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Version: 2.19.0

Running the Application

Configuration options for the GIS Network Extractor are provided as command line arguments.

Command Line Options

-com, --company <COMPANY>Selects the processing data logic to be used based on company name. CPPAL or EECPPAL
-cpi, --connection-point-identifier <IDENTIFIER>allows renaming the connection point identifier. e.g. use ICP instead of NMINMI
-dl, --detailed-logControls if a detailed set of errors are logged, or just the summaryfalse
-dsc, --dont-stitch-conductorsControls if the conductor stitching processor runs.stitch
-e, --ewb-data <EWB_DATA_PATH>The root path for the EWB data./ewb
-ep, --extract-phases <true or false>Controls if the phase information will be extracted from the source data. If disabled everything will be extracted as ABCtrue
-f3p, --force-three-phase-lvForce the LV network below a 3-phase transformer to ignore the phasing of the backbone and replace it with 3-phase.false
-g, --gis-data <GIS_DATA_PATH>The path where the input GIS JSON files are located./gis
-h, --helpShows this help message.false
-lvt, --low-voltage-threshold <LOW_VOLTAGE_THRESHOLD>Defines the LV voltage upper limit in volts (inclusive)1000
-m, --meter-mappings <METER_MAPPINGS_PATH>The path where the input meter mappings csv files are located./meter_mappings
-mmdp, --meter-mappings-date-pattern <METER_MAPPINGS_DATE_PATTERN>Specifies the pattern used to represent dates for the records in the meter mappings csv filesyyyyMMdd
-mmfp, --meter-mappings-file-pattern <METER_MAPPING_FILE_PATTERN>Specifies the file name pattern for meter mapping filesNMI_TX_MAPPING_(\d{8}).*[.]csv
-n, --network-hierarchy <NETWORK_HIERARCHY_FILE>The file containing the network hierarchy JSON./network-hierarchy.json
-nc, --nodes-config <NODES_CONFIG_PATH>The file containing the nodes JSON config./nodes-config.json
-pc, --processor-config <PROCESSOR_CONFIG_PATH>The file containing the processor JSON config./processor-config.json
-pdn, --phase-debug-namesindicates if they phase information should be added to the conductor names before and after the phase consistency processing is run. This information can be very useful for debugging phase issues.false
-pof, --poweron-fusion <HOST> <PORT> <INSTANCE>PowerOn Fusion database connection configurationnull
-q, --quality-checks <CHECKS>Controls which quality checks are run. Comma separated list of [NONE, ALL, PHASES]ALL
-qo, --quality-output <PATH>Controls the output directory of the quality checks../quality
-si, --source-impedance <SOURCE_IMPEDANCES_FILE>The file containing the source impedance values./source-impedances.csv
-tc, --types-config <TYPES_FILE>The file containing the cable types JSON or SINCAL standard types database./cable-types.json
--trust-lv1-phasesIndicates that the LV1 phases (AN, BN and CN) can be trusted. If not trusted, they will be replaced with XNfalse

Environment Variables

You can set the following environment variables to control different aspects of the GIS network extraction process:

ENMAC_USERThe user for the PoF Oracle database.enmac
ENMAC_PASSWORDThe password for the PoF Oracle database.password
GIS_EXTRACTOR_LOG_LEVELThe level of log messages to add to the GIS extractor logs.

To run the tool, execute the following command at a terminal.

java -Xmx<heap size> -Xms<heap size> -jar <path to gis-network-extractor> <COMMAND LINE OPTIONS>


  • PoF database connection environment variables have been defined. e.g. ENMAC_USER=enmac; ENMAC_PASSWORD=password;

  • heap size is the desired size of the heap. e.g. 16g

Heap Size Estimation

PoF system with 2.5 million components requires around 10GB

The LV Mapping data requires around 2GB

Together with the process overhead, the recommended heap size is 16GB