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Class Description

The grid protection model includes protection against over- and under-voltage, and against over- and under-frequency. Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015, 5.6.6.


dfimaxPUMaximum rate of change of frequency (<i>dF</i><i><sub>max</sub></i>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
foverPUWind turbine over frequency protection activation threshold (<i>f</i><i><sub>over</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
funderPUWind turbine under frequency protection activation threshold (<i>f</i><i><sub>under</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
mzcBooleanZero crossing measurement mode (<i>Mzc</i>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
true = WT protection system uses zero crossings to detect frequency (1 in the IEC model)
false = WT protection system does not use zero crossings to detect frequency (0 in the IEC model).
tfmaSecondsTime interval of moving average window (<i>TfMA</i>) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
uoverPUWind turbine over voltage protection activation threshold (<i>u</i><i><sub>over</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
uunderPUWind turbine under voltage protection activation threshold (<i>u</i><i><sub>under</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
WindProtectionIEC1WindTurbineType3or4IEC0..1WindProtectionIECWind turbune protection model associated with this wind generator type 3 or type 4 model.WindTurbineType3or4IECWind generator type 3 or type 4 model with which this wind turbine protection model is associated.
WindProtectionIEC1WindTurbineType1or2IEC0..1WindProtectionIECWind turbune protection model associated with this wind generator type 1 or type 2 model.WindTurbineType1or2IECWind generator type 1 or type 2 model with which this wind turbine protection model is associated.
WindProtectionIEC0..1WindDynamicsLookupTable1..*WindProtectionIECThe grid protection model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.WindDynamicsLookupTableThe wind dynamics lookup table associated with this grid protection model.