Class Description
Field voltage over excitation limiter.
Name | Type | Description |
efd1 | PU | Low voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (<i>EFD</i><i><sub>1</sub></i>). Typical value = 1,1. |
efd2 | PU | Mid voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (<i>EFD</i><i><sub>2</sub></i>). Typical value = 1,2. |
efd3 | PU | High voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (<i>EFD</i><i><sub>3</sub></i>). Typical value = 1,5. |
efddes | PU | Desired field voltage (<i>EFD</i><i><sub>DES</sub></i>). Typical value = 0,9. |
efdrated | PU | Rated field voltage (<i>EFD</i><i><sub>RATED</sub></i>). Typical value = 1,05. |
kmx | PU | Gain (<i>K</i><i><sub>MX</sub></i>). Typical value = 0,01. |
t1 | Seconds | Time to trip the exciter at the low voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (<i>TIME</i><i><sub>1</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 120. |
t2 | Seconds | Time to trip the exciter at the mid voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (<i>TIME</i><i><sub>2</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 40. |
t3 | Seconds | Time to trip the exciter at the high voltage point on the inverse time characteristic (<i>TIME</i><i><sub>3</sub></i>) (>= 0). Typical value = 15. |
vlow | PU | Low voltage limit (<i>V</i><i><sub>LOW</sub></i>) (> 0). |
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