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Class Description​

Describes behaviour specific to tap changers, e.g. how the voltage at the end of a line varies with the load level and compensation of the voltage drop by tap adjustment.


coGenerationEnabledBooleanTrue implies cogeneration mode is enabled and that the control will regulate to the new source bushing (downline bushing), keeping locations downline from experiencing overvoltage situations.
forwardLDCBlockingBooleanTrue implies this tap changer turns off/ignores reverse current flows for line drop compensation when power flow is reversed and no reverse line drop is set.
limitVoltageVoltageMaximum allowed regulated voltage on the PT secondary, regardless of line drop compensation. Sometimes referred to as first-house protection.
lineDropCompensationBooleanIf true, the line drop compensation is to be applied.
lineDropRResistanceLine drop compensator resistance setting for normal (forward) power flow.
lineDropXReactanceLine drop compensator reactance setting for normal (forward) power flow.
reverseLineDropRResistanceLine drop compensator resistance setting for reverse power flow.
reverseLineDropXReactanceLine drop compensator reactance setting for reverse power flow.
timeDelayReactanceThe time delay for the tap changer in seconds.




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