
Class Description

Bit map encoded rule from which is calculated the start or end time, within the current year, to which daylight savings time offset must be applied.

The rule encoding:

Bits 0 - 11: seconds 0 - 3599

Bits 12 - 16: hours 0 - 23

Bits 17 - 19: day of the week 0 = not applicable, 1 - 7 (Monday = 1)

Bits 20 - 24: day of the month 0 = not applicable, 1 - 31

Bits 25 - 27: operator (detailed below)

Bits 28 - 31: month 1 - 12

Rule value of 0xFFFFFFFF means rule processing/DST correction is disabled.

The operators:

0: DST starts/ends on the Day of the Month

1: DST starts/ends on the Day of the Week that is on or after the Day of the Month

2: DST starts/ends on the first occurrence of the Day of the Week in a month

3: DST starts/ends on the second occurrence of the Day of the Week in a month

4: DST starts/ends on the third occurrence of the Day of the Week in a month

5: DST starts/ends on the forth occurrence of the Day of the Week in a month

6: DST starts/ends on the fifth occurrence of the Day of the Week in a month

7: DST starts/ends on the last occurrence of the Day of the Week in a month

An example: DST starts on third Friday in March at 1:45 AM. The rule...

Seconds: 2700

Hours: 1

Day of Week: 5

Day of Month: 0

Operator: 4

Month: 3




Inherits from

Descendant classes

  • No descendant classes

