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Class Descriptionโ€‹

A connection to the AC network for energy production or consumption that uses power electronics rather than rotating machines.


invFixReactivePowerFloatStatic Reactive Power, specified in a percentage output of the system. Permitted range is between -1.0 and 1.0 (inclusive), with a negative sign referring to โ€œsinkโ€.
invReactivePowerModeBooleanIf true, enables Static Reactive Power mode on the inverter.
invVarRespQAtV1FloatPower output set point 1 as a percentage of rated output for inverter Volt-VAr response mode. Permitted range is between -0.6 and 0 (inclusive) with a negative number referring to a sink.
invVarRespQAtV2FloatPower output set point 2 as a percentage of rated output for inverter Volt-VAr response mode. Permitted range is between -0.6 and 0 (inclusive) with a negative number referring to a sink.
invVarRespQAtV3FloatPower output set point 3 as a percentage of rated output for inverter Volt-VAr response mode. Permitted range is between -0.6 and 0 (inclusive) with a negative number referring to a sink.
invVarRespQAtV4FloatPower output set point 4 as a percentage of rated output for inverter Volt-VAr response mode. Permitted range is between -0.6 and 0 (inclusive) with a negative number referring to a sink.
invVarRespV1IntegerSet point 1 in volts for inverter Volt-VAr response mode. Permitted range is between 200 and 300 (inclusive).
invVarRespV2IntegerSet point 2 in volts for inverter Volt-VAr response mode. Permitted range is between 200 and 300 (inclusive).
invVarRespV3IntegerSet point 3 in volts for inverter Volt-VAr response mode. Permitted range is between 200 and 300 (inclusive).
invVarRespV4IntegerSet point 4 in volts for inverter Volt-VAr response mode. Permitted range is between 200 and 300 (inclusive).
invVoltVarRespModeBooleanVolt-VAr response mode allows an inverter to consume (sink) or produce (source) reactive power depending on the measured voltage. This mode is further described in AS4777.2:2015, section True implies the mode is enabled.
invVoltWattRespModeBooleanVolt-Watt response mode allows an inverter to reduce is real power output depending on the measured voltage. This mode is further described in AS4777.2:2015, section True implies the mode is enabled.
invWattRespPAtV1FloatPower output set point 1 as a percentage of rated output for inverter Volt-Watt response mode. Permitted range is between 0 and 0.2 (inclusive).
invWattRespPAtV2FloatPower output set point 2 as a percentage of rated output for inverter Volt-Watt response mode. Permitted range is between 0 and 0.2 (inclusive).
invWattRespPAtV3FloatPower output set point 3 as a percentage of rated output for inverter Volt-Watt response mode. Permitted range is between 0 and 0.2 (inclusive).
invWattRespPAtV4FloatPower output set point 4 as a percentage of rated output for inverter Volt-Watt response mode. Permitted range is between 0 and 0.2 (inclusive).
invWattRespV1IntegerSet point 1 in volts for inverter Volt-Watt response mode. Permitted range is between 244 and 265 (inclusive).
invWattRespV2IntegerSet point 2 in volts for inverter Volt-Watt response mode. Permitted range is between 244 and 265 (inclusive).
invWattRespV3IntegerSet point 3 in volts for inverter Volt-Watt response mode. Permitted range is between 244 and 265 (inclusive).
invWattRespV4IntegerSet point 4 in volts for inverter Volt-Watt response mode. Permitted range is between 244 and 265 (inclusive).
inverterStandardStringThe standard this inverter follows, such as AS4777.2:2020
maxIFaultPUMaximum fault current this device will contribute, in per-unit of rated current, before the converter protection will trip or bypass.
maxQReactivePowerMaximum reactive power limit. This is the maximum (nameplate) limit for the unit.
minQReactivePowerMinimum reactive power limit for the unit. This is the minimum (nameplate) limit for the unit.
pActivePowerActive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.
qReactivePowerReactive power injection. Load sign convention is used, i.e. positive sign means flow out from a node.
Starting value for a steady state solution.
ratedSApparentPowerNameplate apparent power rating for the unit.
The attribute shall have a positive value.
ratedUVoltageRated voltage (nameplate data, Ur in IEC 60909-0). It is primarily used for short circuit data exchange according to IEC 60909.
The attribute shall be a positive value.
stopAtOverFreqFloatOver frequency (stop) in Hz. Permitted range is between 51 and 52 (inclusive)
stopAtUnderFreqFloatUnder frequency (stop) in Hz Permitted range is between 47 and 49 (inclusive)
sustainOpOvervoltLimitIntegerIndicates the sustained operation overvoltage limit in volts, when the average voltage for a 10-minute period exceeds the Vยฌnom-max.




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
PowerElectronicsConnection1PowerElectronicsConnectionPhase0..*PowerElectronicsConnectionPower electronics connection of this power electronics connection phase.PhasesThe individual phases models for the power electronics connection.
PowerElectronicsConnection1PowerElectronicsUnit0..*PowerElectronicsConnectionA power electronics unit has a connection to the AC network.UnitsAn AC network connection may have several power electronics units connecting through it.