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Version: 2.18.0

Network Metrics

The GIS Network Extractor outputs network metrics on every run. They are accumulated at EWB-DATA-PATH/metrics.sqlite across multiple runs. The following metrics are emitted:

Metric NameMetric ValueRangeApplicable Containers
EQUIPMENT-CLASS countNumber of equipment of class EQUIPMENT-CLASS (e.g. Junction count)[1, )All
total conductor lengthTotal length of conductor[0.0, )All
TRANSFORMER-FUNCTION transformer countNumber of transformers of function TRANSFORMER-FUNCTION (e.g. voltageRegulator transformer count)[1, )All
transformers without asset info countNumber of transformers without asset info[1, )All
transformers without ends countNumber of transformers without ends[1, )All
transformers with only one end countNumber of transformers with only one end[1, )All
transformers without primary end countNumber of transformers without primary end[1, )All
transformers without secondary end countNumber of transformers without secondary end[1, )All
transformers without primary end voltage countNumber of transformers without primary end voltage[1, )All
transformers without secondary end voltage countNumber of transformers without secondary end voltage[1, )All
feeder countNumber of feeders[1, )SubstationTotal, SubGeographicalRegion, GeographicalRegion, Total
transformers with missing voltages countNumber of transformers missing voltages for primary or secondary end in the source data[1, )All
transformers with unknown voltages countNumber of transformers with a malformed voltage string for one or more ends in the source data[1, )All

For "count" metrics, missing entries indicate that no matching object was found for the container.

EE Source Data Metrics

There is also a set of metrics specific to EE source data:

Metric NameMetric ValueRangeApplicable Containers
failed transformer countNumber of transformers whose name doesn't match regex ^\d{1,2}-.*$[1, )All
psub countNumber of transformers whose name matches regex ^\d{1,2}-PSUB.*$[1, )All
regulator countNumber of transformers whose name matches regex ^\d{1,2}-V.*$[1, )All