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Version: 0.25.0

Data Model

The EWB SDK provides the building blocks you need to interface with the rest of the platform. It can also be used to build your own solutions from scratch that will be compatible with other things built with the SDK.

CIM Model

The EWB platform is composed around a domain model based on the 'Common Information Model' (CIM). The CIM is a very large standard that covers a huge amount of use cases. To make things more digestible, Zepben publishes its own CIM profile. CIM profiles are subsets of the whole CIM standard that dictates which parts of the model are in use. EWB publishes its model at

If the EWB profile doesn't contain a part of CIM that you require for your use case, you can request or propose a change to the model by starting a discussion at the GitHub discussions or by contacting Zepben directly at

Getting Started With The Model


All things that have an ID in the CIM model inherit from IdentifiedObject. This provides common attributes such as mRID (master resource identifier), name, description, etc.

Let's get started with the data model by building the following contrived electrical circuit.

Here we simply have an AC energy source (EnergySource) connected to a conductor (ACLineSegment) connected to a circuit breaker (Breaker). In CIM all these things are a subtype of ConductingEquipment.

Let's see how we create them:

// Create the energy source. Providing no ID will generate a UUID.
EnergySource source = new EnergySource();

// Create the conductor providing a specific ID.
AcLineSegment acLine = new AcLineSegment("aclineseg1");

// Create a circuit breaker.
// A UUID will be generated but we can give it a descriptive name.
Breaker breaker = new Breaker();
breaker.setName("my circuit breaker");

Creating Connectivity

In CIM, all conducting equipment can have any number of Terminals, and terminals connect to other terminals using a ConnectivityNode. If we redraw the above diagram with all the required items from CIM it would look like:

Where the back dots represent the terminals and the black diamonds represent connectivity nodes.

Now, lets redo the above code sample this time also creating connectivity between the objects.

// Create the energy source
EnergySource source = new EnergySource();

// Create the terminal for the energy source and associate it with the source
Terminal sourceT1 = new Terminal();

// Create the conductor
AcLineSegment acLine = new AcLineSegment();

// Create a terminal for each end of the conductor
// and associate them with the conductor
Terminal acLineT1 = new Terminal();

Terminal acLineT2 = new Terminal();

// Create a circuit breaker
Breaker breaker = new Breaker();

// Create a terminal for the breaker
Terminal breakerT1 = new Terminal();

// Now create a connectivity node to connect the source terminal
// to the conductor's first terminal
ConnectivityNode cn1 = new ConnectivityNode();

// Now associate the connectivity nodes to the terminals

// Now create a connectivity node to connect the source terminal
// to the conductor's first terminal
ConnectivityNode cn2 = new ConnectivityNode();

// Now associate the connectivity nodes to the terminals

Normal and Current states

As the network is a dynamic model (that is things like switches can be open and closed), many things in the model support the notion of 'normal' and 'current'. For example, a switch has a normally open state and a currently open state. This allows you to perform analysis on the model considering the normal or current state of the network, and allows you to tell if the network is currently in the normal state or not. This can be important when making decisions based on analytics you may be running when using the model.

// Example of setting normal and current switch states
Breaker switch = new Breaker();


Phases in CIM are set on a Terminal. The phases property on the terminal should be considered as the terminal's 'nominal' phases. The vast majority of the time, this will be the actual active phases at that terminal. However, due to the dynamic nature of the network, it's possible that when tracing connectivity that the active phase at the terminal is different. The phase can be tracked using the normalPhases and currentPhases properties on the terminal.


There are a number of helpful functions for tracing phases based on connectivity. See tracing for more details.

// Example of setting nominal phases on a terminal
Terminal terminal = new Terminal();

Grouping equipment

In electricity distribution networks, a model is typically made up of groups of equipment that represent different sections of the network. For example things like: feeder, zone (substation), transmission line etc. The terminology differs within the industry, however CIM provides types of EquipmentContainer to allow you to group equipment into the above types of categories. You can refer to the EWB CIM profile for all supported equipment container types in the model, however the most common ones are:

We also extend CIM to provide an extension of the hierarchy to an LvFeeder, representing LV equipment underneath a distribution transformer.

Network Hierarchy

When creating a Substation you will see that it can belong to a SubGeographicalRegion and a SubGeogrpahicalRegion can belong to a GeographicalRegion.

When using various parts of the EWB platform, it will refer to the concept of a network hierarchy. This is the mechanism used to chunk up the network and provides an overview of what makes up the model. The network hierarchy looks as follows:

  • GeographicalRegion
    • SubGeographicalRegion
      • Substation
        • Feeder
          • LvFeeder

When working with the EWB Platform, it is important to make sure equipment and equipment containers are correctly populated as there are assumptions built around the network being structured in this pattern.


A feeder is generally a chain of equipment from a nominated starting point in a Substation to all open points when tracing along the equipment. The starting point can be defined by setting a Feeder's normalHeadTerminal. This means if you have a correctly connected model, setting the feeder equipment container on any equipment can be calculated dynamically. This has the benefit of making sure that an equipment's feeder is always correct (because it has been set by checking connectivity). A function to do this is provided as part of the tracing package.


The following example shows how you can build a network hierarchy and assign equipment to their appropriate equipment containers.

GeographicalRegion region = new GeographicalRegion();
SubGeographicalRegion subRegion = new SubGeographicalRegion();

Substation substation = new Substation();

PowerTransformer subTx = new PowerTransformer();

Feeder feeder = new Feeder();

Breaker feederCb = new Breaker();

Names and IDs

As everything in our model is ultimately an IdentifiedObject, it can have one or many "names" associated with it. The property is typically treated as a user-friendly name for a particular object. It is not a required field, and will default to an empty string if left unset. If set, it should be considered a presentation field for displaying in UI's or for providing context for an object. It should be avoided for storing any sort of information or metadata about an object beyond a human readable name.

Sometimes a need will arise to store extra IDs or metadata about a specific object alongside it's existing mRID and name. For example these could be IDs for separate systems (e.g GIS, DMS), or NMI's associated with the object. To store this information we recommend storing additional "names" via the IdentifiedObject.names field utilising NameTypes. Extra names are not considered presentation fields, and thus can have more structured string data within them.

To add extra names to an IdentifiedObject, utilise the addName function:

NameType gisNameType = NameType("GIS_ID");

// Same as above but via the NameType
gisNameType.getOrAddName("123456789", subTx)

This will add a name to subTx that can be retrieved off the transformer or the NameType itself:

ArrayList<Name> names = gisNameType.getNames(subTx);
names = subTx.getNames("GIS_ID"); // Same result as above.
names = subTx.getNames(gisNameType); // Same result as above.

for (Name name : names) {
System.out.println(subTx.mRID + ": " + + " - " +; // <UUID>: GIS_ID - 123456789

// Get an individual Name.
Name name = subTx.getName("GIS_ID", "123456789");
Name name = subTx.getName(gisNameType, "123456789");

Names can also be removed or cleared from an IdentifiedObject or a NameType:

Name name = subTx.getName(gisNameType, "123456789");

// Or clear all names

// Remove names from a NameType

// Remove all names from the NameType with the matching name
// This will also remove it from the corresponding IdentifiedObject

// Clear all names from a NameType