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Release History

0.37.014 November 2023
0.36.029 September 2023
0.35.006 September 2023
0.34.024 October 2022
0.33.024 October 2022
0.32.029 August 2022
0.29.014 June 2022
0.28.007 June 2022
0.27.003 March 2022
0.26.007 December 2021
0.25.023 September 2021
0.24.020 August 2021
0.23.016 August 2021
0.22.012 February 2021
0.21.017 December 2020
0.20.014 December 2020
0.19.014 December 2020
0.18.014 December 2020
0.17.011 December 2020
0.16.011 December 2020
0.15.027 November 2020
0.14.027 November 2020
0.13.017 November 2020
0.12.017 November 2020
0.11.004 November 2020
0.10.002 November 2020
0.9.002 November 2020
0.8.030 October 2020
0.7.030 October 2020
0.6.029 October 2020
0.5.029 October 2020

NOTE: This library is not yet stable, and breaking changes should be expected until a 1.0.0 release.


Breaking Changes

    • Updated to evolve-grpc 0.26.0.

New Features

  • PowerTransformerEnd now supports multiple ratings based on cooling types attached to the transformer. Use new add_rating and get_rating methods.
    • See notes section for deprecation information of rated_s.
  • Added new classes:
    • TapChangerControl
    • EvChargingUnit
    • RegulatingControl
  • Added new fields:
    • Equipment.commissioned_date
    • UsagePoint
      • rated_power
      • approved_inverter_capacity
    • ProtectionEquipment
      • directable
      • power_direction
    • CurrentRelayInfo.reclose_delays
    • DER register fields on PowerElectronicsConnection
  • Added new enums
    • PowerDirectionKind
    • RegulatingControlModeKind
    • TransformerCoolingType


  • Update docusaurus and its configuration.


  • None.


  • Setting PowerTransformerEnd.rated_s directly has been deprecated. You should now use add_rating and get_rating to set a rated_s alongside a defined TransformerCoolingType if one is known. By default the coolingType will be UNKNOWN.


Breaking Changes

  • None.

New Features

  • Support using Azure Entra ID as an auth provider
  • Added support for connecting to EWB utilising Azure managed identities. Use the new function connect_with_identity()


  • None.


  • None.


  • None.


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the module for GrpcChannelBuilder from channel_builder to grpc_channel_builder.

  • GrpcChannelBuilder().make_secure now takes filenames instead of bytestrings. The order of the parameters has also been changed: private_key now comes after certificate_chain.

    • This changes also applies to any TLS parameters in connect_* functions.
  • GrpcChannelBuilder().socket_address has been renamed to for_address.

  • GrpcChannelBuilder().token_fetcher has been renamed to with_token_fetcher.

  • Refactored AuthTokenPlugin to a separate module.

  • Removed deprecated connect and connect_async functions. They have been replaced with several simpler functions, e.g. connect_with_password.

  • Changed connect_with_secret and connect_with_password parameters:

    • The address of the authentication config is now specified with a single parameter: conf_address.
    • Added optional parameters verify_conf and verify_auth, which are passed through to requests.get and requests.put when fetching the authentication config and requesting access tokens respectively.
    • ca is replaced with ca_filename, which can be set to the filename of a CA to use when verifying the certificate of the gRPC service.
  • Refactored TreeNode class to its own submodule:

  • Renamed FeederDirection.has to FeederDirection.__contains__, which can be used via its operator version in. e.g. BOTH.has(DOWNSTREAM) can be replaced with BOTH.__contains__(DOWNSTREAM) or DOWNSTREAM in BOTH

  • Removed deprecated function NetworkConsumerClient.get_feeder.

  • Refactored the following Switch descendant classes to their own submodules in zepben.evolve.model.cim.iec61970.base.wires:

    • Breaker moved to breaker
    • Disconnector moved to disconnector
    • Fuse moved to fuse
    • Jumper moved to jumper
    • LoadBreakSwitch moved to load_break_switch
    • ProtectedSwitch moved to protected_switch
    • Recloser moved to recloser

    Note that from zepben.evolve import <ClassName> will still work as usual for all of the above classes.

  • DatabaseReader().load is now an asynchronous function.

  • The addition of the mrid and connectivity_node_mrid arguments to the TestNetworkBuilder functions has changed the position of the action argument. If you are using positional arguments you will need to add action= before your actions if you do not specify your own mRIDs.

  • will no longer set directions for feeders with a head terminal on an open switch. It is expected these feeders are either placeholder feeders with no meaningful equipment, or are energised from another feeder which will set the directions from the other end.

New Features

  • Added support for current transformers and power transformers with the following classes in zepben.evolve.cim.*:
    • In zepben.evolve.cim.iec61968.infiec61968.infassetinfo:
      • CurrentTransformerInfo: Properties of current transformer asset.
      • PotentialTransformerInfo: Properties of potential transformer asset.
    • In zepben.evolve.cim.iec61968.infiec61968.infcommon:
      • Ratio: Fraction specified explicitly with a numerator and denominator, which can be used to calculate the quotient.
    • In zepben.evolve.cim.iec61970.base.auxiliaryequipment:
      • CurrentTransformer: Instrument transformer used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored.
      • PotentialTransformer: Instrument transformer (also known as Voltage Transformer) used to measure electrical qualities of the circuit that is being protected and/or monitored.
      • PotentialTransformerKind: The construction kind of the potential transformer. (Enum)
      • Sensor: This class describes devices that transform a measured quantity into signals that can be presented at displays, used in control or be recorded.
  • Added PowerTransformer().get_end_by_terminal, which gets a PowerTransformerEnd by the Terminal it's connected to.
  • Added the following functions to for creating traces that work on ConductingEquipment, and ignore phase connectivity, instead considering things to be connected if they share a ConnectivityNode:
    • new_normal_downstream_equipment_trace: Creates a trace that traverses in the downstream direction using the normal state of the network.
    • new_normal_upstream_equipment_trace: Creates a trace that traverses in the upstream direction using the normal state of the network.
    • new_current_downstream_equipment_trace: Creates a trace that traverses in the downstream direction using the current state of the network.
    • new_current_upstream_equipment_trace: Creates a trace that traverses in the upstream direction using the current state of the network.
  • Added support for protection equipment with the following classes, enums, and fields:
    • SwitchInfo: Switch datasheet information.
    • ProtectionEquipment: An electrical device designed to respond to input conditions in a prescribed manner and after specified conditions are met to cause contact operation or similar abrupt change in associated electric control circuits, or simply to display the detected condition.
    • CurrentRelay: A device that checks current flow values in any direction or designated direction.
    • CurrentRelayInfo: Current relay datasheet information.
    • ProtectionKind: The kind of protection being provided by this protection equipment.
    • ProtectedSwitch().breaking_capacity: The maximum fault current in amps a breaking device can break safely under prescribed conditions of use.
    • ProtectedSwitch().operated_by_protection_equipment: The collection of ProtectionEquipment operating the ProtectedSwitch.
    • Switch().rated_current: The maximum continuous current carrying capacity in amps governed by the device material and construction. The attribute shall be a positive value.
    • Breaker().in_transit_time: The transition time from open to close in seconds.
  • Added getCustomersForContainer to CustomerConsumerClient which allows fetching all the Customers for a given EquipmentContainer
  • Added getDiagramObjects to DiagramConsumerClient which allows fetching all the DiagramObjects matching a given mRID.
  • Traversal has two new helper methods:
    • if_not_stopping: Adds a step action that is only called if the traversal is not stopping on the item.
    • if_stopping: Adds a step action that is only called if the traversal is stopping on the item.


  • tracker is now a field in Traversal, rather than its subclasses.
  • The constructor for BranchRecursiveTraversal now defaults the process_queue field to depth_first().
  • TreeNode is now more closely aligned with its Kotlin version:
    • TreeNode().parent is now a read-only property.
    • TreeNode().children has been added as a read-only property that yields each child node.
    • TreeNode().sort_weight has been added as a read-only property that returns the sort weight of the node.
  • All Tracker classes can now be copied using the copy method.
  • Added FeederDirection.__not__ operator function.
  • Performance enhancement for when traversing elements with single terminals.
  • Added support for LV2 transformers.
  • Improved logging when saving a database.
  • The TestNetworkBuilder has been enhanced with the following features:
    • You can now set the ID's without having to create a customer 'other' creator.
    • Added Kotlin wrappers for .fromOther and .toOther that allow you to pass a class type rather than a creator. e.g. .toOther<Fuse>() instead of .toOther(::Fuse) or .toOther( { Fuse(it) } ).
    • Added inbuilt support for PowerElectronicsConnection and EnergyConsumer
    • The to* and connect functions can specify the connectivity node mRID to use. This will only be used if the terminals are not already connected.
  • Added + and - operators to PhaseCode and SinglePhaseKind.


  • StreetDetail.to_cim now references the protobuf -> CIM translation function for the StreetDetail protobuf type.
  • PerLengthImpedance.to_cim now references the protobuf -> CIM translation function for the PerLengthImpedance protobuf type.
  • ZepbenTokenFetcher now includes the refresh token in token refresh requests.
  • Fixed connectivity traces.
  • Fixed bug where running a limited connected equipment trace with maximum_steps=1 included equipment two steps away from the starting equipment if feeder_direction is set.
  • Each stop condition of a traversal is now checked on each step, regardless if a previous one in the internal list has returned True.
  • Add normal_upstream_trace, current_upstream_trace, and phase_inferrer to __all__ in
  • Added missing run method for DownstreamTree.
  • Added missing TreeNodeTracker.
  • Classes in the* submodules may now be imported from zepben.evolve.
  • Add normal_upstream_trace, current_upstream_trace, and phase_inferrer to __all__ in
  • Stopped the NetworkConsumerClient from resolving the equipment of an EquipmentContainer when resolving references. Equipment for containers must always be explicitly requested by the client.
  • Asking for the traced phases as a phase code when there are no nominal phases no longer throws.
  • Feeder directions are now stopped at substation transformers in the same way as assigning equipment incase the feeder has no breaker, or the start point is not inline.


  • None.


This is a re-release to ensure we're using a released version of zepben.protobuf. There is no notable difference to 0.33.0.


Breaking Changes

  • Renamed the following classes to be consistent with the JVM implementation:
    • Traversal to BasicTraversal
    • BaseTraversal to Traversal
    • Tracker to BasicTracker
    • BaseTracker to Tracker
  • Renamed the following functions to be consistent with the JVM implementation:
    • Traversal.trace to
    • Terminal.get_other_terminals to Terminal.other_terminals
  • Replaced Equipment().current_feeders with Equipment().current_containers, which yields EquipmentContainer's instead Feeder's.
  • Changed the AssignToFeeders trace to stop at and exclude LV equipment, which should now be added to the new LvFeeder object.
  • In the module, renamed assign_equipment_container_to_feeders to assign_equipment_to_feeders.
  • Database versions prior to v43 are no longer supported.

New Features

  • Added LvFeeder, a branch of LV network starting at a distribution substation and continuing until the end of the LV network.
  • Added the following optional arguments to NetworkConsumerClient().get_equipment(_for)_container(s):
    • include_energizing_containers: Specifies whether to include equipment from containers energizing the ones listed in mrids. This is of the enum type IncludedEnergizingContainers, which has three possible values:
      • EXCLUDE_ENERGIZING_CONTAINERS: No additional effect (default).
      • INCLUDE_ENERGIZING_FEEDERS: Include HV/MV feeders that power LV feeders listed in mrids.
      • INCLUDE_ENERGIZING_SUBSTATIONS: In addition to INCLUDE_ENERGIZING_FEEDERS, include substations that energize a HV/MV feeder listed in mrids or included via INCLUDE_ENERGIZING_FEEDERS.
    • include_energized_containers: Specifies whether to include equipment from containers energized by the ones listed in mrids. This is of the enum type IncludedEnergizedContainers, which has three possible values:
      • EXCLUDE_ENERGIZED_CONTAINERS: No additional effect (default).
      • INCLUDE_ENERGIZED_FEEDERS: Include HV/MV feeders powered by substations listed in mrids.
      • INCLUDE_ENERGIZED_LV_FEEDERS: In addition to INCLUDE_ENERGIZED_FEEDERS, include LV feeders that are energizes by a HV/MV feeder listed in mrids or included via INCLUDE_ENERGIZED_FEEDERS.
  • Added the method NetworkConsumerClient().get_equipment_for_containers, which is similar to NetworkConsumerClient().get_equipment_for_container but acts on multiple containers.
  • Added FindSwerEquipment class which can be used for finding the SWER equipment in a NetworkService or Feeder.


  • None.


  • PhaseCode.num_phases now correctly returns the number of single phases in a phase code.
  • Fixed issue where PowerTransformer().ends was sometimes incorrectly ordered after Protobuf-to-CIM translation.


  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Renamed the following classes to be consistent with the JVM implementation:
    • Traversal to BasicTraversal
    • BaseTraversal to Traversal
    • Tracker to BasicTracker
    • BaseTracker to Tracker
  • Renamed the following functions to be consistent with the JVM implementation:
    • Traversal.trace to
    • Terminal.get_other_terminals to Terminal.other_terminals
New Features
  • None
  • Improved performance for bus branch creation.
  • Added the following functions to be consistent with the JVM implementation:
    • Terminal.connected_terminals
  • PhaseStepTracker now reports strict subsets of visited phases as visited.
  • Base voltages are no longer pulled from switches when creating nodes in BusBranchNetworkCreator
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None
New Features
  • None
  • Updated zepben.protobuf which includes version 1.46.3 of grpcio and grpcio-tools, plus version 4.21.1 of protobuf, enabling support for M1 macs and significant performance improvements.
  • None
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • queue_next functions now take an item and a Traversal, and they now hold the responsibility of adding the next items to the traversal's queue.
  • Removed get_connectivity and get_connected_equipment from Use connected_terminals and connected_equipment instead.
  • Moved PhaseSelector definition to
New Features
  • Allow specification of timeout for CimConsumerClients
  • Added the following traces to process a NetworkService, which can be accessed via the tracing package:
    • SetPhases
    • RemovePhases
    • SetDirection
    • RemoveDirection
    • PhaseInferrer
  • Added new connect_tls() helper function for connecting to TLS secured EWB with no auth.
  • Added new connect_with_secret() helper function for connecting to a secure EWB server with a client id and secret.
  • BusBranchNetworkCreator logic updated so that the factory methods for topological_branches, equivalent_branches, and power_transformers get the topological nodes passed in as arguments sorted by feeder_direction.
  • connect_with_password() now works
  • SetPhases now supports setting backwards through XN/XY transformers.
  • TestNetworkBuilder now assigns equipment to feeders if there are any feeders present.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Removed CIM gRPC producers.
  • Added support for EquivalentBranches in BusBranchNetworkCreator.
  • TownDetail fields are now nullable.
  • Simplified connect and connect_async by refactoring optional settings (e.g. password authentication) to other functions. These functions are now deprecated.
  • Use asyncio for gRPC from the newest update of grpcio and grpcio-tool.
  • Renamed PhaseDirection to FeederDirection:
    • IN renamed to UPSTREAM
    • OUT renamed to DOWNSTREAM
  • Separated feeder direction from phase.
    • Direction has been removed from TracedPhases and is now accessed directly off the Terminal.
    • Direction has been removed from PhaseStatus and is now accessed via DirectionStatus.
  • Renamed NetworkService.add_connectivitynode to NetworkService.add_connectivity_node
New Features
  • Implemented database module for persisting to sqlite database.
  • Added PhaseCodes:
    • s1
    • s2
  • Added SinglePhaseKinds:
    • s1
    • s1N
    • s12
    • s12N
    • s2
    • s2N
  • Added the following CIM classes/enums:
    • TransformerConstructionKind
    • TransformerFunctionKind
    • StreetDetail
  • Added the following PowerTransformer fields:
    • construction_kind: TransformerConstructionKind
    • function: TransformerFunctionKind
  • Added the following StreetAddress fields:
    • po_box: str
    • street_detail: Optional[StreetDetail]
  • Added the following EnergySource fields:
    • is_external_grid: bool
    • r_min: Optional[float]
    • rn_min: Optional[float]
    • r0_min: Optional[float]
    • x_min: Optional[float]
    • xn_min: Optional[float]
    • x0_min: Optional[float]
    • r_max: Optional[float]
    • rn_max: Optional[float]
    • r0_max: Optional[float]
    • x_max: Optional[float]
    • xn_max: Optional[float]
    • x0_max: Optional[float]
  • Added TestNetworkBuilder which can be used to create simple test networks.
  • Reworked phase connectivity to better handle unknown primary phases (X/Y).
  • You can now get a PhaseCode representation from traced phases if it is valid.
  • Updated gRPC to fix support for latest LetsEncrypt certificates.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Added secure flag to connect() and connect_async() that defaults to False. This flag needs to be True when a secure connection is required or credentials are used.
New Features
  • Added CIM class ShuntCompensatorInfo
  • None.
  • Fixed bug that would cause bus-branch creation mappings to be shared between bus-branch creation result instances.
  • connect() and connect_async() will now use the OS CA bundle by default if no ca is specified.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Location.points no longer provides an enumerated generator over PositionPoints.
  • NetworkHierarchy has been updated to use CIM classes.
  • get_feeder has been deprecated. Prefer the use of the more generic get_equipment_container.
  • get_identified_object now returns a ValueError error if the requested object does not exist rather than a null successful result.
  • Renamed get_terminals_for_connectivitynode to get_terminals_for_connectivity_node in NetworkConsumerClient.
  • Renamed value to objects in MultiObjectResult.
  • All CimConsumerClient implementations have been changed to control a single service rather than one per call.
  • All SDK methods that retrieve objects with references will now request the network hierarchy first to provide a consistent result, regardless of call order.
  • Changed to be a string and removed DiagramObjectStyle enum.
  • Updated to use v0.15.0 gRPC protocols.
New Features
  • Added the following CIM classes:
    • BusbarSection
    • EquivalentBranch
    • EquivalentEquipment
    • Name
    • NameType
    • NoLoadTest
    • LoadBreakSwitch
    • OpenCircuitTest
    • ShortCircuitTest
    • TransformerEndInfo
    • TransformerStarImpedance
    • TransformerTankInfo
    • TransformerTest
  • Example simple bus branch network added in zepben.evolve.examples.simple_bus_branch.
  • Helper factory methods for AcLineSegment, Junction (Bus), PowerTransformer, EnergySource, and EnergyConsumer added to NetworkService and available through
  • Added utility function to generate bus-branch models from a NetworkService.
  • Passing token for authorization of connection to authenticated gRPC server.
  • Added API calls for getting loops.
  • Added isVirtual and connectionCategory to UsagePoint
  • [tests] created with similar hypothesis derived functionality to pb_creators, and can be used to quickly build fake data for testing.
  • NetworkHierarchy now contains circuits and loops.
  • You can now pass object instances rather than just mRID's to service functions used to populate those objects (e.g. get_equipment_for_container).
  • get_identified_objects now adds unknown mRIDs to the failed collection.
  • Fixed typing issues on all services.
  • Circuits now correctly link to loops when received via gRPC.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • ConnectivityResult init signature has slight changes to simplify use.
  • Removed NetworkProtoToCim. Use NetworkService.add_from_pb directly instead.
  • UUID is no longer a supported type for IdentifiedObject.mRID, use a string representation instead.
  • get_unresolved_reference_mrids has now been replaced by get_unresolved_references_from and get_unresolved_references_to, which return UnresolvedReferences
New Features
  • AssignToFeeders and AssociatedTerminalTrace are now available for use.
  • PowerTransformerInfo class added. A PowerTransformer may have a PowerTransformerInfo as its asset_info.
  • BaseService now has two mappings over UnresolvedReference, via the to_mrid and the from objects mrid, and two functions have been added:
    • get_unresolved_references_from(mrid): Allows fetching all UnresolvedReferences from mrid
    • get_unresolved_references_to(mrid): Allows fetching all UnresolvedReferences pointing to mrid
  • NetworkConsumerClient has 4 new functions:
    • For fetching equipment for an EquipmentContainer

      get_equipment_for_container(service: NetworkService, mrid: str)         
    • For fetching current equipment for a Feeder

      get_current_equipment_for_feeder(service: NetworkService, mrid: str)
    • For fetching equipment for an OperationalRestriction

      get_equipment_for_restriction(service: NetworkService, mrid: str)
    • For fetching terminals for a ConnectivityNode

      get_terminals_for_connectivity_node(service: NetworkService, mrid: str)
  • NetworkConsumerClient.get_feeder() now resolves all references, and thus you can expect to receive a Feeder with all equipment and their associations populated.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Re-ordered the internal modules. If you were previously importing from something other than the top-level module (zepben.evolve), it's likely these imports will no longer work. You should change all your imports to only import from zepben.evolve.
New Features
  • Added MeasurementProducerClient for streaming measurements. Currently experimental and API will definitely change.
  • Added PowerTransformerInfo class to be used as asset_info for PowerTransformers.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • CimProducerClient and subclasses now works as expected - error_handlers are now able to be passed in.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • Renamed top level package from zepben.cimbend to zepben.evolve


Breaking Changes
  • connect and connect_async no longer yield a [Sync]WorkbenchConnection, which has been deprecated, and now yield a gRPC Channel, which can be used to create the new consumer/producer clients listed below.
New Features
  • The gRPC api now matches evolve-sdk-jvm (with some additions). Notably, there are consumer clients and producer clients, and each have an asyncio compatible version and a synchronous version (prefixed with Sync). Each version exposes the same API.

    New consumer client classes:

    • NetworkConsumerClient and SyncNetworkConsumerClient
    • CustomerConsumerClient and SyncCustomerConsumerClient
    • DiagramConsumerClient and SyncDiagramConsumerClient

    New producer client classes:

    • NetworkProducerClient and SyncNetworkProducerClient
    • CustomerProducerClient and SyncCustomerProducerClient
    • DiagramProducerClient and SyncDiagramProducerClient
    • ProducerClient - A wrapper around the above 3 clients to support sending to each service simultaneously.
  • Aligned with evolve-sdk-jvm.
  • Lots.
  • Some tracing functionality is still missing compared to the jvm sdk.


Breaking Changes
  • connect() and connect_async() now return a gRPC Channel rather than a [Sync]WorkbenchConnection which is now deprecated. Instead you should use this Channel to create a subclass of the CimConsumerClient or CimProducerClient. (see new features).
New Features
  • Consumer and Producer gRPC streaming APIs have been enhanced. All gRPC based streaming should be done through the following classes:
    - `NetworkConsumerClient`
    - `NetworkProducerClient`
    - `DiagramConsumerClient`
    - `DiagramProducerClient`
    - `CustomerConsumerClient`
    - `CustomerProducerClient`
    All consumers implement get_identified_object() and get_identified_objects() NetworkConsumerClient also has get_network_hierarchy(), get_feeder(), retrieve_network(). See their pydoc for more info.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes
  • None.
New Features
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Initial github release of the evolve protobuf and gRPC definitions.