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Class Description

A hydro power station which can generate or pump. When generating, the generator turbines receive water from an upper reservoir. When pumping, the pumps receive their water from a lower reservoir.


dischargeTravelDelaySecondsWater travel delay from tailbay to next downstream hydro power station.
genRatedPActivePowerThe hydro plant's generating rating active power for rated head conditions.
The attribute shall be a positive value.
hydroPlantStorageTypeHydroPlantStorageKindThe type of hydro power plant water storage.
penstockTypeStringType and configuration of hydro plant penstock(s).
plantDischargeCapacityVolumeFlowRateTotal plant discharge capacity.
plantRatedHeadLengthThe plant's rated gross head.
The attribute shall be a positive value.
pumpRatedPActivePowerThe hydro plant's pumping rating active power for rated head conditions.
The attribute shall be a positive value.
surgeTankCodeStringA code describing the type (or absence) of surge tank that is associated with the hydro power plant.
surgeTankCrestLevelWaterLevelThe level at which the surge tank spills.




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
HydroPowerPlant0..1HydroPump0..*HydroPowerPlantThe hydro pump may be a member of a pumped storage plant or a pump for distributing water.HydroPumpsThe hydro pump may be a member of a pumped storage plant or a pump for distributing water.
HydroPowerPlant0..*Reservoir0..1HydroPowerPlantsGenerators discharge water to or pumps are supplied water from a downstream reservoir.ReservoirGenerators discharge water to or pumps are supplied water from a downstream reservoir.
HydroPowerPlant0..*Reservoir1UpstreamFromHydroPowerPlantsGenerators are supplied water from or pumps discharge water to an upstream reservoir.GenSourcePumpDischargeReservoirGenerators are supplied water from or pumps discharge water to an upstream reservoir.
HydroPowerPlant0..1HydroGeneratingUnit0..*HydroPowerPlantThe hydro generating unit belongs to a hydro power plant.HydroGeneratingUnitsThe hydro generating unit belongs to a hydro power plant.