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Class Description

P control model type 3. Reference: IEC 61400-27-1:2015,


dpmaxPUMaximum wind turbine power ramp rate (<i>dp</i><i><sub>max</sub></i>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
dprefmaxPUMaximum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (<i>dp</i><i><sub>refmax</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
dprefminPUMinimum ramp rate of wind turbine reference power (<i>dp</i><i><sub>refmin</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
dthetamaxPURamp limitation of torque, required in some grid codes (<i>dt</i><i><sub>max</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
dthetamaxuvrtPULimitation of torque rise rate during UVRT (<i>dtheta</i><i><sub>maxUVRT</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
kdtdPUGain for active drive train damping (<i>K</i><i><sub>DTD</sub></i>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
kipPUPI controller integration parameter (<i>K</i><sub>Ip</sub>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
kppPUPI controller proportional gain (<i>K</i><sub>Pp</sub>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
mpuvrtBooleanEnable UVRT power control mode (<i>M</i><i><sub>pUVRT</sub></i><sub>)</sub>. It is a project-dependent parameter.
true = voltage control (1 in the IEC model)
false = reactive power control (0 in the IEC model).
omegadtdPUActive drive train damping frequency (<i>omega</i><i><sub>DTD</sub></i>). It can be calculated from two mass model parameters. It is a type-dependent parameter.
omegaoffsetPUOffset to reference value that limits controller action during rotor speed changes (<i>omega</i><i><sub>offset</sub></i>). It is a case-dependent parameter.
pdtdmaxPUMaximum active drive train damping power (<i>p</i><sub>DTDmax</sub>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tdvsSecondsTime<sub> </sub>delay after deep voltage sags (<i>T</i><i><sub>DVS</sub></i>) (>= 0). It is a project-dependent parameter.
thetaeminPUMinimum electrical generator torque (<i>t</i><sub>emin</sub>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
thetauscalePUVoltage scaling factor of reset-torque (<i>t</i><sub>uscale</sub>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
tomegafiltp3SecondsFilter time constant for generator speed measurement (<i>T</i><sub>omegafiltp3</sub>) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tomegarefSecondsTime constant in speed reference filter (<i>T</i><sub>omega,ref</sub>) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tpfiltp3SecondsFilter time constant for power measurement (<i>T</i><sub>pfiltp3</sub>) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tpordPUTime constant in power order lag (<i>T</i><sub>pord</sub>). It is a type-dependent parameter.
tufiltp3SecondsFilter time constant for voltage measurement (<i>T</i><sub>ufiltp3</sub>) (>= 0). It is a type-dependent parameter.
udvsPUVoltage limit for hold UVRT status after deep voltage sags (<i>u</i><i><sub>DVS</sub></i>). It is a project-dependent parameter.
updipPUVoltage dip threshold for P-control (<i>u</i><sub>Pdip</sub>). Part of turbine control, often different (e.g 0.8) from converter thresholds. It is a project-dependent parameter.
zetaFloatCoefficient for active drive train damping (<i>zeta</i>). It is a type-dependent parameter.




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
WindContPType3IEC1WindTurbineType3IEC1WindContPType3IECWind control P type 3 model associated with this wind turbine type 3 model.WindTurbineType3IECWind turbine type 3 model with which this wind control P type 3 model is associated.
WindContPType3IEC0..1WindDynamicsLookupTable1..*WindContPType3IECThe P control type 3 model with which this wind dynamics lookup table is associated.WindDynamicsLookupTableThe wind dynamics lookup table associated with this P control type 3 model.