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Class Description

Defines a system base voltage which is referenced.


nominalVoltageVoltageThe power system resource's base voltage. Shall be a positive value and not zero.




No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
BaseVoltage0..1ConductingEquipment0..*BaseVoltageBase voltage of this conducting equipment. Use only when there is no voltage level container used and only one base voltage applies. For example, not used for transformers.ConductingEquipmentAll conducting equipment with this base voltage. Use only when there is no voltage level container used and only one base voltage applies. For example, not used for transformers.
BaseVoltage1VoltageLevel0..*BaseVoltageThe base voltage used for all equipment within the voltage level.VoltageLevelThe voltage levels having this base voltage.
BaseVoltage0..1TransformerEnd0..*BaseVoltageBase voltage of the transformer end. This is essential for PU calculation.TransformerEndsTransformer ends at the base voltage. This is essential for PU calculation.
BaseVoltage0..1TopologicalNode0..*BaseVoltageThe base voltage of the topological node.TopologicalNodeThe topological nodes at the base voltage.
BaseVoltage1AssetDeployment0..*BaseVoltageBase voltage of this network asset deployment.NetworkAssetDeploymentA network asset deployment at this base voltage level.