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Release History

2.17.021 June 2024
2.16.007 June 2024
2.15.207 February 2024
2.15.129 November 2023
2.15.027 November 2023
2.14.007 February 2023
2.13.007 September 2022
2.12.022 September 2021
2.11.028 May 2021
2.10.006 April 2021
2.9.001 February 2021
2.8.013 January 2021
2.7.011 November 2020
2.6.008 September 2020
2.5.004 September 2020
2.4.026 August 2020
2.3.018 August 2020
2.2.004 August 2020
2.1.024 July 2020
2.0.015 June 2020
1.1.021 June 2019
1.0.07 March 2019


Breaking Changes

  • None.

New Features

  • None.


  • Suppressed warnings about invalid Neara fields when they are not specified, only logging errors if there is an invalid value.
  • The TCS database reader will now filter out unused customers (those without a current reference to a property).
  • EE TCS properties with a link starting with $ are now excluded from the TCS processing.
  • Added metrics for counting types of transformers missing asset info:
    • other transformer without asset info count
    • voltageRegulator without asset info count
    • distributionTransformer without asset info count
    • isolationTransformer without asset info count
    • autotransformer without asset info count
    • powerTransformer without asset info count
    • secondaryTransformer without asset info count


  • Usage points that have been assigned to a transformer that is removed as a duplicate are now moved onto the transformer that is kept.
  • The processing of feeders with a split from the first node now correctly identifies the EHV when connected via a connector rather than a real node.
  • The poles database processing has been updated to read from the table RDS_GSA_ASSET.pole_curr_VW rather than Poles.
  • EE TCS processing has been updated to pull the NMI from TCS.CD_CUST_PROPERTY_ASSOC.LINK_REFERENCE.
  • Fixed the TCS customer classification/type mapping error that was incorrectly fixed as 'CT1'.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • The output has been split into three databases for compatibility with schema 52.
  • The pole data path configuration has been moved from a command line argument to the processor config. You will need move any parameters passed previously to the -pl command line argument into the poleDataLocation attribute in the processor config.

New Features

  • Added support for SQL server PoF connections. This includes the following new processor configuration parameters:
    • pofDatabaseType allows you to choose between an ORACLE or SQL_SERVER database. Defaults to ORACLE.
    • sqlServerIntegratedSecurity flag allows you to turn on Windows integrated security rather than using a username/password.
    • enmacSchema and tcsSchema that can be used to control the names (case-sensitive) of the schemas containing the PoF data.
  • Meters can now be processed from the PoA/PoF TCS schema instead of a meter mapping file by setting the processor configuration option meterSource to TCS. When using TCS as the meter source, you should populate the tcsCustomerTypeMappings in the processor configuration.
  • You can now control the logging level via the GIS_EXTRACTOR_LOG_LEVEL environment variable rather than having to create your own logback. Use one of [TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR], Defaults to INFO.
  • Pole data ingestion can now accept a JDBC path as a replacement for json files path via the poleDataLocation attribute in the processor config.
  • Span ratings can be processed from a CSV file specified via the spanRatingsPath attribute in the processor config. See documentation for file format details.


  • Added support for CPPAL/UE processing for feeders without three-digit, zero-padded feeder numbering.
  • Added logging for processed feeders with disconnected sections of network (including in the LV)
  • Updated the default value assigner to use underground cable detection.
  • Unused columns in the EE source impedance and tap settings CSVs are no longer required.
  • Added support for linking to EE PoA/PoF components via alias and user reference matching. Previously this could only be done via an attribute.


  • Updated logic to run the duplicatePathConductorRemover process before the missingTransformerTerminalCreator process. This was done to fix an issue where removing duplicate conductors after creating the missing terminals would result in transformers with a single terminal.
  • Feeder firstNode entries with realNodes now correctly create a feeder in the output model.
  • Feeders with a split from the first node no longer mark half the feeder as the substation when no EHV is processed.
  • Removed Names that reference no longer existing IdentifiedObjects in the network after post-processing


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • None.

New Features

  • None.


  • None.


  • Creation of a Location for an object created from the mapping file is now opt in using the processor configuration file:
    • EnergyConsumer via createEnergyConsumerLocations.
    • EquivalentBranch via createEquivalentBranchLocations.
  • Disabled the EE transformer fixing algorithms when running as CPPAL.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • None.

New Features

  • None.


  • None.


  • EquivalentBranches now have their locations created correctly.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • Switches are now guaranteed to have two terminals. Open switches with more than two connections in the GIS data may result in unintended connectivity, and each of these will be logged at a WARN level.
  • Source impedance csv (-si) is now configured in the processor config file under the property sourceImpedancesPath. Please remove -si arguments as they will be ignored.
  • Specific LV1 phases will no longer be trusted without the --trust-lv1-phases command line option. Without the option, all LV1 phases will be treated as XN.
  • Running with company EE no longer supports the powercor JSON format, only the GEOJSON format.

New Features

  • Added support for processing multiple real node connections per connector.
  • Added processing of DER register files for CPPAL.
  • Added creation of default substation transformers. When no substation internals or sub-transmission network is present a default transformer will be created inside each Substation for every voltage level present off connected feeders.
  • Added creation of default tap changer settings for substation transformers.
  • Added creation and population of TapChangerControl settings for substation transformers based off regulator settings CSVs. These can be provided through the processor config file using the field regulatorSettingsPath.
  • Added population of the bch field of a PerLengthSequenceImpedence from the cable_types.json file (new field F_km).
  • Added option the following new options:
    • -f3p, --force-three-phase-lv to force the LV network below a 3-phase transformer to ignore the phasing of the backbone and replace it with 3-phase.
    • -pdn, --phase-debug-names to append the phases before and after phase consistency processing to the names of all conductors.
    • -qo, --quality-output to change the quality output directory.
  • Incorrectly connected isolating transformers that join the LV network to the upstream side of the transformer are now corrected. Any LV conductors that connect only to HV nodes will be removed, and the remaining LV network will be connected to an LV terminal. There may be graphical breaks due to the conductor removals, but the network will be connected.
  • Added LineRegulatorSettingsProcessor with an implementation for CPPAL. This takes a CSV file (lineRegulatorSettingsPath) with configuration for regulators outside the sub-transmission network, and will create TapChangerControls for these regulators with the provided data.
  • Added VoltageRegulatorSettingsProcessors with an implementation for CPPAL and EE. These take a CSV file (regulatorSettingsPath) with configuration for regulators inside Substations, and will create TapChangerControls for these regulators with the provided data.
  • Added DefaultLineRegulatorTapSettingsProcessor which will create a default RatioTapChanger for voltage regulators that were missing them (all of them at the moment). This applies for both EE and CPPAL.
  • Added SubstationTransformerTapSettingsProcessor with an implementation for CPPAL and EE. The CPPAL implementation takes a csv file ( substationTransformerTapSettingsPath) which will be used to create RatioTapChangers for zone substation transformers. The EE implementation will create default RatioTapChangers for all zone substation transformers.
  • Added creation and population of RatioTapChanger settings for distribution transformers based off a tap settings CSV. These can be provided through the processor config file using the field txTapsPath. If you are processing as CPPAL, you must also provide txTapsMappingPathCPPAL. See docs for file formats.
  • Added multi argument option --phase-consistency-debug-ids which can be used to debug the phases of an item throughout the phase consistency processing.
  • Support for reading Sincal SQLite databases for conductors/transformers.


  • The network processor now ensures that every transformer end has a terminal, creating one if it was missing from the source data.
  • Greatly improved the performance of the VoltageLevelAssigner.
  • Improved logging about empty JSON files in the source data directory.
  • Filtered the attributes being read from the GIS source files to save substantial amounts of memory.
  • Support migrator-sdk 0.12.0
  • Added source impedance processing for CPPAL.
  • Updated the PCOR formatted data processing to support LV phases.
  • Transformers with unknown configration now default to 3-phase if they have a rating of 100 kVA or more.
  • Subtrans busbars will now default to 3-phase if no other phase information is given.
  • Transformer end terminals will now be matched by voltage even when the source data has a mix of L-L and L-N voltages.
  • Nodes that are not transformers or switches wil now be moved to the side (and attached) to allow a conductor to have its segments stitched.
  • Power transformer LV terminals that do not match an ends ratedU exactly, will be assigned to any available LV end.
  • All vestigial lines will now be removed from transformers with more than two terminals rather than only if there was exactly one.
  • Busbars will now default to 3-phase if their phases are unknown.
  • CPPAL meter numbers are now used to set the number of phases on an energy consumer. A and CZ: single-phase, B and DZ: 3-phase.


  • Old transformer delta files in the GIS data directory are no longer incorrectly processed.
  • 3 winding transformers will now have transformer codes correctly applied
  • Transformers with extra downstream terminals without matching ends will now be reconfigured to have a single downstream terminal.
  • We will now create ends and specify voltages off adjacent equipment for transformers in CPPAL's network if no voltage JSON properties are present.
  • Transformer ratings are now correctly read from Nameplate Rating (MVA) in the sub-trans network.
  • Correctly connecting LV and HV when they use a mix of real and logical connectors.
  • The terminals on a transformer that are connected to any removed vestigial conductors are now correctly removed.
  • Added the following fixes to the phase consistency processing:
    • TransformerPhaseProcessor no longer marks downstream loops from transformers as upstream terminals. This was caused by looping back through the transformer and finding an upstream path.
    • Prevent cross phasing bug when a dual site single-phase transformer has an extra connection to the HV bus.
    • Transformers supplying LV2 phases are correctly applied if the upstream terminal knows its phases.
    • LV2 phases are correctly considered valid phases for the LV side of a single-phase or SWER transformer.
    • Only 3-phase transformers will be processed before spreading phases to prevent incorrect replacement of LV2 network segments.
    • Stopped spreading repaired 3-phase splits through transformers and open switches.
    • Upstream paths from known single-phase transformers correctly resolve conflicts using ABC.
    • Tertiary LV terminals on isolating SWER transformers are no longer replaced with SWER phasing.
    • Dropped the phase spreading priority of ABCN, as many underground cables are marked ABCN even when all cores are not energised.
    • Loop processing now correctly updates all the terminals on ConductingEquipment it modifies, rather than just the terminals involved in the loop.
    • Phases are now spread in subtrans.
    • Split phase processing is now applied in subtrans and LV.
    • IncompatiblePhaseFixer has had the following fixes applied:
      • no longer replaces correct phases on split phase LV.
      • no longer breaks split phase loops with junctions.
      • repairs transformer upstreams with conflicting, known single-phase transformers correctly via a junction.
      • transformers in a loop are now checked when detecting if an incompatible phases can be spread downstream.
      • repairs the high voltage (upstream) side of a transformer if it is in a loop (e.g. dual transformer site).
    • SplitThreePhaseRepairer now handles incorrect extension of cable before split with junctions.
    • Invalid downstream phases are now replaced when chained through unknown equivalents that hide the conflict. e.g. AB -> XY -> BC will be replaced with AB -> AB -> AB.
    • SplitThreePhaseRepairer will no longer convert three transformer SWER sites to a 3-phase split.
    • The XyPhaseProcessor will now search downstream for hints on what phases to apply when there are multiple options.
    • TransformerPhaseProcessor will now leave updated terminals as X/Y phases to prevent phase inconsistencies in the following processors.
    • Regulators will no longer use their phases to determine connectivity as the phases specified on a regulator are the phases being regulated, so some regulators (e.g. open delta) drop phases incorrectly. This will need to be updated in the future if we need to mmodel these regulators fully.
  • Transformer ends are now assigned the correct terminal when they are a mix of L2L and L2N voltages that are the same voltage level (e.g. 22kV and 12.7kV), rather than being assigned based on the order in the source files.
  • Attributes containing "unknown" or empty values are now excluded when searching for values in multiple attributes. e.g. phases or names.
  • Fixed potential concurrent modification in MultipleWindingTxProcessor when disconnecting terminals.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • Conductors with no line type information that are simulated, internal or busbars are now given an impedance of ZEPBEN_ZERO_IMP_PLSI and assetInfo of ZEPBEN_UNRATED_WIRE_INFO, which are excluded from the "most common" checks in the default value assigner.

New Features

  • LV feeders are now added on the secondary terminal of each distribution transformer.
  • Added support for split 3-phase backbones, where three single core cables are run underground.
  • Added "repairing" of CPPAL regulators. See doco for more details.
  • Added nodes config parameter reactorClasses, an array of GIS class names, which is used to define which LinearShuntCompensators should be created with a reactive susceptance (negative bPerSection). If the rating of the reactive susceptance is unknown, it will be set to the equivalent value of the nodes config parameter defaultReactorSizeKVAR, which defaults to 25 kVAR.
  • Defaults for WireInfo, PerLengthSequenceImpedance, and PowerTransformerInfo can now be specified in the processor config.


  • Enabled voltage processing for CPPAL now that the LV GIS files correctly connect the LV circuit for ISO transformers to the transformer, rather than to the HV primary connector. This processing provides voltages to the LV simplification to ensure they are placed on LV feeders.
  • The network hierarchy can now contain depots between regions and zones. These are not processed in the EWB network model, but no longer break the processing.
  • Equipment above a feeder head is now added to the substation of that feeder, even when subtrans is not loaded.
  • The evolve-sdk now correctly assign AuxiliaryEquipment and ProtectionEquipment to Feeders and LvFeeders.


  • None.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • Generating new database schema.
  • Relocated connection point identifiers (e.g. NMI) to be stored as a 'Name' associated with a UsagePoint rather than as the name of a Location assigned to a Meter.serviceLocation.
  • LV UsagePoint instances that can not find their EnergyConsumer are no longer associated directly to a PowerTransformer. They are now connected via a generated EnergyConsumer via an EquivalentBranch to the LV side of the PowerTransformer
  • Setting EnergySource.isExternalGrid rather than creating EnergySourcePhase instances on external grid sources.
  • White-spacing in feeder names is replaced with an underscore when processing geojson.
  • Updated phase extension to extend downstream first, and not through transformers.
  • The phases of transformer terminals are now corrected based on the transformer type. The terminals on either side of a transformer can now be assigned different phases
  • Added logic to remove incorrect duplicate substation sites when processing EE data.
  • Added logic to reconfigure transformers incorrectly arranged in series to be in parallel when processing EE data.
  • Added logic to prevent saving and assigning EE 'NOCODE' cable type.

New Features

  • The connection point identifier can now be specified via the optional command-line option -cpi, -connection-point-identifier <IDENTIFIER>. If this option is not specified it will default to NMI.
  • Added functionality to assign default values for transformer and lines if possible.
  • Added functionality to run use case validation for the created EWB db.
  • Populating PowerTransformer.function.
  • Unknown phases are now "random" allocated to primary phases.
  • You can now suppress the "missing feeder" warning via the processor config option warnOnMissingFeeder, which defaults to true.
  • Added quality checks with command-line argument --quality-checks for controlling which checks run.
  • Support has been added for importing source impedance values. See --source-impedances command line argument.
  • Added new processor configuration option includeLonelyMeters to control inclusion of meters which do not map to the processed network. Should only be used for limited scope network processing, otherwise it will suppress warnings about meter data quality. See processor configuration help for details.


  • Added logic to spread voltage based on the highest ratedU of PowerTransformerEnds in a voltage level for EE processing.
  • Added logic post-process transformers with more than 2 windings for EE processing:
    • Every N > 2 winding transformer at the HV level, is updated so that only 2 ends are kept, all upstream lines are moved to the primary side of the transformer, and all downstream are moved to the secondary side.
    • Every N > 2 winding transformer at the LV level is removed and the lines that come off of it are connected.
  • Added logic to assign specific default PerLengthSequenceImpedance and WireInfo to service lines for EE data processing.
  • Improved logging of processing so there are no longer times when you are not told what is being processed.
  • CPPAL conductors will now extract generic phases from "no cores" when "phase colour" is not available.


  • Fixed bug that caused PowerElectronicConnections to get assigned incorrect phases when processing EE data.
  • Added missing baseVoltage to PowerTransformerEnds when processing EE data.
  • Updated TransformerEndProcessor logic to assign terminals to ends, it now takes into account the closest voltage instead of the directly adjacent one. This change fixes ends being disconnected when they had their directly adjacent conducting equipment without voltage.
  • Updated simplified lv creation logic to assign the PowerTransformer's lv terminal's phases to its associated EquivalentBranch.


  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Updated to support nullable primitives and latest database schema.
  • Renamed command line configuration option -c (--cable-types) to -tc (--types-config).
  • Extracted cable-type r, x, r0,and x0 values from access-db are now correctly converted to ohm/m.
  • Updated processing of meter mapping files for EE to process a new file which maps transformer-premises-nmis. After this change premises map to UsagePoints and nmis to meters.
New Features
  • You can now import catalog information from a sincal master database. The following tables are supported:
    • StdLine
    • StdTwoWindingTransformer
    • StdThreeWindingTransformer
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • The tool no longer outputs an id-correlations.json file and instead populates the GIS id as additional name against the node or the conductor.
  • Removed prettify json output -p flag used by the id correlations writer.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • Fixed issue where lv switches were not getting flagged as open after the addition of the "realNodes" property to the conductors in lv json files.
  • Fixed issue with photo voltaic units not being extracted from essential data due to incorrect key.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Added functionality to remove vestigial lines connected to transformers in CPPAL data.
New Features
  • Now populating the metadata with the extractor name and version.
  • Added processing for regulator ratings.
  • Now populating susceptance for linear shunt compensators.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • Added low voltage threshold cmdline argument to set the upper limit at which voltage is considered low voltage.
  • PowerTransformerEnds are now created and populated with voltage and rating information if available.
  • Voltages can now be specified in MV and V in addition to kV. Voltages without units will be parsed as V.
  • Voltages of 'LV' and 'service' are now parsed.
  • Added support for neutral phases to the conductor stitcher.
  • The conductor stitching has been fixed to handle an overlapping segment attached to the first connector of a multi segment line.
  • Removed unnecessary warning about SWER voltages with ABC phasing when the extract-phases arg is set to false.
  • Correctly combining multiple candidate phases when stitching conductors.
  • Fixed bug that would cause the gis extractor to replace valid SWER phases (A,B,C) with unknown SWER phases (X).
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Updated PoleData to get the property "LIS_NUMBER" instead of "NEW_POLE_NO".
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • Terminal sequence numbers are now indexed from 1 rather than 0 to be in line with the CIM.
  • ID correlations are now added for usage points.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • Added logic to remove excess white spacing from Pole descriptions.
  • Added phase processing. This can be disabled via the command line using the --extract-phases option.
  • Added phase inference when phase information is clearly wrong. See Notes for details.
  • None.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause HV conducting equipment to have no lngLats and wrong names.
  • Phases will be inferred with the following rules:

    • All segments with a SWER voltage will be marked as SWER.

      e.g. X - X - BR => X - X - X.

    • Segments in the middle of a run that differ from the segments at the end of the run will be changed to match the ends.

      e.g. RWB - BR - BR - RWB => RWB - RWB - RWB - RWB or WB - RWB - WB => WB - WB - WB.

    • Single phase lines will be updated such that all single phases segments match the phases of the tee off.

      e.g. RWB - RW - WB => RWB - RW - RW.


Breaking Changes
  • Now exporting to the CIM version of the database.
New Features
  • Added processing for poles.
  • Added limited support for realNodes. Processes only the first entry if there are multiple.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • No longer creating circuits if the name is the same as a feeder or substation.
  • Improved error message when circuit names do not contain substations.
  • Added support for hv_termination_joint nodes.
  • Correctly identifying head breakers at both ends of parallel feeders.
  • Correctly handling normally open feeders with no distribution side network.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Now exporting to the CIM version of the database (v16.0).
New Features
  • Unused connectors have been removed from feeder breakers.
  • Now populating EHV classes if there is a sub-transmission file included in the source data.
  • Conductor names now use the name plate attribute if it is available.
  • Substation transformers names have been improved.
  • Stopped creating mid-span terminals for stitched conductors when the terminal is unused.
  • We are now correctly detecting conductors with reversed IDs as duplicates.
  • Stopped the conductor stitcher from removing feeder heads when there are errors in the source data.
  • Correctly identifying feeders with dashes in their names and underscores in their filename.
  • Detecting distribution side of a feeder when there are no distribution transformers.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Now exporting to the CIM version of the database (v14.0).
  • Changed the format of the cable types configuration JSON to have the previous array nested in an object with a key of cableTypes. See notes for more details.
New Features
  • Conductor paths are now processed.
  • Added support for processing LV files.
  • Added support for processing sub-transmission files.
  • Operational restrictions can now be extracted via a connection to PowerOn Fusion. Please refer to the documentation for details.
  • None.
  • Voltages are now spread correctly to nodes.
  • Now only collapsing junctions when stitching conductors.
  • Populating feeder names from the hvFeeder field rather than the filename, fixing the names of feeders when there is a date/time in the filename.
  • Cables types configration needs to be updated in the following manor:


Breaking Changes
  • Now exporting to v10.0 of the network database.
New Features
  • None.
  • Removed node to node fake connections.
  • Moved feeder start point to the first node.
  • Removed trailing ",1" from all single segment conductors.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • Voltages can now be specified in MV and V in addition to kV. Voltages without units will be parsed as V.
  • Voltages of 'LV' and 'service' are now parsed.
  • The conductor stitching has been fixed to handle an overlapping segment attached to the first connector of a multi segment line.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Updated PoleData to get the property "LIS_NUMBER" instead of "NEW_POLE_NO".
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • Terminal sequence numbers are now indexed from 1 rather than 0 to be in line with the CIM.
  • ID correlations are now added for usage points.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • Added logic to remove excess white spacing from Pole descriptions.
  • Added phase processing. This can be disabled via the command line using the --extract-phases option.
  • Added phase inference when phase information is clearly wrong. See Notes for details.
  • None.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause HV conducting equipment to have no lngLats and wrong names.
  • Phases will be inferred with the following rules:
    • All segments with a SWER voltage will be marked as SWER.

      e.g. X - X - BR => X - X - X.

    • Segments in the middle of a run that differ from the segments at the end of the run will be changed to match the ends.

      e.g. RWB - BR - BR - RWB => RWB - RWB - RWB - RWB or WB - RWB - WB => WB - WB - WB.

    • Single phase lines will be updated such that all single phases segments match the phases of the tee off.

      e.g. RWB - RW - WB => RWB - RW - RW.


Breaking Changes
  • Now exporting to the CIM version of the database.
New Features
  • Added processing for poles.
  • Added limited support for realNodes. Processes only the first entry if there are multiple.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • No longer creating circuits if the name is the same as a feeder or substation.
  • Improved error message when circuit names do not contain substations.
  • Added support for hv_termination_joint nodes.
  • Correctly identifying head breakers at both ends of parallel feeders.
  • Correctly handling normally open feeders with no distribution side network.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Now exporting to the CIM version of the database (v16.0).
New Features
  • Unused connectors have been removed from feeder breakers.
  • Now populating EHV classes if there is a sub-transmission file included in the source data.
  • Conductor names now use the name plate attribute if it is available.
  • Substation transformers names have been improved.
  • Stopped creating mid-span terminals for stitched conductors when the terminal is unused.
  • We are now correctly detecting conductors with reversed IDs as duplicates.
  • Stopped the conductor stitcher from removing feeder heads when there are errors in the source data.
  • Correctly identifying feeders with dashes in their names and underscores in their filename.
  • Detecting distribution side of a feeder when there are no distribution transformers.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Now exporting to the CIM version of the database (v14.0).
  • Changed the format of the cable types configuration JSON to have the previous array nested in an object with a key of cableTypes. See notes for more details.
New Features
  • Conductor paths are now processed.
  • Added support for processing LV files.
  • Added support for processing sub-transmission files.
  • Operational restrictions can now be extracted via a connection to PowerOn Fusion. Please refer to the documentation for details.
  • None.
  • Voltages are now spread correctly to nodes.
  • Now only collapsing junctions when stitching conductors.
  • Populating feeder names from the hvFeeder field rather than the filename, fixing the names of feeders when there is a date/time in the filename.
  • Cables types configration needs to be updated in the following manor:


Breaking Changes
  • Now exporting to v10.0 of the network database.
New Features
  • None.
  • Removed node to node fake connections.
  • Moved feeder start point to the first node.
  • Removed trailing ",1" from all single segment conductors.
  • None.


Initial release