other 'to' transformer ends.ToTransformerEndInfosAll 'to' transformer end datasheets this mesh impedance for 'from' transformer end is calculated from.