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Query Network State Client

The QueryNetworkStateClient will allow you to interact with a server running the QueryNetworkStateService. It provides an object-oriented wrapper for the gRPC library, with the ability to retrieve information about the state of the network. This is done with the following 3 steps:

  1. Create a gRPC connection to the server.
  2. Create an instance of the QueryNetworkStateClient using your gRPC connection.
  3. Use your QueryNetworkStateClient to retrieve the state of the network.
  4. Use your QueryNetworkStateClient to report the status of applying the state of the network.

Creating a gRPC channel

The channel gRPC channel can be directly from the gRPC library, or using our GrpcChannelBuilder helper. At its most basic, this can be achieved with:

from zepben.evolve import GrpcChannelBuilder

channel = GrpcChannelBuilder().for_address(host, port).build()

For more in depth options for using a gRPC channel, see the gRPC documentation, or look up a tutorial.

Using a gRPC channel with your client

Using your gRPC channel with the QueryNetworkStateClient is as simple as passing it to the constructor.

from zepben.evolve import QueryNetworkStateClient

client = QueryNetworkStateClient(channel)

Using your client to query the network state

Now that you have a client, you can use it to query the state of the network on the connected server.

Querying current network state

The current state of the network between two date/times can be retrieved using the get_current_states function on the QueryNetworkStateClient.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

async for events in client.get_current_states(1, - timedelta(days=1),
# process the list of events here.

Sending current network state statuses

When applying the current state of the network, you should send a status response to report how the update went.
