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Class Description

Offer to supply energy/ancillary services from a load resource (participating load reduces consumption).


dropRampRateActivePowerChangeRateMaximum rate that load can be reduced (MW/minute)
loadRedInitiationCostMoneyload reduction initiation cost
loadRedInitiationTimeFloatload reduction initiation time
marketDateDateTimeThe date represents the NextMarketDate for which the load response bids apply to.
meteredValueBooleanFlag indicated that the load reduction is metered. (See above)
If priceSetting and meteredValue both equal 1, then the facility is eligible to set LMP in the real time market.
minLoadActivePowerMinimum MW load below which it may not be reduced.
minLoadReductionActivePowerMinimum MW for a load reduction (e.g. MW rating of a discrete pump.
minLoadReductionCostMoneyCost in $ at the minimum reduced load
minLoadReductionIntervalFloatShortest period load reduction shall be maintained before load can be restored to normal levels.
minTimeBetLoadRedFloatShortest time that load shall be left at normal levels before a new load reduction.
pickUpRampRateActivePowerChangeRateMaximum rate load may be restored (MW/minute)
priceSettingBooleanFlag to indicate that the facility can set LMP Works in tandem with Metered Value. Greater chance of this being dynamic than the Metered Value, however, it is requested that Price Setting and Metered Value stay at the same source. Currently no customers have implemented the metering capability, but if this option is implemented, then Price Setting could become dynamic. However, Metered Value will remain static.
reqNoticeTimeFloatTime period that is required from an order to reduce a load to the time that it takes to get to the minimum load reduction.
shutdownCostMoneyThe fixed cost associated with committing a load reduction.




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description