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Class Description

The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanical.


aggregateBooleanThe aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated (equivalent) element. It is applicable in cases when the dedicated classes for equivalent equipment do not have all of the attributes necessary to represent the required level of detail. In case the flag is set to “true” the single instance of equipment represents multiple pieces of equipment that have been modelled together as an aggregate equivalent obtained by a network reduction procedure. Examples would be power transformers or synchronous machines operating in parallel modelled as a single aggregate power transformer or aggregate synchronous machine.
The attribute is not used for EquivalentBranch, EquivalentShunt and EquivalentInjection.
inServiceBooleanSpecifies the availability of the equipment. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.
networkAnalysisEnabledBooleanThe equipment is enabled to participate in network analysis. If unspecified, the value is assumed to be true.
normallyInServiceBooleanSpecifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions. True means the equipment is available for topology processing, which determines if the equipment is energized or not. False means that the equipment is treated by network applications as if it is not in the model.





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
Equipment0..1OperationalLimitSet0..*EquipmentThe equipment to which the limit set applies.OperationalLimitSetThe operational limit sets associated with this equipment.
Equipment1ContingencyEquipment0..*EquipmentThe single piece of equipment to which to apply the contingency.ContingencyEquipmentThe contingency equipments in which this equipment participates.
Equipment0..*EquipmentContainer0..1EquipmentsContained equipment.EquipmentContainerContainer of this equipment.
Equipment0..1Fault0..*FaultyEquipmentEquipment carrying this fault.FaultsAll faults on this equipment.
Equipment0..1LimitDependency0..*EquipmentThe equipment for which this limit dependency model is organized under.LimitDependencyModelLimit dependencymodels organized under this equipment as a means for organizing the model in a tree view.
Equipment1EquipmentLimitSeriesComponent0..*EquipmentEquipment contributing toward the series limit. The reference here is to Equipment rather than a specific limit on the equipment so the grouiping can be reused for multiple limits of different types on the same instance of equipment.EqiupmentLimitSeriesComponentEquipment limit series calculation component to which this equipment contributes.
Equipment1ProtectiveActionEquipment0..*EquipmentProtectiveActionEquipmentProtective action is controlling equipment. This can be direct signals from the control center, or emulation of action done by protection equipment.
Equipment1PinEquipment0..*EquipmentThe Equipment that should be used in compare.PinEquipment
Equipment0..*EquipmentContainer0..*AdditionalGroupedEquipmentThe additonal contained equipment. The equipment belong to the equipment container. The equipment is contained in another equipment container, but also grouped with this equipment container. Examples include when a switch contained in a substation is also desired to be grouped with a line contianer or when a switch is included in a secondary substation and also grouped in a feeder.AdditionalEquipmentContainerAdditional equipment container beyond the primary equipment container. The equipment is contained in another equipment container, but also grouped with this equipment container.
Equipment0..*UsagePoint0..*EquipmentsAll equipment connecting this usage point to the electrical grid.UsagePointsAll usage points connected to the electrical grid through this equipment.
Equipment0..*OperationalRestriction0..*EquipmentsAll equipments to which this restriction applies.OperationalRestrictionsAll operational restrictions for this equipment.
Equipment0..*Outage0..*EquipmentsAll equipments associated with this outage.OutagesAll outages in which this equipment is involved.