Class Description
Defines self schedule values to be used for specified time intervals.
Name | Type | Description |
balancingFlag | YesNo | This is a Y/N flag for a self-schedule of a resource per market per date and hour, using a specific TR ID. It indicates whether a self-schedule using a TR is balanced with another self-schedule using the same TR ID. |
bidType | BidTypeRMR | bidType has two types as the required output of requirements and qualified pre-dispatch. |
priorityFlag | YesNo | This is a Y/N flag for a self-schedule of a resource per market per date and hour, using a specific TR ID. It indicates whether a self-schedule using a TR has scheduling priority in DAM/RTM. |
pumpSelfSchedMw | Float | Contains the PriceTaker, ExistingTransmissionContract, TransmissionOwnershipRights pumping self schedule quantity. If this value is not null, then the unit is in pumping mode. |
referenceType | SelfSchedReferenceType | Indication of which type of self schedule is being referenced. |
selfSchedMw | Float | Self scheduled value |
selfSchedSptResource | String | Price Taker Export Self Sched Support Resource |
selfSchedType | MarketProductSelfSchedType | This attribute is used to specify if a bid includes a self sched bid. If so what self sched type is it. The possible values are shown as follow but not limited to: 'ETC' - Existing transmission contract 'TOR' - Transmission ownership right 'RMR' - Reliability must run 'RGMR' - Regulatory must run "RMT" - Relaiability must take "PT" - Price taker "LPT" - Low price taker "SP" - Self provision "RA" - Resource adequacy This attribute is originally defined in the BidSelfSched class |
updateType | MQSCHGType | |
wheelingTransactionReference | String | A unique identifier of a wheeling transaction. A wheeling transaction is a balanced Energy exchange among Supply and Demand Resources. |
No descendent classes
Source Class | Source Cardinality | Target | Target Cardinality | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
BidSelfSched | 0..* | ContractRight | 0..1 | BidSelfSched | TransmissionContractRight | ||
BidSelfSched | 0..* | AdjacentCASet | 0..1 | BidSelfSched | AdjacentCASet | ||
BidSelfSched | 0..* | HostControlArea | 0..1 | BidSelfSched | HostControlArea | ||
BidSelfSched | 0..* | SubControlArea | 0..1 | BidSelfSched | SubControlArea | ||
BidSelfSched | 0..* | ProductBid | 1 | BidSelfSched | ProductBid |