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Class Description

Function of the lookup table.


ipmaxLookup table for voltage dependency of active current limits (i<sub>pmax</sub>(u<sub>WT</sub>)). It is used for the current limitation model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
iqmaxLookup table for voltage dependency of reactive current limits (i<sub>qmax</sub>(u<sub>WT</sub>)). It is used for the current limitation model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
omegapPower vs. speed lookup table (omega(p)). It is used for the P control model type 3, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
prrPower versus speed change (negative slip) lookup table (p<sub>rr</sub>(deltaomega)). It is used for the rotor resistance control model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
pwpPower vs. frequency lookup table (p<sub>WPbias</sub>(f)). It is used for the wind power plant frequency and active power control model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015, Annex D.
qmaxpLookup table for active power dependency of reactive power maximum limit (q<sub>maxp</sub>(p)). It is used for the QP and QU limitation model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
qmaxuLookup table for voltage dependency of reactive power maximum limit (q<sub>maxu</sub>(p)). It is used for the QP and QU limitation model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
qminpLookup table for active power dependency of reactive power minimum limit (q<sub>minp</sub>(p)). It is used for the QP and QU limitation model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
qminuLookup table for voltage dependency of reactive power minimum limit (q<sub>minu</sub>(p)). It is used for the QP and QU limitation model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
qwpLook up table for the UQ static mode (q<sub>WP</sub>(u<sub>err</sub>)). It is used for the voltage and reactive power control model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015, Annex D.
tcwduCrowbar duration versus voltage variation look-up table (T<sub>CW</sub>(du)). It is a case-dependent parameter. It is used for the type 3B generator set model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
tduwtLookup table to determine the duration of the power reduction after a voltage dip, depending on the size of the voltage dip (T<sub>d</sub>(u<sub>WT</sub>)). It is a type-dependent parameter. It is used for the pitch control power model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015,
tfoverDisconnection time versus over-frequency lookup table (T<sub>fover</sub>(f<sub>WT</sub>)). It is used for the grid protection model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015, 5.6.6.
tfunderDisconnection time versus under-frequency lookup table (T<sub>funder</sub>(f<sub>WT</sub>)). It is used for the grid protection model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015, 5.6.6.
tuoverDisconnection time versus over-voltage lookup table (T<sub>uover</sub>(u<sub>WT</sub>)). It is used for the grid protection model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015, 5.6.6.
tuunderDisconnection time versus under-voltage lookup table (T<sub>uunder</sub>(u<sub>WT</sub>)). It is used for the grid protection model, IEC 61400-27-1:2015, 5.6.6.



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