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Class Description​

A conducting connection point of a power transformer. It corresponds to a physical transformer winding terminal. In earlier CIM versions, the TransformerWinding class served a similar purpose, but this class is more flexible because it associates to terminal but is not a specialization of ConductingEquipment.


endNumberIntegerNumber for this transformer end, corresponding to the end's order in the power transformer vector group or phase angle clock number. Highest voltage winding should be 1. Each end within a power transformer should have a unique subsequent end number. Note the transformer end number need not match the terminal sequence number.
groundedBoolean(for Yn and Zn connections) True if the neutral is solidly grounded.
rgroundResistance(for Yn and Zn connections) Resistance part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true.
xgroundReactance(for Yn and Zn connections) Reactive part of neutral impedance where 'grounded' is true.





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
TransformerEndTerminal0..1TerminalTerminal of the power transformer to which this transformer end belongs.
TransformerEnd0..1RatioTapChanger0..1TransformerEndTransformer end to which this ratio tap changer belongs.RatioTapChangerRatio tap changer associated with this transformer end.
TransformerEndTransformerStarImpedance0..1StarImpedance(accurate for 2- or 3-winding transformers only) Pi-model impedances of this transformer end. By convention, for a two winding transformer, the full values of the transformer should be entered on the high voltage end (endNumber=1).