Interacting With a Network Model
A NetworkService
is a mutable node breaker network model that implements a subset of IEC61968 and IEC61970 CIM classes.
It is essentially a collection of IdentifiedObject
s, and they may be added and removed as desired.
This tutorial demonstrates how to interact with a network service to add or remove objects, query objects and types, add reference resolvers and names, and connect terminals.
Getting Started
For this example, you will need to import NetworkService
, AcLineSegment
, PerLengthSequenceImpedance
, Switch
, Breaker
, ConductingEquipment
, NameType
, Meter
, EnergySource
, and Terminal
from zepben.evolve
from zepben.evolve import NetworkService, AcLineSegment, PerLengthSequenceImpedance, Switch, Breaker,
ConductingEquipment, NameType, Meter, EnergySource, Terminal
You will also need to import the per_length_sequence_impedance
function from
to be able to run the Resolver part of this tutorial.
from import per_length_sequence_impedance
Once you have imported the required dependencies, create a network service to get started with the examples, as follows:
network = NetworkService()
Example 1: Adding Objects
You can add objects such as Ac Line Segments, Power Transformers, Breakers, Energy Consumers, and many more to a network. A few examples are shown below.
We start by adding a line segment and a breaker to the network model, as follows.
line = AcLineSegment(mrid="acls_123")
breaker = Breaker(mrid="b_456")
Once you have added the objects, you can print the results to confirm if they were successfully added to the network.
print(f"{line} added? {network.add(line)}")
print(f"{breaker} added? {network.add(breaker)}")
Note that you cannot create an object with a duplicate mRID. For instance, in the same network as above example, let us create an EnergyConsumer with a duplicate mRID acls_123
, which has already been assigned to the ACLineSegment created above.
invalid = EnergySource(mrid="acls_123")
print(f"{invalid} added? {network.add(invalid)}")
Example 2: Querying Objects
You can use the get
method to query the network model for an object with the specified mRID.
For example, let us query the AcLineSegment
and Breaker
that we created with mRIDs acls_123
and b_456
, respectively.
print(f"Identified object with mrid acls_123: {network.get('acls_123')}")
print(f"Identified object with mrid b_456: {network.get('b_456')}")
Note that the specified mRID should be genuine and must be in the network model. A KeyError
is raised if no object with the specified mRID is in the network model.
except KeyError as error:
You can also narrow the desired type with the second parameter. In makes the intent clearer, and lets IDEs lint and autocomplete according to the requested type. For example, let us check if the Breaker (from the above examples) is open or closed.
print(f"Switch with mrid b_456 is open? {network.get('b_456', Switch).is_open()}")
Note that a TypeError
is raised if the object exists in the network model, but is not the correct type.
network.get("acls_123", Switch)
except TypeError as error:
Example 3: Query Types
You can use the objects
method to iterate over all objects that inherit a specified type.
In this example, we will query the objects from the network based on their types. From the above example, the network consists of a Breaker and an AcLineSegment.
Let us query the object based on the type Switch. Since a Breaker is the only object in the network model that inherits from the Switch
class, the following must print "Switch: Breaker{b_456}".
for switch in network.objects(Switch):
print(f"Switch: {switch}")
However, since both the Breaker and the AcLineSegment inherit from ConductingEquipment
, the following must print "Conducting equipment: AcLineSegment{acls_123}" and "Conducting equipment: Breaker{b_456}".
for conducting_equipment in network.objects(ConductingEquipment):
print(f"Conducting equipment: {conducting_equipment}")
Remark: Objects generated by network.objects(BaseType) are ordered by the name of their leaf class, so all AcLineSegment
s will appear before all Breaker
You can also count the number of objects that inherits from a specified type using the len_of
method. For exmaple, we can count the number if switches and conducting equipment in the network, as follows.
print(f"Number of switches: {network.len_of(Switch)}")
print(f"Number of conducting equipment: {network.len_of(ConductingEquipment)}")
Example 4: Resolvers
In power system modeling, it is common to represent networks using a collection of identified objects, such as lines, transformers, and impedance elements.
At times, you may encounter scenarios where you need to reconstruct a network model from an unordered collection of these objects.
The NetworkService
provides a convenient way to handle such cases by allowing you to add reference resolvers.
For this tutorial, we will use the power system network created above. The network contains a breaker and a line. Now, we will focus on a specific type of element called PerLengthSequenceImpedance
is typically used with AcLineSegment and contains the sequence impedance and admittance parameters per unit length.
First, we will add a reference resolver to the network. The resolve_or_defer_reference
method can be used to add a reference resolver. It takes two arguments, unresolved object (in this case, a per_length_sequence_impedance element), and a unique identifier for that object (e.g., "plsi_789").
The following will add a reference resolver for the per_length_sequence_impedance associated with the AcLineSegment (line) created in above examples.
network.resolve_or_defer_reference(per_length_sequence_impedance(line), "plsi_789")
Now that you have added the unresolved reference, let us check whether there are any unresolved references in the network, as follows:
print(f"Network has unresolved references? {network.has_unresolved_references()}")
print(f"plsi_789 has unresolved references? {network.has_unresolved_references('plsi_789')}")
You can also count the number of unresolved references (if required). The num_unresolved_references
method can be used as follows to count the number of unresolved references.
print(f"Number of unresolved references to plsi_789: {network.num_unresolved_references('plsi_789')}")
print(f"Total unresolved references: {network.num_unresolved_references()}")
Once you have the necessary information, you can add the corresponding objects to the network. In this case, we're adding a PerLengthSequenceImpedance
with an identifier "plsi_789":
You can verify that the reference resolution was successful by checking the unresolved references again. If the reference resolution was successful, you should get zero unresolved references.
Example 5: Connecting Terminals
In power system modeling, it is essential to establish connectivity between different terminals in a network.
Terminals in a NetworkService
can be connected using the connect_terminals
This tutorial will guide you through the process of connecting terminals and creating connectivity nodes. First, let us create instances of the Terminal class with unique identifiers (mRIDs) and add them to the network.
t1, t2, t3 = Terminal(mrid="t1"), Terminal(mrid="t2"), Terminal(mrid="t3")
Use the connect_terminals
method to automatically create a connectivity node between the specified terminals, unless one of the terminals is already assigned to a connectivity node.
network.connect_terminals(t1, t2)
After connecting terminals, you can access the connectivity node and its associated terminals. The following will print the connectivity node's identifier and the terminals associated with it.
cn = t1.connectivity_node
print(f"Connected to node {cn}:")
for terminal in cn.terminals:
You can also connect a terminal to a connectivity node using its mRID. This is achieved with the connect_by_mrid
network.connect_by_mrid(t3, cn.mrid)
After connecting the third terminal to the connectivity node, verify the connectivity node and its terminals. The following will print the updated list of terminals associated with the connectivity node.
print(f"Connected to node {cn}:")
for terminal in cn.terminals:
Example 6: Managing Names in a Network Model
In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the NetworkService to manage names in a network model. Names are associated with identified objects, and each name has a specific type. We'll focus on the example of adding National Meter Identifier (NMI) names to meters in the network model.
To get started with this example, create two instances of the Meter class as follows:
meter1 = Meter()
meter2 = Meter()
Now, create a NameType
for "NMI" (National Meter Identifier) with a description.
Then, associate the NMI names with the meters using the get_or_add_name
name_type = NameType(name="NMI", description="National Meter Identifier")
name_type.get_or_add_name("987654321", meter1)
name_type.get_or_add_name("546372819", meter2)
Add the NameType to the network model using the add_name_type
method. Finally, display the assigned names and available name types.
for name in network.get_name_type("NMI").names:
print(f"NMI name {} is assigned to {name.identified_object}")
for name_type in network.name_types:
print(f"Network has name type {name_type}")
Example 7: Removing Objects
This tutorial covers the usage of the remove
method in the NetworkService class to remove objects from a network model.
The remove
method allows you to remove identified objects based on their type and mRID.
To get started with this example, ensure that you have imported the required dependencies and have created a 'network' using the instance of a NetworkService
We will use the name network that we have created for the above examples and will use the remove
method to remove the instances of Line, Breaker and a PerLengthSequenceImpedance.
- Remove Line
print(f"{line} removed successfully.")
- Remove Breaker
print(f"{breaker} removed successfully.")
- Remove PerLengthSequenceImpedance
plsi = PerLengthSequenceImpedance(mrid="plsi_789")
print(f"{plsi} removed successfully.")
Note that the remove
method will raise a KeyError if the object is not found in the network model.
Therefore, it is important to handle the exception to provide a meaningfully feedback to the user.
In the following exercise, we will try to remove the Line
again (which was already removed).
except KeyError as error:
print(f"Error: {error}. The specified object was not found in the network model.")