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Class Description

Pole asset.


baseKindPoleBaseKindKind of base for this pole.
breastBlockBooleanTrue if a block of material has been attached to base of pole in ground for stability. This technique is used primarily when anchors can not be used.
classificationStringPole class: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, H1, H2, Other, Unknown.
constructionStringThe framing structure mounted on the pole.
diameterLengthDiameter of the pole.
jpaReferenceStringJoint pole agreement reference number.
lengthLengthLength of the pole (inclusive of any section of the pole that may be underground post-installation).
preservativeKindPolePreservativeKindKind of preservative for this pole.
speciesTypeStringPole species. Aluminum, Aluminum Davit, Concrete, Fiberglass, Galvanized Davit, Galvanized, Steel Davit Primed, Steel Davit, Steel Standard Primed, Steel, Truncated, Wood-Treated, Wood-Hard, Wood-Salt Treated, Wood-Soft, Wood, Other, Unknown.
treatedDateTimeDateTimeDate and time pole was last treated with preservative.
treatmentKindPoleTreatmentKindKind of treatment for this pole.




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
Pole0..1Streetlight0..*PolePole to which thiss streetlight is attached.StreetlightsAll streetlights attached to this pole.