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Class Description

A point in a given space defined by 3 coordinates and associated to a diagram object. The coordinates may be positive or negative as the origin does not have to be in the corner of a diagram.


sequenceNumberIntegerThe sequence position of the point, used for defining the order of points for diagram objects acting as a polyline or polygon with more than one point. The attribute shall be a positive value.
xPositionFloatThe X coordinate of this point.
yPositionFloatThe Y coordinate of this point.
zPositionFloatThe Z coordinate of this point.



No ancestor classes


No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
DiagramObjectPoint2..*DiagramObjectGluePoint0..1DiagramObjectPointsA diagram object glue point is associated with 2 or more object points that are considered to be 'glued' together.DiagramObjectGluePointThe 'glue' point to which this point is associated.
DiagramObjectPoint0..*DiagramObject1DiagramObjectPointsA diagram object can have 0 or more points to reflect its layout position, routing (for polylines) or boundary (for polygons).DiagramObjectThe diagram object with which the points are associated.