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Version: 0.25.0

Phases and Feeder Directions


There are three different types of phases stored/calculated by the SDK:

Phase TypeSDK FieldField TypeDescription
NominalTerminal.phasesPhaseCodeThe nominal phases of the network indicate how the network is connected. The nominal phases can include the "unknown" phases X and Y.

This is the phase field that you are most likely to be interested in.
NormalTerminal.normalPhasesPhaseStatusThe normal phases indicate the energised phases of the network in its normal state. There will not be any unknown phases in the normal phases, however; any de-energised areas of the network will not have normal phases.
CurrentTerminal.currentPhasesPhaseStatusThe current phases indicate the energised phases of the network in the current state. It has the same caveats as the normal phases.

There are two different feeder directions calculated by the SDK:

Feeder Direction TypeSDK FieldField TypeDescription
NormalTerminal.normalFeederDirectionFeederDirectionThe direction of the feeder head with the network in its normal state.
CurrentTerminal.currentFeederDirectionFeederDirectionThe direction of the feeder head with the network in its current state.

Traced Phases

Traced phases should be considered 'read-only' (even though they have setters). The traced phases will be automatically set if you load a database from disk, otherwise you should make use of the SetPhases class. If you are implementing network modification algorithms, you can also make use of the RemovePhases class if required.

There are two methods for accessing the traced phases:

  1. As a PhaseCode. If the traced phases do not form a valid phase code this will return null.
  2. Per nominal phase.
class PhaseLogger {
void logPhases(Terminal terminal) {
@Nullable PhaseCode phaseCode = terminal.getNormalPhases().asPhaseCode();
if (phaseCode != null)
System.out.printf("Found phases for %s. nominal: %s, normal: %s\n", terminal, terminal.getPhases(), phaseCode);
else {
System.out.printf("Found partial phases %s:\n", terminal);
terminal.getPhases().forEach(nominalPhase -> {
System.out.printf(" nominal: %s, normal: %s\n", nominalPhase, terminal.getNormalPhases().get(nominalPhase));

Feeder Direction

Feeder direction can be set to one of the following values:

UPSTREAMTraversing from this terminal will lead you towards the feeder head.
DOWNSTREAMTraversing from this terminal will lead you away from the feeder head.
BOTHThis terminal is part of a loop and traversing from this terminal can both lead you towards or away from the feeder head.
NONEThis terminal is not on a feeder. e.g. De-energised sections or EHV.

NOTE: A terminal only has a single feeder direction for each state of the network, so if there is unganged switching, not all nominal phases may trace in the direction specified. A direction of BOTH can be formed from some phases tracing UPSTREAM, with others tracing DOWNSTREAM.

class DirectionLogger {
void logDirection(Terminal terminal) {
System.out.printf("%s: normal=%s, current=%s\n", terminal, terminal.getNormalFeederDirection(), terminal.getCurrentFeederDirection());

Previous Versions

Previously, traced phases and feeder directions were stored together and could only be accessed per nominal phase. Below are some examples of converting from the old format to the current:

// Old
class PhaseAndDirectionLoggerOld {
void log(Terminal terminal) {
System.out.printf("%s:\n", terminal);
terminal.getPhases().singlePhases().forEach(phase -> {
PhaseStatus nps = terminal.normalPhases(phase);
PhaseStatus cps = terminal.currentPhases(phase);

System.out.printf(" %s: n:%s:%s, c:%s:%s\n", phase, nps.getPhase(), nps.getDirection(), cps.getPhase(), cps.getDirection());

// Becomes
class PhaseAndDirectionLoggerOld {
void log(Terminal terminal) {
System.out.printf("%s: dn:%s, dc:%s:\n", terminal, terminal.getNormalFeederDirection(), terminal.getCurrentFeederDirection());
terminal.getPhases().forEach(phase -> {
System.out.printf(" %s: n:%s, c:%s\n", phase, terminal.getNormalPhases().get(phase), terminal.getCurrentPhases().get(phase));