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Release History

0.25.004 March 2025
0.24.123 January 2025
0.24.021 January 2025
0.23.018 October 2024
0.22.030 May 2024
0.21.015 May 2024
0.20.014 May 2024
0.19.008 April 2024
0.18.008 April 2024
0.17.111 January 2024
0.17.022 November 2023
0.16.013 September 2023
0.15.001 May 2023
0.14.007 February 2023
0.13.021 October 2022
0.12.122 August 2022
0.12.012 August 2022
0.11.009 May 2022
0.10.027 April 2022
0.9.005 April 2022
0.8.003 March 2022
0.7.022 September 2021
0.6.006 April 2021
0.5.001 February 2021
0.4.012 January 2021
0.3.010 November 2020
0.2.008 October 2020
0.1.007 September 2020

NOTE: This library is not yet stable, and breaking changes should be expected until a 1.0.0 release.


Breaking Changes

  • Traversal / Tracing API has been completely rewritten. Traversal has a different public API and BranchRecursiveTraversal no longer exists. All traces that used to be used via the Tracing.* factory functions should be migrated to use the new NetworkTrace class instantiated from the factory functions in The NetworkTrace should cover all existing use cases while being easier to use and read. See the documentation for usage details.
  • SetDirection now correctly applies the BOTH direction on all parts of the loop again, so if you were relying on the broken intermediate state, you will need to update your code.
  • RemovePhases now stops at open points like the SetPhases counterpart. If you were relying on the bug to remove phases through open points you will now need to start additional traces from the other side of the open points to maintain this behaviour.
  • SetDirection now correctly sets directions for networks with BusbarSection.
  • RemoveDirection has been removed. It did not work reliably with dual fed networks with loops. You now need to clear direction using the new ClearDirection and reapply directions where appropriate using SetDirection.
  • FindWithUsagePoints was deemed too use-case specific for the SDK and has been removed.
  • Removal of deprecated Terminal.tracedPhases property. Use Terminal.normalPhases and Terminal.currentPhases instead.
  • The following change have been made to SqliteTable:
    • It will only find columns defined in Kotlin classes, Java is no longer supported.
    • Its constructor is now internal.
    • It now inherits from the new SqlTable.
    • It is now in module com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.common.
  • The following change have been made to Column:
    • Its package has changed from com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.cim.tables to com.zepben.evolve.database.sql.
    • Its constructor is now internal.
  • All references to the following have been renamed in com.zepben.evolve.database. This includes full or partial copies in the names of functions, parameters and descriptions/documentation:
    • save has been renamed to write, so the writers now write, rather than save.
    • load has been renamed to read, so the readers now read, rather than load.
  • Database readers and writers no longer have the container of the data they will read/write passed to the constructor. They now have this passed to the read or write method.
  • The following classes and methods are now internal:
    • BaseServiceReader, BaseServiceWriter, BaseCollectionReader, BaseCollectionWriter, BaseEntryWriter,
    • CimReader, CimWriter,
    • CustomerCimReader, CustomerCimWriter, CustomerServiceReader, CustomerServiceWriter,
    • DiagramCimReader, DiagramCimWriter, DiagramServiceReader, DiagramServiceWriter,
    • MetadataCollectionReader, MetadataCollectionWriter, MetadataEntryReader, MetadataEntryWriter,
    • MetricsEntryWriter, MetricsWriter,
    • NetworkServiceReader, NetworkServiceWriter,
    • Extension methods in com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.extensions (e.g. ResultSet.getNullableDouble)
  • The following classes now have internal constructors:
    • BaseDatabaseWriter, CimDatabaseReader, CimDatabaseWriter,
    • CimDatabaseTables, BaseDatabaseTables, CustomerDatabaseTables, DiagramDatabaseTables, NetworkDatabaseTables, MetricsDatabaseTables
  • Removed Class.getFieldExt extension function.
  • InjectionJob.metadata property is no longer a nullable type and is now a readonly val.
  • Moved the following classes and methods from com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.common to com.zepben.evolve.database.sql:
    • BaseDatabaseTables
    • BaseDatabaseWriter
    • BaseEntryWriter
    • MissingTableConfigException
  • Moved MetricsDatabaseTables and MetricsDatabaseWriter to com.zepben.evolve.database.postgres.metrics.
  • MetricsDatabaseWriter now only supports connections to existing Postgres databases with a metrics schema already in-place. Evolve App Server will be responsible to create and update this schema.
    • For this reason, METRICS has been removed from the enum com.zepben.evolve.database.paths.DatabaseType.
  • AcLineSegment supports adding a maximum of 2 terminals. Mid-span terminals are no longer supported and models should migrate to using Clamp.
  • Clamp supports only adding a single terminal.
  • Cut supports adding a maximum of 2 terminals.
  • Direction aware helpers in Condition that didn't use the FeederDirectionStateOperations have been removed, with the remaining helpers now taking NetworkStateOperators as a receiver.
  • NetworkStateOperators implements a new sub-interface ConnectivityStateOperators.

New Features

  • Added ClearDirection that clears feeder directions.
  • Added new FeederDirection.CONNECTOR value for Connector equipment that are modelled only with a single terminal.
  • Created a new SqlTable that doesn't support creating schema creation statements by default.
    • Created a new PostgresTable to model tables in Postgres.


  • The following enhancements have been made to the TestNetworkBuilder:
    • You can now add sites via addSite.
    • You can now add busbar sections natively with fromBusbarSection and toBusbarSection.
    • The prefix for generated mRIDs for "other" equipment can be specified with the defaultMridPrefix argument in fromOther and toOther.
    • The action block for fromOther now has a receiver of the created type, rather than the generic ConductingEquipment.
  • You can now start the AssignToFeeder trace from a specified Terminal rather than all feeder heads.
  • When processing feeder assignments, all LV feeders belonging to a dist substation site will now be considered energized when the site is energized by a feeder.
  • Major speed improvements have been made for RemovePhases when dealing with large networks with many nested loops.
  • SetDirection now supports networks with BusbarSection and will apply the FeederDirection.CONNECTOR value to their terminals.
  • Added connectionTestTimeoutMs field to GrpcBuildArgs with a default value of 5000. This timeout is only applied to requests made in the initial connection tests.
  • Updated to ewb-grpc 0.34.1:
    • Changed AddJumperEvent to not use reserved words.
  • UpdateNetworkStateService.setCurrentStates no longer blocks while waiting for onSetCurrentStates callbacks when handling the onCompleted request. This only effects the gRPC threads.
  • QueryNetworkStateClient.reportBatchStatus can be used to send status responses for batches returned from the service via QueryNetworkStateClient.getCurrentStates.
  • Tracing models with Cut and Clamp are now supported via the new tracing API.


  • RemovePhases now stops at open points like the SetPhases counterpart.
  • AssignToFeeder and AssignToLvFeeder will no longer trace from start terminals that belong to open switches.
  • When finding LvFeeders in the Site we will now exclude LvFeeders that start with an open Switch
  • You can now pass GrpcBuildArgs to the connect* helper functions when connecting to EWB. See GrpcBuildArgs for options.


Breaking Changes

  • Added connectionTestTimeoutMs field to GrpcBuildArgs with a default value of 5000. This timeout is only applied to requests made in the initial connection tests.
  • Updated to ewb-grpc 0.34.1:
    • Changed AddJumperEvent to not use reserved words.


  • GrpcChannelBuilder's initial connectivity test no longer fails due to a lack of permissions on a subset of services.
  • Updated to latest SDK:
    • AddJumperEvent from and to changed to fromConnection and toConnection
  • AddJumperEvent now uses correct protobuf classes when converting
  • RemoveJumperEvent now uses correct protobuf classes when converting


Breaking Changes

  • Database readers and writes for each BaseService no longer accept a MetadataCollection, and will instead use the collection of the provided service.
  • AcLineSegment.perLengthSequenceImpedance has been corrected to perLengthImpedance. This has been done in a non-breaking way, however the public resolver Resolvers.perLengthSequenceImpedance is now Resolvers.perLengthImpedance, correctly reflecting the CIM relationship.
  • Removed getCurrentEquipmentForFeeder implementation for NetworkConsumer as its functionality is now incorporated in getEquipmentForContainers.

New Features

  • Network state services for updating and querying network state events via gRPC.
  • Client functionality for updating and querying network states via gRPC service stub.
  • BaseService now contains a MetadataCollection to tightly couple the metadata to the associated service.
  • Added Services, a new class which contains a copy of each BaseService supported by the SDK.
  • Added connectWithAccessTokenInsecure() for connecting to a gRPC service using an access token without SSL/TLS.
  • Added connectWithAccessToken() for connecting to a gRPC service using an access token with SSL/TLS.
  • Added the following new CIM classes:
    • AssetFunction, the function performed by an asset.
    • BatteryControl, a new class which describes behaviour specific to controlling a BatteryUnit.
    • Clamp: A Clamp is a galvanic connection at a line segment where other equipment is connected. A Clamp does not cut the line segment. A Clamp is ConductingEquipment and has one Terminal with an associated ConnectivityNode. Any other ConductingEquipment can be connected to the Clamp ConnectivityNode. NOT CURRENTLY FULLY SUPPORTED BY TRACING
    • ControlledAppliance, a new class representing the identity of the appliance controlled by a specific EndDeviceFunction.
    • Cut: A cut separates a line segment into two parts. The cut appears as a switch inserted between these two parts and connects them together. As the cut is normally open there is no galvanic connection between the two line segment parts. But it is possible to close the cut to get galvanic connection. The cut terminals are oriented towards the line segment terminals with the same sequence number. Hence the cut terminal with sequence number equal to 1 is oriented to the line segment's terminal with sequence number equal to 1. The cut terminals also act as connection points for jumpers and other equipment, e.g. a mobile generator. To enable this, connectivity nodes are placed at the cut terminals. Once the connectivity nodes are in place any conducting equipment can be connected at them. NOT CURRENTLY FULLY SUPPORTED BY TRACING
    • EndDeviceFunction, the function performed by an end device such as a meter, communication equipment, controllers, etc.
    • PanDemandResponseFunction, a new class which contains EndDeviceFunctionKind and the identity of the ControlledAppliance of this function.
    • PerLengthPhaseImpedance, a new class used for representing the impedance of individual wires on an AcLineSegment.
    • PhaseImpedanceData, a data class with a link to PerLengthPhaseImpedance, for capturing the phase impedance data of an individual wire.
    • StaticVarCompensator, a new class representing a facility for providing variable and controllable shunt reactive power.
  • Added new enums:
    • BatteryControlMode
    • EndDeviceFunctionKind
    • SVCControlMode


  • Added ctPrimary and minTargetDeadband to RegulatingContrl.
  • Added an unordered collection comparator.
  • Added the energized relationship for the current state of network between Feeder and LvFeeder.
  • Updated NetworkConsumer's getEquipmentForContainers, getEquipmentContainers and getEquipmentForLoop to allow requesting normal, current or all equipments.
  • gRPC now supports FeederDirection.CONNECTOR.


  • None.


  • Cut and Clamp have been added to the model, but no processing for them has been added to the tracing, so results will not be what you expect.


Breaking Changes

  • Updated to latest evolve-grpc major version.
  • Removed unused AuthType enum.
  • Removed unused kotlinx-serialization-json dependency.
  • Updated to latest ewb-conn, and hence the signature of these helper functions have changed:
    • Connect.connectWithSecret:
      • issuerDomain has been renamed to issuer;
    • Connect.connectWithPassword:
      • issuerDomain has been renamed to issuer;
  • Renamed TablePowerElectronicsUnit to TablePowerElectronicsUnits.
  • CIM object removal functions no longer support null. e.g. You must pass a valid Terminal to ConductingEquipment.removeTerminal rather than a nullable object.
  • DiagramObject.getPoint no longer throws an IndexOutOfRange exception for an invalid sequence number, and returns null to match other functions of this type.
  • Removed the PowerTransformer.getRating overload which took a rating value. You can still get a rating via its TransformerCoolingType.
  • Removed PowerTransformer.forEachRating which looped over the collection with an index that made no sense. Please loop over PowerTransformer.sRatings instead.
  • Equipment to EquipmentContainer links for LV feeders are no longer written to the database, they should never have been.
  • Refactored EwbDataFilePaths:
  • The EwbDataFilePaths class has been refactored into an interface to enhance flexibility and abstraction.
  • A new class, LocalEwbDataFilePaths, has been introduced to specifically handle the resolution of database paths for the local file system.
  • Switch.ratedCurrent has been converted to a double (used to be an integer). Type safe languages will need to be updated to support floating point arithmatic/syntax.
  • Deprecated TracedPhases, however the internal constructor property has been removed. Terminal.normalPhases and Terminal.currentPhases should be used instead of Terminal.tracedPhases going forward.
  • JWTAuthoriser.authorise no longer accepts a permissions claims field, instead it will attempt to retrieve claims from the "permissions" field if it exists in the token, or the "roles" field if the "permissions" field doesn't exist.
  • JWTAuthenticator has a new signature to accept a list of trusted domains rather than a single domain, and a JWTMultiIssuerVerifierBuilder rather than a UrlJwkProvider.
  • Auth0AuthHandler has a new signature and no longer accepts a permissionsField to pass onto JWTAuthoriser.authorise. (See above change to JWTAuthoriser.authorise)
  • AuthRoute.routeFactory has a new signature. Now accepts a list of TrustedIssuer's in place of a urlJwkProvider and issuer.
  • Removed obsolete SwitchStateClient and corresponding SwitchStateUpdate which only communicated with a server implementation that logged the functionality was not implemented.

New Features

  • A file named after the ID of an ingestion job is now created when running For this feature to take effect, a modelPath must be provided when constructing the MetricsDatabaseWriter.
  • You can now remove the following by index:
    • PositionPoint from a Location.
    • DiagramObjectPoint from a DiagramObject.
    • RelaySetting from a ProtectionRelayFunction.
  • Data Model change:
    • Add phaseCode variable to UsagePoint
    • Added new classes:
      • Curve
      • CurveData
      • EarthFaultCompensator
      • GroundingImpedance
      • PetersenCoil
      • ReactiveCapabilityCurve
      • RotatingMachine
      • SynchronousMachine
  • Added OpenDssReportBatch and a new failure OpenDSS report type to the hosting capacity API.
  • Updated grpc to support InterventionConfig and initial implementation of SwitchState.
  • JWTAuthenticator now supports authenticating tokens from multiple different issues via the use of JWTMultiIssuerVerifierBuilder.
  • JWTMultiIssuerVerifierBuilder will create a JWTVerifier based on the iss (issuer) of the token provided to getVerifier(). The returned JWTVerifier will also validate that the audience claim matches the requiredAudience supplied to the JWTMultiIssuerVerifierBuilder.
  • TrustedIssuer now supports lazy fetching of TrustedIssuer.providerDetails by accepting a lambda that takes an issuer domain and returns a ProviderDetails.


  • Added feature list in documentation.
  • Changed NetworkContainerMetrics to a delegate type to assist in writing metrics creators:
    • NetworkContainerMetrics::plus(key: String, amount: Number): Increases a metric by a certain value. If the metric doesn't exist yet, it is automatically created and set to zero before being increased. A negative value may be used for amount to decrease the metric.
    • NetworkContainerMetrics::inc(key: String): Equivalent to, 1.0)
    • NetworkContainerMetrics::set(key: String, value: Int): Allows setting a metric using an integer rather than a double-precision float:
      metrics[TotalNetworkContainer]["metric-name"] = 3
  • GrpcChannelBuilder tests the connectivity of newly created channels before returning them. This is done by calling getMetadata() against all known services. The channel is returned after the first successful response. Any connectivity errors will be propagated to the user. If no connectivity errors are encountered but no successful responses is received from the known services, a GrpcConnectionException is thrown.


  • Update superpom for dokka plugin upgrade so maven central deploy works again.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • None.

New Features

  • None.


  • Added specialNeed to Customer to capture any special needs of the customer, e.g. life support.


  • None.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • None.

New Features

  • None.


  • Added designTemperature and designRating to Conductor to capture limitations in the conductor based on the network design and physical surrounds of the conductor.


  • Use latest version of ewb-conn for fix to issuer key in auth configuration endpoint


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • This is the last release using an artifact ID of evolve-sdk, future releases will be made as ewb-sdk.
  • Removed EwbDatabaseType. Use DatabaseType instead.
  • The filename of the results cache database has been changed to results-cache from results_cache. Any existing results cache database files will need to be renamed to results-cache to continue to be used.
  • Moved the following modules under com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite to com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.cim:
    • customer
    • diagram
    • metadata
    • network
    • tables
    • upgrade
  • Moved (with some renaming) the following classes from com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.common to com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.cim:
    • BaseServiceReader
    • BaseServiceWriter
    • BaseDatabaseReader as CimDatabaseReader
    • BaseDatabaseTables as CimDatabaseTables
    • BaseDatabaseWriter as CimDatabaseWriter
    • BaseCimReader as CimReader
    • BaseCimWriter as CimWriter
  • Moved TableVersion to com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.common. Instances for CIM and metrics are in com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.cim.tables and com.zepben.evolve.database.sqlite.metrics.tables respectively.

New Features

  • Added EwbDataFilePaths for working with files and folders used by EWB.
  • Added tables for metrics database (MetricsDatabaseTables) and model for ingestion job (IngestionJob).
    • Using MetricsDatabaseWriter, A single IngestionJob may be saved to the database along with its metrics and job sources.
  • Added METRICS to the DatabaseType enum.


  • None.


  • None.


  • None.



  • Update super-pom to 0.36.0 for lucene and ktor dependencies.


Breaking Changes

  • Updated to super-pom version 0.34.x.
  • IdentifiedObject.addName has been refactored to take in a NameType and a String. This is doing the same thing under the hood as previous addName() function, but simplifies the input by lowering the amount of objects that needed to be created prior to adding names. Example usage change: obj.addName(nameType, "name", obj)) or obj.addName(nameType.getOrAddName("name", obj)) becomes obj.addName(nameType, "name")
  • addName()/removeName() related function for both IdentifiedObject and NameType will now also perform the same function on the other object type. i.e. Removing a name from the identified object will remove it from the name type and vice versa. Same interaction is also applied to adding a name.
  • Removed ProtectionEquipment.
  • Change of inheritance: CurrentRelay ProtectionEquipment. becomes CurrentRelay ProtectionRelayFunction.
  • Removed symmetric relation ProtectionEquipment ProtectedSwitch.
  • Renamed CurrentRelayInfo to RelayInfo.
    • The override assetInfo: RelayInfo? has been moved from CurrentRelay to its new parent class, ProtectionRelayFunction.
    • Renamed RelayInfo.removeDelay to RelayInfo.removeDelayAt. The original method name has been repurposed to remove a delay by its value rather than its index.
  • Reworked values for enumerable type ProtectionKind.
  • Removed IdentifiedObject.removeNamesFromTypes(). Use IdentifiedObject.clearNames() instead.
  • Removed DiagramServiceInstanceCache and NetworkServiceInstanceCache.
  • The database has been split into three databases, which will change the imports of most related classes:
    1. The existing database containing the network model (*-network-model.sqlite) with classes in the network package.
    2. A new database containing the customer information (*-customers.sqlite) with classes in the customer package.
    3. A new database containing the diagrams (*-diagrams.sqlite) with classes in the diagram package.
  • The database split has resulted in the database classes also being split, e.g. DatabaseReader is now NetworkDatabaseReader, CustomerDatabaseReader and DiagramDatabaseReader.
  • Renamed the following tables (and their associated indexes):
    • battery_unit to battery_units
    • photo_voltaic_unit to photo_voltaic_units
    • power_electronics_connection to power_electronics_connections
    • power_electronics_connection_phase to power_electronics_connection_phases
    • power_electronics_wind_unit to power_electronics_wind_units
    • transformer_star_impedance to transformer_star_impedances
  • The UpgradeRunner is no longer used by the database readers. You must now call it directly if you want a database to upgrade. This change has been put in place due to the splitting of the database.

New Features

  • Added getNames(IdentifiedObject) to NameType to retrieve all names associated with the NameType that belongs to an IdentifiedObject.
  • Added getNames(NameType) and getNames(String) to IdentifiedObject so user can retrieve all names for a given NameType of the IdentifiedObject
  • Added new classes and fields to support advanced modelling of protection relays:
    • SeriesCompensator: A series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission line without charging susceptance.
    • Ground: A point where the system is grounded used for connecting conducting equipment to ground.
    • GroundDisconnector: A manually operated or motor operated mechanical switching device used for isolating a circuit or equipment from ground.
    • ProtectionRelayScheme: A scheme that a group of relay functions implement. For example, typically schemes are primary and secondary, or main and failsafe.
    • ProtectionRelayFunction: A function that a relay implements to protect equipment.
    • ProtectionRelaySystem: A relay system for controlling ProtectedSwitches.
    • RelaySetting: The threshold settings for a given relay.
    • VoltageRelay: A device that detects when the voltage in an AC circuit reaches a preset voltage.
    • DistanceRelay: A protective device used in power systems that measures the impedance of a transmission line to determine the distance to a fault, and initiates circuit breaker tripping to isolate the faulty section and safeguard the power system.
    • RelayInfo.recloseFast: True if recloseDelays are associated with a fast Curve, False otherwise.
    • RegulatingControl.ratedCurrent: The rated current of associated CT in amps for a RegulatingControl.


  • Added missing collection methods for RelayInfo.recloseDelays (RelayInfo was previously named CurrentRelayInfo):
    • RelayInfo.getDelay(sequenceNumber: Int): Double?
    • RelayInfo.forEachDelay(action: (sequenceNumber: Int, delay: Double) -> Unit)
    • RelayInfo.removeDelay(delay: Double?): Boolean
      • The original method with this name has been renamed to RelayInfo.removeDelayAt(index: Int): Double?.
  • Cleaned up code using IntelliJ code inspection. Some typos in documentation have also been fixed.
  • Added missing @JvmOverloads for the constructors of the following CIM classes: NoLoadTest, OpenCircuitTest, PowerTransformerInfo, ShortCircuitTest, ShuntCompensatorInfo, SwitchInfo, TransformerEndInfo, TransformerTankInfo, Pole, Streetlight, TapChangerControl, TransformerStarImpedance, BatteryUnit, PhotoVoltaicUnit, PowerElectronicsWindUnit, and EvChargingUnit.
  • Added helper properties t1, t2, and t3 to ConductingEquipment which get the first, second, and third terminal respectively. A NullPointerException is thrown if there is no such terminal (e.g. evaluating br.t3 for a breaker br that has only two terminals).


  • Fixed transitive bug that made a database round-trip test fail on Windows due to an issue in sqlitejdbc.dll.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • None.

New Features

  • Allow setting gRPC maxInboundMessageSize via


  • None.


  • Accept larger protobuf messages up to 20MB in size by default.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • None.

New Features

  • Updated to evolve-grpc 0.26.0.
  • Updated super-pom to version 0.30.0
  • Added connectWithIdentity() for connecting using Azure Managed Identities.


  • Update docusaurus version and the configuration.


  • None.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • Deprecated old style accessors in favour of Kotlin accessors for SinglePhaseKind. To use the new function make the folloiwng modification to your code:
    • Kotlin:
      • spk.value() -> spk.value
      • spk.maskIndex() -> spk.maskIndex
      • spk.bitMask() -> spk.bitMask
    • Java:
      • spk.value() -> spk.getValue()
      • spk.maskIndex() -> spk.getMaskIndex()
      • spk.bitMask() -> spk.getBitMask()
  • will no longer set directions for feeders with a head terminal on an open switch. It is expected these feeders are either placeholder feeders with no meaningful equipment, or are energised from another feeder which will set the directions from the other end.

New Features

  • PowerTransformerEnd now supports multiple ratings based on cooling types attached to the transformer. Use new addRating and getRating methods.
  • Added new classes:
    • TapChangerControl
    • EvChargingUnit
    • RegulatingControl
  • Added new fields:
    • Equipment.commissionedDate
    • UsagePoint
      • ratedPower
      • approvedInverterCapacity
    • ProtectionEquipment
      • directable
      • powerDirection
    • CurrentRelayInfo.recloseDelays
    • DER register fields on PowerElectronicsConnection
  • Added new enums
    • PowerDirectionKind
    • RegulatingControlModeKind
    • TransformerCoolingType


  • Performance enhancement for ConnectedEquipmentTrace when traversing elements with single terminals.
  • Added support for LV2 below SWER transformers.
  • Improved logging when saving a database.
  • The TestNetworkBuilder has been enhanced with the following features:
    • You can now set the ID's without having to create a customer 'other' creator.
    • Added Kotlin wrappers for .fromOther and .toOther that allow you to pass a class type rather than a creator. e.g. .toOther<Fuse>() instead of .toOther(::Fuse) or .toOther( { Fuse(it) } ).
    • Added inbuilt support for PowerElectronicsConnection and EnergyConsumer
    • The to* and connect functions can specify the connectivity node mRID to use. This will only be used if the terminals are not already connected.
  • Added + and - operators to PhaseCode and SinglePhaseKind.
  • TraversalQueue now has addAll methods taking either a collection or varargs, which by default will just call add for each item, but can be overridden if there is an addAll available on the underlying queue implementation.
  • Traversal has two new helper methods:
    • ifNotStopping: Adds a step action that is only called if the traversal is not stopping on the item.
    • ifStopping: Adds a step action that is only called if the traversal is stopping on the item.


  • Asking for the traced phases as a phase code when there are no nominal phases no longer throws.
  • Feeder directions are now stopped at substation transformers in the same way as assigning equipment incase the feeder has no breaker, or the start point is not inline.


  • Deprecated setting ratedS on PowerTransformerEnd.


Breaking Changes

  • The CIM consumer clients (network, diagram and customer) have had the following changes:
    • Implemented the AutoCloseable interface. Existing applications that use any of the clients, but do not provide a gRPC stub directly to those clients, should be refactored to close the client in order to shut down the ExecutorService that is created under the covers.
    • You can provide an optional ExecutorService when creating a client, which is used to monitor the gRPC stub. If one is provided, it will be shutdown when the client is closed.
  • Removed support for RecloseSequences. This functionality will be re-added to the model in later versions.

New Features

  • Added getCustomersForContainer to CustomerConsumerClient which allows fetching all the Customers for a given EquipmentContainer
  • Added getDiagramObjects to DiagramConsumerClient which allows fetching all the DiagramObjects matching a given mRID.


  • None.


  • Stopped the NetworkConsumerClient from resolving the equipment of an EquipmentContainer when resolving references. Equipment for containers must always be explicitly requested by the client.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • Removed GrpcChannelFactory. The connect methods in the Connect object should be used instead. GrpcChannelBuilder may be used if more customisation is required (e.g. TLS client authentication).
  • Renamed FeederDirection.has to FeederDirection.contains, which can be used via its operator version in. e.g. BOTH.has(DOWNSTREAM) can be replaced with BOTH.contains(DOWNSTREAM) or DOWNSTREAM in BOTH
  • Removed deprecated function NetworkConsumerClient.getFeeder.
  • Renamed function 'breadFirstSupplier' to 'breadthFirstSupplier' in 'BasicQueue' class.

New Features

  • Added EquivalentNetworkUtils class that contains utility methods to add equivalent networks to the edges of gRPC requested network services.
  • Added methods for connecting to the gRPC service in a utility object named Connect:
    • Connect.connectInsecure: Used to connect to a gRPC service that does not use SSL/TLS.
    • Connect.connectTls: Used to connect to a gRPC service that uses SSL/TLS, without user authentication.
    • Connect.connectWithSecret: Used to connect to a gRPC service that uses SSL/TLS, using the OAuth 2.0 client credential flow.
    • Connect.connectWithPassword: Used to connect to a gRPC service that uses SSL/TLS, using the OAuth 2.0 password grant flow.
  • Added support for current transformers and power transformers with the following classes in com.zepben.evolve.cim.*:
    • In com.zepben.evolve.cim.iec61968.infiec61968.infassetinfo:
      • CurrentTransformerInfo: Properties of current transformer asset.
      • PotentialTransformerInfo: Properties of potential transformer asset.
    • In com.zepben.evolve.cim.iec61968.infiec61968.infcommon:
      • Ratio: Fraction specified explicitly with a numerator and denominator, which can be used to calculate the quotient.
    • In com.zepben.evolve.cim.iec61970.base.auxiliaryequipment:
      • CurrentTransformer: Instrument transformer used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored.
      • PotentialTransformer: Instrument transformer (also known as Voltage Transformer) used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored.
      • PotentialTransformerKind: The construction kind of the potential transformer. (Enum)
      • Sensor: This class describes devices that transform a measured quantity into signals that can be presented at displays, used in control or be recorded.
  • Added PowerTransformer().getEnd(Terminal), which gets a PowerTransformerEnd by the Terminal it's connected to.
  • Added the following functions to ConnectedEquipmentTrace for creating traces that work on ConductingEquipment, and ignore phase connectivity, instead considering things to be connected if they share a ConnectivityNode:
    • newNormalDownstreamEquipmentTrace: Creates a trace that traverses in the downstream direction using the normal state of the network.
    • newNormalUpstreamEquipmentTrace: Creates a trace that traverses in the upstream direction using the normal state of the network.
    • newCurrentDownstreamEquipmentTrace: Creates a trace that traverses in the downstream direction using the current state of the network.
    • newCurrentUpstreamEquipmentTrace: Creates a trace that traverses in the upstream direction using the current state of the network.
  • Added support for protection equipment with the following classes, enums, and fields:
    • SwitchInfo: Switch datasheet information.
    • ProtectionEquipment: An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits, or simply to display the detected condition.
    • CurrentRelay: A device that checks current flow values in any direction or designated direction.
    • CurrentRelayInfo: Current relay datasheet information.
    • RecloseSequence: A reclose sequence (open and close) is defined for each possible reclosure of a breaker.
    • ProtectionKind: The kind of protection being provided by this protection equipment.
    • ProtectedSwitch::breakingCapacity: The maximum fault current in amps a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
    • Switch::ratedCurrent: The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction. The attribute shall be a positive value.
    • Breaker::inTransitTime: The transition time from open to close in seconds.


  • Added FeederDirection.not operator function.


  • NetworkService.remove for LvFeeder function fixed (previously added instead).
  • Added confirmation of removal to the remove component test.
  • Fixed bug where limited connected traces with maximumSteps = 1 could include equipment 2 steps away when using a direction.
  • Made type column of potential_transformers non-null.
  • AssignToFeeders now correctly assigns AuxiliaryEquipment.
  • AssignToLvFeeders now correctly assigns AuxiliaryEquipment.
  • AssignToFeeders now correctly assigns ProtectionEquipment.
  • AssignToLvFeeders now correctly assigns ProtectionEquipment.


  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Replaced Equipment().currentFeeders with Equipment().currentContainers, which yields a Collection<EquipmentContainer> instead of a Collection<Feeder>.
  • Changed the AssignToFeeders trace to stop at and exclude LV equipment, which should now be added to the new LvFeeder object.
  • Renamed Tracing().assignEquipmentContainerToFeeders to Tracing().assignEquipmentToFeeders
  • Changed the minimum supported database version to v43.
New Features
  • Added support for YYN single phase transformers when determining phases.
  • Added LvFeeder, a branch of LV network starting at a distribution substation and continuing until the end of the LV network.
  • Added the following optional arguments to NetworkConsumerClient().getEquipment(For)Container(s):
    • includeEnergizingContainers: Specifies whether to include equipment from containers energizing the ones listed in mRIDs. This is of the enum type IncludedEnergizingContainers, which has three possible values:
      • EXCLUDE_ENERGIZING_CONTAINERS: No additional effect (default).
      • INCLUDE_ENERGIZING_FEEDERS: Include HV/MV feeders that power LV feeders listed in mRIDs.
      • INCLUDE_ENERGIZING_SUBSTATIONS: In addition to INCLUDE_ENERGIZING_FEEDERS, include substations that energize a HV/MV feeder listed in mRIDs or included via INCLUDE_ENERGIZING_FEEDERS.
    • includeEnergizedContainers: Specifies whether to include equipment from containers energized by the ones listed in mRIDs. This is of the enum type IncludedEnergizedContainers, which has three possible values:
      • EXCLUDE_ENERGIZED_CONTAINERS: No additional effect (default).
      • INCLUDE_ENERGIZED_FEEDERS: Include HV/MV feeders powered by substations listed in mRIDs.
      • INCLUDE_ENERGIZED_LV_FEEDERS: In addition to INCLUDE_ENERGIZED_FEEDERS, include LV feeders that are energizes by a HV/MV feeder listed in mRIDs or included via INCLUDE_ENERGIZED_FEEDERS.
  • Added FindSwerEquipment class which can be used for finding the SWER equipment in a NetworkService or Feeder.
  • None.
  • Failure when reading in database tables will now cause a short-circuit failure when all tables are loaded rather than after post load processing.
  • Corrected function that calculates the equivalent impedance of a transformer from the results of a short circuit test.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Changed TestNetworkBuilder to have a public constructor and removed startWith* functions. Change TestNetworkBuilder.startWith* to TestNetworkBuilder().from* (kotlin), or new TestNetworkBuilder().from* (java).
  • Changed TestNetworkBuilder.fromOther and TestNetworkBuilder.toOther to take a creator, rather than an instance.
  • Modified ConnectedEquipmentTrace in the following ways:
    • Moved from package to
    • Changed to process a ConnectedEquipmentStep, rather than ConductingEquipment directly. ConnectedEquipmentStep stores both the ConductingEquipment, plus the number of steps taken from the starting object.
    • Changed the return types from BassicTraversal<ConductingEquipment> to ConnectedEquipmentTraversal which has a helper method for starting the trace directly from ConductingEquipment
    • Updated to use ConnectedEquipmentStepTracker which allows revisiting ConductingEquipment if a shorter path is found.
New Features
  • Added LimitedConnectedEquipmentTrace, which can be used to trace from ConductingEquipment limiting by the number of steps, and optionally, feeder direction.
  • will now assign equipment to feeders if feeders were added to the network.
  • TreeNode().sortWeight no longer throws an error when evaluated on nodes for equipment without terminals.
  • PhaseStepTracker now reports strict subsets of visited phases as visited.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Changed TestNetworkBuilder to have a public constructor and removed startWith* functions. Change TestNetworkBuilder.startWith* to TestNetworkBuilder().from* (kotlin), or new TestNetworkBuilder().from* (java).
  • Changed TestNetworkBuilder.fromOther and TestNetworkBuilder.toOther to take a creator, rather than an instance.
  • Modified ConnectedEquipmentTrace in the following ways:
    • Moved from package to
    • Changed to process a ConnectedEquipmentStep, rather than ConductingEquipment directly. ConnectedEquipmentStep stores both the ConductingEquipment, plus the number of steps taken from the starting object.
    • Changed the return types from BassicTraversal<ConductingEquipment> to ConnectedEquipmentTraversal which has a helper method for starting the trace directly from ConductingEquipment
    • Updated to use ConnectedEquipmentStepTracker which allows revisiting ConductingEquipment if a shorter path is found.
New Features
  • Added LimitedConnectedEquipmentTrace, which can be used to trace from ConductingEquipment limiting by the number of steps, and optionally, feeder direction.
  • will now assign equipment to feeders if feeders were added to the network.
  • TreeNode().sortWeight no longer throws an error when evaluated on nodes for equipment without terminals.
  • PhaseStepTracker now reports strict subsets of visited phases as visited.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Made Terminal methods connect and disconnect internal as they were always meant to be. If you have been incorrectly using them, you will need to swap to using the methods from NetworkService instead.
New Features
  • None.
  • Added connectedTerminals and otherTerminals helper methods to Terminal.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • SetPhases now supports setting backwards through XN/XY transformers.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • Phases are now set through transformers allowing for phase changes. Only valid phase mappings are currently supported. If a valid mapping has been missed, please contact Zepben.
  • You can now translate TracedPhases to a PhaseCode if the individual phases make sense.
  • Added PhaseCode helper methods forEach, map, any and all.
  • SetDirection now correctly handles Switch instances without phases.
  • SetPhases no longer removes phases when there is an LV loop with mixed single and 3-phase.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Changed the FindWithUsagePoints trace to handle changes to the LV aggregation via virtual UsagePoint instances.
  • Updated database version.
  • TownDetail fields are now nullable.
  • Renamed PhaseDirection to FeederDirection:
    • IN renamed to UPSTREAM
    • OUT renamed to DOWNSTREAM
  • Separated feeder direction from phase.
    • Direction has been removed from TracedPhases and is now accessed directly off the Terminal.
    • Direction has been removed from PhaseStatus and is now accessed via DirectionStatus.
  • The following Terminal fields are now Kotlin properties rather than accessor functions:
    • connectivityNodeId
    • isConnected
    • normalPhases
    • currentPhases
  • PhaseCode.singlePhases is now a Kotlin read-only property rather than an accessor function.
New Features
  • Added the following CIM classes/enums:
    • TransformerConstructionKind
    • TransformerFunctionKind
    • StreetDetail
  • Added TestNetworkBuilder which can be used to create simple test networks.
  • Added fields to PowerTransformer to define constructionKind and function.
  • Added fields to StreetAddress to define poBox and streetDetail.
  • Added fields to EnergySource to allow representation of a higher-level power grid connection modelled as a slack bus.
  • Reworked phase connectivity to better handle unknown primary phases (X/Y).
  • Column names fixed for TableBaseVoltages.NOMINAL_VOLTAGE, TableRemoteSources.MEASUREMENT_MRID, and TableControls.CONTROL_MRID - database upgrade path provided.
  • Relaxed the constraint on power_electronics_connection_mrid (no longer unique) in the following tables:
    • battery_unit
    • photo_voltaic_unit
    • power_electronics_wind_unit
    • power_electronics_connection_phase
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • NetworkHierarchy has been updated to use CIM classes.
  • getFeeder has been deprecated. Prefer the use of the more generic getEquipmentContainer.
  • getIdentifiedObject now returns a NoSuchElementException error if the requested object does not exist rather than a null successful result.
  • All CimConsumerClient implementations have been changed to control a single service rather than one per call.
  • NetworkConsumerClient has been updated to use the async stub internally and has received a significant performance boost. This only has an impact if you are passing the stub directly to the client rather than a channel.
  • All SDK methods that retrieve objects with references will now request the network hierarchy first to provide a consistent result, regardless of call order.
  • Primitive values on CIM classes are now nullable to allow differentiation between missing and zero values.
  • Fixed typo in NetworkServiceComparator. Was previously NetworkServiceCompatatorOptions.
  • Changed to be a string and removed DiagramObjectStyle enum.
  • Updated to use v0.15.0 gRPC protocols.
  • Moved ConnectivityResult from package to
New Features
  • Added normal and current version of the connected equipment trace. See Tracing for details.
  • Added a generic API call, getEquipmentContainer, for populating the Equipment of an EquipmentContainer.
  • Added API calls for getting loops.
  • Added RunStreaming examples to the tests, which can be used to talk to a real server.
  • Added the following CIM classes:
    • EquivalentBranch
    • EquivalentEquipment
    • NoLoadTest
    • OpenCircuitTest
    • ShortCircuitTest
    • ShuntCompensatorInfo
    • TransformerTest
  • Objects that belong to a parent object will now be automatically assigned if the parent is null when added. e.g. a Terminal with no ConductingEquipment will be automatically associated to any ConductingEquipment to which it is added.
  • Added a helper function to Breaker to identify if it is the head of a Feeder.
  • Added isVirtual and connectionCategory to UsagePoint
  • Created new traces for tracing connectivity using ConnectivityResult. These are available via Tracing.
  • NetworkHierarchy now contains circuits and loops.
  • Speed of BaseService.get has been improved when an explict type is not provided.
  • getIdentifiedObjects can now take a Sequence of mRIDs in addition to an Iterable for performance reasons.
  • GrpcChannel now attempts to clean up channels that fail to shut down.
  • getIdentifiedObjects now adds unknown mRIDs to the failed collection.
  • Fixed an error in the typing for GrpcResult that allowed you to set a value to null without specifying a nullable type.
  • Fixed errors in the decoding fromm protobuf of optional reference mRIDs that were not assigned.
  • Corrected string conversion of ServiceDifferences with NameType differences.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • GrpcChannelFactory.create() now returns a GrpcChannel, which is a wrapper around a Channel or ManagedChannel. This should only be breaking for Java users.
  • BatteryUnit ratedE and storedE are now Long instead of Double.
  • The package for DownstreamTree has been changed from *.tracing to *.tracing.tree, you will need to reimport.
  • DownstreamTree.TreeNode has been moved to a top level class in the *.tracing.tree package.
  • Converted the remaining tracing classes to Kotlin. This will require fixing of many getter calls to include a get* from Java and removal of the function call in Kotlin etc.
New Features
  • New class GrpcChannel that can be used in try-with-resources blocks when communicating with a Grpc server.

  • NetworkConsumerClient has 4 new functions:

    • For fetching equipment for an EquipmentContainer

      getEquipmentForContainer(service: NetworkService, mrid: String)         
    • For fetching current equipment for a Feeder

      getCurrentEquipmentForFeeder(service: NetworkService, mrid: String)         
    • For fetching equipment for an OperationalRestriction

      getEquipmentForRestriction(service: NetworkService, mrid: String)         
    • For fetching terminals for a ConnectivityNode

      getTerminalsForConnectivityNode(service: NetworkService, mrid: String)         
  • NetworkConsumerClient.get_feeder() now resolves all references, and thus you can expect to receive a Feeder with all equipment and their associations populated.

  • New class SwitchStateClient that allows you to set the current state of switches via a gRPC service.

  • BaseService has two new functions which allow retrieving the UnresolvedReferences for an mRID by either toMrid or from.mRID:

    • getUnresolvedReferencesTo(mRID: String): Sequence<UnresolvedReference<,>>
    • getUnresolvedReferencesFrom(mRID: String): Sequence<UnresolvedReference<,>>
  • Added the following classes:

    • LoadBreakSwitch
    • TransformerEndInfo
    • TransformerTankInfo
    • TransformerStarImpedance
    • Name
    • NameType
  • New class JwtCredentials added to support managing OAuth2 refresh tokens from Auth0. To be using with the gRPC Consumer and Producer clients which now also accept JwtCredentials or other CallCredentials at initialisation to apply to the stub.

  • Added some better testing mechanism for database upgrades.
  • Instantiating database reader / writer classes is now faster. (Mainly benefits tests)
  • Resolvers.powerElectronicsConnection(powerElectronicsUnit: PowerElectronicsUnit).Resolvers.powerElectronicsConnection(powerElectronicsConnectionPhase: PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase)Resolvers.powerElectronicsUnit(powerElectronicsConnection: PowerElectronicsConnection)Resolvers.powerElectronicsConnectionPhase(powerElectronicsConnection: PowerElectronicsConnection) now all have their reverse resolver assigned.
  • Name and NameType classes enable the ability to give IdentifiedObjects multiple names.


Breaking Changes


New Features
  • Added the following classes:
    • BatteryUnit
    • BusbarSection
    • PhotoVoltaicUnit
    • PowerElectronicsConnection
    • PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase
    • PowerElectronicsWindUnit
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Updated logic for the PhaseInferrer. When trying to fix missing phases it will first check if it has nominal phase data available and use it before trying to infer the phase.
  • The AssignToFeeders was changed to assign all ConductingEquipment on the normalHeadTerminal side (inclusive) stopping at open points, head equipment for other feeders and substation transformers.
  • You can no longer run AssignToFeeders directly on a feeder.
  • getIdentifiedObjects in the consumer clients now returns a GrpcResult of a MultiObjectResult, which includes the map of objects added plus a new field failed which is the set of mRIDs that were not added to the service because another object with the same mRID already existed.
  • getFeeder in NetworkConsumerClient now returns a GrpcResult as per getIdentifiedObjects
  • addFromPb now return nullable types. They will return null when adding to the service returns false.
  • NetworkProtoToCim.toCim(ConnectivityNode) will no longer update an existing ConnectivityNode if it already exists in the service. This brings the serialisation into line with all other toCim() functions, however means that deserialising the same ConnectivityNode multiple times will now fail rather than merging the ConnectivityNodes.
  • Equipment is now added to a Feeder even if the phasing is broken. Side effect of this is un-ganged normal switching will no longer assign feeders correctly.
  • Packages have been reworked, you will need to update your imports.
  • Removed obsolete PositionPointParser.
  • Improved connectivity when using XY phasing.
  • Default value for transformerUtilisation property in PowerTransformer class was updated from 0.0 to NaN.
  • Added PowerTransformerInfo class.
  • Updated PowerTransformer's assetInfo property to hold instance of PowerTransformerInfo class.
New Features
  • None.
  • Updated Feeder to allow for updating the normalHeadTerminal if the feeder has no equipment assigned.
  • Added transformer utilisation property to PowerTransformer class
  • PhaseInferrer now supports Neutral phase.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • tryGrpc no longer throws. Helper methods have been added to GrpcResult providing convenient ways of maintaining the previous functionality.
New Features
  • Added getFeeder helper to the NetworkConsumerClient.
  • Added customer and diagram consumer clients.
  • Added MetadataCollection allowing you to specify DataSource information.
  • The gRPC consumer and producer clients now share a common base class.
  • Added primaryVoltage property to PowerTransformer for convenience.
  • Fixed null annotations on ConnectivityResult.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • ConnectivityResult is now immutable.
New Features
  • None.
  • Tweaked error handling in the put package.
  • Database upgrade now takes its backup before changing the version table to change sets.
  • RemovePhases now supports SWER.
  • FindWithUsagePoints now supports first terminal sequence numbers greater than one.
  • None.


Initial release containing the Zepben CIM profile, database [de]serialisation, protobuf [de]serialisation, network model tracing, and gRPC producer clients.