
Class Description

Data point values for defining a curve or schedule


xvalueInt32The data value of the X-axis (independent) variable, depending on the curve type. See definitions in DERControlBase for further information.
yvalueInt32The data value of the Y-axis (dependent) variable, depending on the curve type. See definitions in DERControlBase for further information. If yvalue is Power Factor, the excitation field SHALL be present and yvalue SHALL be a positive value. If yvalue is not Power Factor, the excitation field SHALL NOT be present.
excitationbooleanIf yvalue is Power Factor, then this field SHALL be present. If yvalue is not Power Factor, then this field SHALL NOT be present. True when DER is absorbing reactive power (under-excited), false when DER is injecting reactive power (over-excited).


Inherits from

  • None

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes


Source ClassCardinality SourceTarget ClassCardinality Target