Class Description​
A conducting connection point of a power transformer. It corresponds to a physical transformer winding terminal. In earlier CIM versions, the TransformerWinding class served a similar purpose, but this class is more flexible because it associates to terminal but is not a specialization of ConductingEquipment.
Name | Type | Description |
endNumber | Integer | Number for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the power transformer vector group or phase angle clock number. Highest voltage winding should be 1. Each end within a power transformer should have a unique subsequent end number. Note the transformer end number need not match the terminal sequence number. |
grounded | Boolean | (for Yn and Zn connections) True if the neutral is solidly grounded. |
rground | Resistance | (for Yn and Zn connections) Resistance part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true. |
xground | Reactance | (for Yn and Zn connections) Reactive part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true. |
Source Class | Source Cardinality | Target | Target Cardinality | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
TransformerEnd | | Terminal | 0..1 | | | Terminal | Terminal of the power transformer to which this transformer end belongs. |
TransformerEnd | 0..1 | RatioTapChanger | 0..1 | TransformerEnd | Transformer end to which this ratio tap changer belongs. | RatioTapChanger | Ratio tap changer associated with this transformer end. |
TransformerEnd | | TransformerStarImpedance | 0..1 | | | StarImpedance | (accurate for 2- or 3-winding transformers only) Pi-model impedances of this transformer end. By convention, for a two winding transformer, the full values of the transformer should be entered on the high voltage end (endNumber=1). |